Stationary bike ~ calories burned

When you enter in an exercise, do you go by the calories lost on your machine or by what MFP says the calorie loss is? I've been going by what MFP and I think I may have messed up.

Advice? Thanks!!


  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    :smile: anyone at all?!?
  • blondegirl1319
    blondegirl1319 Posts: 5 Member
    well, im no expert all all, but i always put in what my machine says instead of what MFP lists. i feel like its more accurate for me, otherwise i would be losing more weight than i have. i wish i was burning as much as MFP listed!!
  • jennyhotpants
    jennyhotpants Posts: 7 Member
    I also go by what the bike shows rather than MFP. If I ride for 40 minutes at a moderate pace on the bike it shows around 200 calories burned while MFP will show 371 calories expended in the same amount of time. In my opinion it is better to underestimate my calories burned and overestimate my calories consumed just to be safe!
  • denemartin
    denemartin Posts: 3 Member
    Recently this question came up regarding elliptical and treadmill. I was convinced to go get a heart rate monitor to check calories burned. MFP is way high and the machines are all high but not quite as bad. A days run looks like this: 30 min at 6 MPH MFP says 450 calories, Treadmill machine with age and weight entered says 315 but monitor says 255 calories. I was shocked but that number comes out closer to the published calorie burn charts.
  • denemartin
    denemartin Posts: 3 Member
    Correction MFP says 345 calories. sorry.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Great, I've been doing 40-50 mins every single day at a moderate pace, it says that I burn 418 calories on mfp. I'm still losing weight, I'm guessing I should go by what my bike says though.