Green Team Week 6



  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    hiya greenies!

    i am so sorry i've been mia on MFP, i have a very horrible connection (wireless) so until i buy me a local cable one, i avoid foreign sites as they load forever for me...:ohwell: i've been spending most of my time on a Bulgarian forum, which i am now a moderator of... it's not for weight loss but healthy living in general + raw foodism, although most people are not necessarily completely into it...

    i have really been obsessed with eating clean and then vegan raw foodism, actually i wanted to share long before with you how am i losing all this weight but always kept putting it off... i don't log in my food anymore for about 2 months now... at the beginning i was more conscious and careful of how much i eat but then just let myself eat more and more, while on the other hand i excercise less and less... i'm pretty sure i consume a good 3000 calories on most days while MFP has me at about 1200 cals right now... so i'm supposed to gain but in reality i keep losing and losing... i am down to 196.2lbs today, i think i was at 204.4 when i last checked in with the GT 2-3 weeks ago... :smile:

    here is one good video about someone who lost weight on it:

    i know it's supposed to be calories in vs. calories out but in reality i've really come to the conclusion that it does matter what the calories in come from... i don't want and can't make anyone go as hardcore as me, as what i'm doing is really very hard to switch to, esp. if you don't have much time to uncook yourself all the raw dishes i prepare for me... plus i was a vegetarian to begin with, so switching to vegan was kind of easy, then all i had to give up is cooked/processed foods... now all i eat is 100% raw and uncooked (well maybe with a couple exceptions that i just can't find a substitute for), i eat like 6 times a day and at least half these times are something pretty caloric, i also eat my own raw cakes or sweets EVERY day, including chocolate cakes and such and i just keep losing weight regardless... i know it sounds incredible but it's so true!:happy:

    i don't want it to sound like advertising or anything, i am just one happy girl who went from 3rd level obese to almost down to overweight in a couple pounds, so i just love to share this great lifestyle i've found with everyone... you can do your own research on google if you are curious about raw foodism but even if you will not consider this as an option, i really ADVISE you to try and eat as much raw food as possible and as clean as you possibly can, i promise you, it does make a difference:flowerforyou:

    kellyyyyyyyyy~ so glad you are back on here, MFP sure needs someone like you around!:flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so here to another day of trying to get it right. Thanks for the info purr, will read up on it sounds like it might be a healty option.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Just bought the 30 day shred video from jillian micheals this should be fun:laugh: :laugh: anyway I was wondering if any of you all got this and how do you record the exercise
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: I do it on demand sometimes, from what i have heard around here you record it as circuit training! Good luck! even the warm up is a burn!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HIIIII PURRR! you made my day girl! so good to hear from you....miss skinny skinny! WOW :noway: , you are amazing! thanks for all the updates on you and your eating. i agree clean, natural and raw is the best.....why, they never had all this processed, sugar, salt laden, etc food years, 100's of years ago. just look at what has been done to food. ICK! i've alway said fake food is a NO NO. 3000 calories a day! absolutely crazy purrr! and it is working! when you first started it, like that first week of raw, did you lose a lot initially, like most of us do?....water wt? how long you been at it now? so very interesting Purrr!! :bigsmile:

    yesterday was a LONNNGGGG day. i had a bus trip from 8:45 > 2:15, then again from 3:40 > 11:20. and is anyone else enjoying the 90's, high dew point / humidity, and high heat index? :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: too much for me. i was so slimy when i got home last nite....i felt like a wet noodle.....the shower couldn't have come sooner!! UGH!!

    jacque ~ i've heard good things about the shred. will work your A-- off! :bigsmile:

    how is everyone doing?? working the 'wings'? i have increased my wts to 10 lbs now. i dont think i was lifting enuf..... am getting the burn they all talk about now. :tongue: have a great day team.....3 more days til we weigh!
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    Hey all, sorry its a little crazy here, well I will weight in later this morning after I wake up. My sister is doing better. My one aunt passed away and the finale arrangements are done. My aunt that in the hospital is doing better. Once they get her hemoglobin up they will be able to do surgery, hopefully next week. My aunt Susan is still with us , but they removed all support and comfort measures only, so it a waiting game, well I have not anything other then eat and sleep.

