Is she crazy?

So today I was talking with my MIL about the problem I have of looking smaller than I weigh and having girls that weigh less look bigger. I told her that I felt I was always going to be heavier even if I was looked smaller. Does that make sense? Well this is what she said, "look Mariany I'm going to tell you something, you are never going to be the weight you are supposed to be. You have been opened up (cystectomy at 6months preg/c-section) too many times and air got in your stomach and that is not going to let you ever get there. Yea you will lose some weight and then it's going to stop"

I was in shock. How can you tell someone that? Is it because she being naive? Is she mad because she gave up on her weight loss one week in and said she couldn't do it because she is diabetic? Is she jealous?

She had been trying and trying to make me break my lifestyle change but I told her she could keep trying that it wasn't going to happen. She eventually gave up and was being kind of supportive saying I look smaller and things like that. Now it changed.

Ugh, I just don't understand.


  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Sounds like she needs an excuse for her own shortcomings.... imho
  • teagan911
    I have had 4 c sections. I'm 5'4" 122 lbs. size 3 jeans. I garauntee you that you can lose the weight and shrink your body.
  • pornstarzombie
    Air? Seriously? Wow. Yes, I think she's being petty and mean and she probably wants you to give up so she doesn't feel as bad for not being able to stick with something.

    Just nod and smile, and go about doing what you need to do. MILs suck sometimes.
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    Did you tell her that your tummy is full of as much air as her head is?

    Haha, sorry.

    She's being silly. Sounds like you're going to have to develop some hefty selective hearing around her. =\
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    Seriously I think her head is full of air. I think next time I'm just going to ignore it and not take it to heart or I'm just not going to talk to her about it. Thanks ladies!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    So today I was talking with my MIL about the problem I have of looking smaller than I weigh and having girls that weigh less look bigger. I told her that I felt I was always going to be heavier even if I was looked smaller. Does that make sense? Well this is what she said, "look Mariany I'm going to tell you something, you are never going to be the weight you are supposed to be. You have been opened up (cystectomy at 6months preg/c-section) too many times and air got in your stomach and that is not going to let you ever get there. Yea you will lose some weight and then it's going to stop"

    I was in shock. How can you tell someone that? Is it because she being naive? Is she mad because she gave up on her weight loss one week in and said she couldn't do it because she is diabetic? Is she jealous?

    She had been trying and trying to make me break my lifestyle change but I told her she could keep trying that it wasn't going to happen. She eventually gave up and was being kind of supportive saying I look smaller and things like that. Now it changed.

    Ugh, I just don't understand.
    It's 2012 and people actually believe stuff like this?
  • TurnLeftNow
    It's possible she is just stupid and actually believes that.

    My mom has a neighbor who is a bit on the older side. She came over to give us some milk they had gotten from the food bank. She refuses to drink milk because "milk makes you gain weight". I thought she was joking but apparently she believes this 100%.

    Some people believe stupid things.
  • Fatloosa
    I am 56 and have heard some strange excuxes over the years for people not losing weight, they all want to blame it on some medical fornomminum.99.999999% of the time it is nothing medical at all just the normal More Calories In, than are being Burned.
    Here are some of the excuses I've heard but I've never heard of the air in the belly one lol:laugh:

    I'm big boned.
    I don't eat anything.
    It runs in the family.
    It's my metabolic rate.
    I've bought it so I'm going to eat it.
    If I exercise I put on weight.
    You must eat lots on your period days.
    We use to be bears so must put on weight for the winter.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Did you tell her that your tummy is full of as much air as her head is?
    This was perfect, lol
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Early onset dementia?

    I have had 1 c section - 1 natural.
    I have a flat tummy.
    A lot of tummy things are food intolerances like wheat bellies/ lactose or digestive issues.
    It's not still there from an operation for very long.
    Shake your head, roll your eyes and do what you know is best!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I am 56 and have heard some strange excuxes over the years for people not losing weight, they all want to blame it on some medical fornomminum.99.999999% of the time it is nothing medical at all just the normal More Calories In, than are being Burned.
    Here are some of the excuses I've heard but I've never heard of the air in the belly one lol:laugh:

    I'm big boned.
    I don't eat anything.
    It runs in the family.
    It's my metabolic rate.
    I've bought it so I'm going to eat it.
    If I exercise I put on weight.
    You must eat lots on your period days.
    We use to be bears so must put on weight for the winter.


