Weekend Self Sabotage

I can't even blame anyone for me not reaching my goal because every weekend it's a test of my will. Someone else didn't stuff those 2 pieces of NY style pizza in my mouth yesterday or have a crazy snack attack on cheetos and bbq chips.

SELF-SABOTAGE :explode: . I would probably be at my goal range and maintenance by now because I just want to focus on getting stronger, maintaining endurance, and sculpting (as my pals say it). I still love to workout, I love discovering new healthy alternatives, seeing my pals go HAAM on the workouts, but shoot if I don't do something drastic or stay strict on my eating it's uphill on the scale.

How do you stay motivated to reach your goal when you are sooooooo close again and again and again!!!


  • AllDayMzAmberJ
    AllDayMzAmberJ Posts: 46 Member
    I agree with you - I have been saying again and again the weekend are the death of me. And now that we are trying to add more and more to our weekend schedule - I feel like my only option when running around is fast food..

    If you figure something out - let me know! LOL
  • I usuall allow myself on "cheat" day and thats usually on the weekend. As far as fast food goes, I try to stay with Subway or the Fresco Menu at Taco Bell to stay on track.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I have the same problem. Particularly on weekends when my niece and nephew come over to spend the night. I always end up buying stuff for them to snack on, but, of course, I have a hard time keeping my hands out of it. :grumble: Guess I'm gonna have to tell them that, when they come over, they're going to have to learn to like healthy snack options instead. :sad:
  • vickieross
    vickieross Posts: 53 Member
    Pack a healthy picnic. Take healthy snacks along with you.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Weekends are so tough! I struggle with them too. I found if I plan out my food for the entire weekend, I do a lot better. I even used to always weigh in on Mondays, because it kept me honest over the weekend! Eat at home, but get out of the house the rest of the day! Keep yourself busy, even add another workout. Whatever it takes to get away from the horrible snacky stuff that's everywhere!

    How about on weekends, log it BEFORE you eat it? That way it gives you a minute to think if you really want it or not? No cheating! Adjust your amounts for how much you actually eat afterwards, if you don't stick to the serving you planned.
  • :angry: :angry: :angry: i just started boy i was mad at my self the w/ewas a disaster what do i do now help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I eat a much lower average over the work week, then go out on the weekends like a regular guy.. I try to make smarter choices, but I still take in a large number of calories.
    However the average over the week is roughly my "recommended" goal.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Weekends are so tough! I struggle with them too. I found if I plan out my food for the entire weekend, I do a lot better. I even used to always weigh in on Mondays, because it kept me honest over the weekend! Eat at home, but get out of the house the rest of the day! Keep yourself busy, even add another workout. Whatever it takes to get away from the horrible snacky stuff that's everywhere!

    How about on weekends, log it BEFORE you eat it? That way it gives you a minute to think if you really want it or not? No cheating! Adjust your amounts for how much you actually eat afterwards, if you don't stick to the serving you planned.

    i might try this. i dont know how well itll work but let's see what happens!
  • NicoleLIri
    NicoleLIri Posts: 11 Member
    Well I usually have one "free" day a week it usually lands somewhere in the weekend it keeps me sane lol but I think something that always helps me fight off those temptations is simply asking my self "is this the last time this meal/snack will ever be available to me?" most of the time its not I just know that junk is always there but my body is my priority now. good luck :)
  • You almost have to "double down" on your weekend goal of maintaining! I like the idea posted on here about counting your calories "before", that may work for me too, I'll have to try. Anything at this point. Thanks for posting that question.
  • okerachel
    okerachel Posts: 45 Member
    Schedule your weigh-ins for monday :) Every time I eye that cheese burger my hubby is eating on Saturday night I picture that scale on Monday. Will I even remember eating the cheeseburger in an hour? No. But I will on monday when all my hard work all week was for naught!

    Plus, think of your calorie goal not as a daily goal but weekly. Skimp for a couple of days and "save" up for a splurge on the weekend. That's the same principle as the "flex" points on weight watchers. I freaked out this weekend, cookies, pizza, you name it, but I was a good girl Monday through Friday so I still lost 3.2 pounds this week.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I go to the gym on the weekend and burn 700 or 800 calories so that I can eat anything I want and still lose weight. I don't understand why 2 pieces of pizza would sabotage anything? Do you work out?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I've realized that I have to keep myself as busy as possible - clean the house, go for a walk, if I'm by the couch I have my 10lb weights that I do reps with while I'm watching TV. 20 squats when I go to the bathroom. Random mountain climbers.

    Still gonna gain a pound or two over the weekend, but I still met my weekly average :) I'm still getting stronger, gonna have to buckle down and do those exercise DVDs or hit the gym soon...
  • Roll Tide!!!!!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Let your frustration and regret work for you! For me, when I need to make a healthy change I have to get so freaking fed up with myself and poor decisions in order to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I CAN"T DO THIS ANYMORE!!

    People sometimes say to move on and forget the mistakes of your past tomorrow is a new day yadda yadda yadda. Yes, you should forgive yourself, but try to remember how you feel right now. Some of the hardest lessons are learned through pain (well, all of them for me!).

    It is possible to maintain your healthy habits over the weekend.

    I'm actually going to blog about this on my health and fitness blog soon. I'll let you know when I do.

  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    weekends are my off days. While I still track what I eat I tend to enjoy whatever I want. Monday-Friday's I limited myself and workout like crazy. It's a balance that you'll learn to do. I use to live for my cheat weekends, now I hardly ever cheat on those days.
  • Its so true!!!! I can be so good all week long and then on the weekend there are so many activities that put me at risk for messing up. Parties, movies, out to dinner with my husband. Its a land mine out there. Keeping busy helps, working out to gain more eating calories and keeping my goal in mind. I wish there was an easier answer.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    I go to the gym on the weekend and burn 700 or 800 calories so that I can eat anything I want and still lose weight. I don't understand why 2 pieces of pizza would sabotage anything? Do you work out?
    Oh, I can totally understand the 2 pieces of pizza...at least it would sabotage the day. I agree on the 'looking at your daily calories as an average over the week'.

    I don't agree that you should have a free day where you can splurge and eat 5000 calories, because your body doesn't realize that it's supposed to ignore those because it is a free day. But you can modify your week and eat a couple of hundred less calories 5 days of the week and that will give you an extra 1000 calories on your over day.

    I put all of my restaraunt selections in as meals, so if I know we are going out then I can see how many calories my typical meal will cost me so I know if I can have that midday granola bar...

    Good luck!
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    If I go over on weekends, I just try to stay within my maintenance calories. Then, I'm not doind anything to make me gain weight and it is how I will have to live once the weight is off.
  • Weekends are tough for me too. They are usually filled with all kinds of BBQ and beer or lots of eating out. Saturday I did make a very conscious effort of what I was going to order when we went out for Mexican. I know that what I logged was probably not very accurate but I logged it as best I could. I did have popcorn with butter at the movies but I made sure to get a separate container and dished some out of the bucket. When that was gone, I was done. I drank some of hubby's coke to wash it down.

    If you log it before you eat it you will be a little more careful because you will know before you eat those 2 pieces of pizza just how damaging they will be. Go ahead and have the pizza if you want it but stop yourself at just 1. (I know, easier said than done.) Then after a while you can cut that down to just half. I think it is probably easier (at least for me) to limit how much I eat rather than what I eat.