    ooh, jacque, sorry i've missed that... sounds like a lot of struggle you're going through, i'm not really close with my aunts but sounds like yours mean a lot to you and it's always painful to see your beloved ones go... it's just how life is, we all go to the same place in the end... you can't do much for your aunts but care and love them like you do... :flowerforyou:

    but then there is still you - you are younger, healthier and capable of doing something good for yourself, i believe seeing how your dear aunts end their days in hospital should stimulate you to work even harder, so that you can be healthy till very old age and save your children the pain that you are going through right now (i suppose your aunts are not too old, judging from your age) :flowerforyou:

    blessings and warm wishes to you, please don't lose your own motivation for your own life and goals... you are your own person and whatever hardships you face in life, you are still that person striving towards the same things :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    i guess i'm late for the challenge as this week is almost over.... and it was a good one, i mean the wings part, not the chips part cos i don't eat that kinda stuff anymore... but my arms are flabby, they've always been flabby even when i was "skinny", i just hate them so much...:angry: the rest of my body is sort of ok, not really flabby, considering the huge mass i've lost but these arms are really a problem, especially in the summertime (which happens to be now :cry:) when i have to wear short sleeve, ugh!

    on the other hand, it's my own fault that i'm not excercising them hard enough... all my excercise now is some garden work, for example did some shoveling today and will do more tomorrow, it does pressure the legs and arms a good deal but i'll be done with this bit tomorrow and then there won't be much work again... it's such a small town here, there's nowhere to really go, so i've quit my long walks as well, usually just walka bout a mile a day, to the garden and back, or to some shop and back, that's all :ohwell:

    so like i said it's incedible that under these circumstances i still lose weight on a regular basis... kelly, i don't know if it made any difference the 1st week when i went completely raw, i think i have been showing some loss every week, sometimes a little bigger, sometimes a little smaller, it's not very different from when i wasn't eating fully raw, the difference is only that i used to eat under 1500cals a day and now i'm always over and usually a lot over... i feel really good because logging every darn morsel and limiting myself all the time had put a lot of pressure on me, now i just don't care anymore and eat as much as i like, except it's always something uncooked and unprocessed... i have been gradually getting there by raising the % of my raw foods until i finally felt ready to go sompletely raw about a month ago... Right now i already feel so used to it and to the real original taste of foodstuff that i'm not even sure i can go back to cooked dishes... the only problem is that you need to make the time and learn to uncook (it's a verb raw foodists use because "cook" is not really aplicable as we don't cook but just blend, mix, dehydrate), it's actually taking less time to prepare you a dinner as you usually need 5 minutes to chop and blend the stuff but initially it takes a lot of time trying all the raw recipes... there are thousands of sites on the web with yummy stuff and there is a raw substitute for every common cooked dish but you need to find it and try it out to check if it fits your own taste... i have been experimenting and trying new dishes all the time and i am simply impressed with all the new tastes i've found... some are similar to something i know, others are simply unique... for example last week i found this great recipe for meatball substitute that's made of flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, olive oil and raw soy sauce and they tasted so incredibly good and resembled real meatballs that i couldn't stop munching at them for a whole week...:blushing: i don't even wanna know how many calories, i'm pretty sure at least 400 a piece and multiply by several a day + of course i eat at least a piece of cake a day or something else sweet, etc etc...

    oh, as for the chips challenge and late night snacking, here is what raw foodists do about it:

    i'm sorry i'm writing so much about it but you can bet i am more than excited to eat so much and lose so much at the same time... it's just incredible and if i can help someone else with the info, i'd be even happier...:smile: if you don't want to go raw or vegan, check out clean eating, which is easier and works just as fine...