    I've heard it all from my doctor, family, friends. I am too fat to run, it runs in the family, we all got diabetes you just will too. I didn't listen. I got rid of the type II diabetes, and run just fine. I'm slow, but I run. as for the air in belly thing......

  • EncoreUneAutreFois
    Well she's just not worth listening to BUT I have the same issue where I look smaller than I weigh. So whenever I try to communicate to people that I'm trying to keep my weight down, they huff and puff and look at me like I'm just fishing for attention -- that's just not the case, I'm looking for SUPPORT and comradeship. I think that's your frustration, no? Let me guess, you want to bring your weight down, but you still wear small sizes, so people give you grief when all you're looking for is someone to lean on. My advice is to just smile at your MIL and not confide in her about your goals -- you have more support here.
  • mrsjads
    I sympathise I have the same problem with looking smaller than I weigh! If I ever tell anyone they always say you don't weigh that much, or you don't have much to lose...I think I know! I work with a woman who looks huge, sheis well over a size 24 uk and she weighs 2lb more than me at a size 16! Depressing!
    I have had 2 sections so I hope your MIL isn't right haha but I doubt she is! x
  • Fatloosa
    169lb weight loss
    i'd rather listen to you than the doctors you obviously know what your talking about
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Shoulda replied with "Yeah but air has no weight so joke is on mother nature!!"

    But seriously....fart more so that you lose that "air weight"
  • equinegirl200
    equinegirl200 Posts: 35 Member
    Did you ever think that you could weigh more because you have more muscle then other people your size? Muscle is a good thing. You should probably forget about the number on the scale because it means nothing.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    So today I was talking with my MIL about the problem I have of looking smaller than I weigh and having girls that weigh less look bigger. I told her that I felt I was always going to be heavier even if I was looked smaller. Does that make sense? Well this is what she said, "look Mariany I'm going to tell you something, you are never going to be the weight you are supposed to be. You have been opened up (cystectomy at 6months preg/c-section) too many times and air got in your stomach and that is not going to let you ever get there. Yea you will lose some weight and then it's going to stop"

    I was in shock. How can you tell someone that? Is it because she being naive? Is she mad because she gave up on her weight loss one week in and said she couldn't do it because she is diabetic? Is she jealous?

    She had been trying and trying to make me break my lifestyle change but I told her she could keep trying that it wasn't going to happen. She eventually gave up and was being kind of supportive saying I look smaller and things like that. Now it changed.

    Ugh, I just don't understand.

    Air got into your stomach and that is not going to let you ever get there????

    What the hell was she on when she spouted such nonsense!!

    Laugh about it, dismiss it and continue.

    You got any more little gem quotes of hers? I need a laugh :laugh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The extra gas in your body after surgery does not stay there forever. It's temporary and often painful, but your body deals with it after just a few days.
  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    I sympathise I have the same problem with looking smaller than I weigh! If I ever tell anyone they always say you don't weigh that much, or you don't have much to lose...I think I know! I work with a woman who looks huge, sheis well over a size 24 uk and she weighs 2lb more than me at a size 16! Depressing!
    I have had 2 sections so I hope your MIL isn't right haha but I doubt she is! x

    i have very much the same problem, people always tell me that i couldnt possibly weigh what i tell reply is always the same, "why would i lie about weighin in at more than 22st?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?' i mean really, its not something you want to walk around advertising for the attention!! lol some people!! but as was said by someone else its a muscle weight thing, if you have more muscle than someone else then your position in losing weight is better than a person that weighs only a few punds moe but looks a lot bigger than you, dont be disheartened be glad that you are able to workout for longer and harder than they would be able to!! its the way i try and look at it :D