    and before i go to bed, let me tell you something i found out before i went raw... how to break a plateau... not that i plateaued a lot, except for a couple days but this thing always made the scale move downwards: have a liquid day! i don't mean fasting or anything like that, it doesn't even have to be a fully liquid day... what i mean is try to get your calories in mostly in liquids throughout the day, in my case it would be nut milk or freshly squeezed juice but if you drink real milk, you can try with that, too, or anything else that's not a pop or alcohol... if you are hungry, go ahead and eat something light but try to keep the bigger portion of calories in liquids during that day.. and let me know if this worked for you and you broke your plateau :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    morning team.......where O where did everyone go? hope everyone is doing good.

    purrr ~ thanks for all your info...i don't mind your long posts at all, i LOVE it! so, could you share what a typical day of food would look like for you, how much and what? i did read that raw foodist don't cook or heat foods, b/c it can destroy the nutritional value, which makes sense for ALL foods....and it looks like most of the diet is fruits, veg's, nuts? do you take vitamins? i too have the tricep flab...even when i was thinner...thinking this is a hereditary trait?? i am getting better tho bout wearing short sleeves...not being as self concious. hey, have you had any of the other affects of raw food with increased energy or needing less sleep? i am just amazed at how many calories you can consume!! is nut milk like soy milk? and when you say cake, what is in this? thanks again purrr, sharing your wt loss excitement and SO happy for ya! :flowerforyou: and what a nice message to jacque ~ very inspring! :heart:

    well, my ball game ended up getting CN last nite, and today i am home, so 2 more days, then bus goes to the barn! yippy!! have had high heat indexes and advisories the last couple of days. will get my 'wog' in this am. 2 more days til weigh in.....!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all,
    Purr thanks so much for the reminder of what my perspective should be in all this. Yesterday i tried the all raw thing and did not do too bad, grant you I did not realized how much crap I ate that was hurting my body. Still need to make room for improvement. It is harder than I thought. I too want to know what your cake is?
    Kelly a whooo hooo almost free of the bus. OMG the heat is terrible here in Texas!! Were suppose to be at 101 today the add the heat index, its goona be hell on earth.
    Keep on keeping on yall
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hello all you green people!!!:bigsmile:
    Well today is my last day home and on here before my vacation so I decided to weigh in now so we will have a last weigh in before I come back we hope lighter! not the other way around!!!:laugh:
    Ok weight now is the same as lasttime. I know that I could have been loosing this week but ther has been no gym, and mostly cleaning and packing. :bigsmile: No gym because lasttime i went I hurt my bum.:laugh: :angry: really though i did!
    Some my lovies! keep it going while i am gone! Keep it strong, keep helping eachother succeed, meet goals, and don't forget to have fun! It is summer and a dose of fun is good for everyone!
    I will be back i don't know when because I am visiting family that lives in the sticks, and the internet isout of the question! (Basically Deliverance:laugh: :laugh: no that was wrong)
    But no computer or net:sad:
    So I will miss you all, but will be back sooner then you know it *hugs*
    Miss v:heart:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Have fun missvita !!!!
    Hey did you all read the post Here the secrete, good point!
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    aghh, went to the garden to finish my shoveling and it started raining, came home all wet...:grumble: weather has been like this the past couple days and it's forecasted to be alike all week long...:ohwell:

    by the way i should celebrate 70 lost already, i was 195.3 this morning but didn't update my ticker cos 69 looks so sexy :laugh:

    jacque, i'm really happy you are interested, i wish everyone would try to eat better foods not just less calories cos it's so so good for your health either you're someone fat or slim... here are a couple examples of how much i eat in a day, i don't log it as exact quantities or calories, but i have a raw diary on my forum that i visit and i share my menu with the others there... unfortunately it's all in Bulgarian and you won't understand a thing but you can try some English forum like this one:
    it's real people sharing their experience from their life after they went raw, i have been following several diaries and then decided to do my own, as well... it's also good for you cos you get advice from others who have more experience...

    Here is what I eat (random daily menus):
    Menu for 14.06.2009
    (08:30) apple
    (10:30) 2 cups creamy spinach soup
    recipe is here:,74669
    (13:30) another 2 cups of the spinach soup cos i love it :heart:
    (15:00) a big piece of coconut cream pie
    recipe is here:
    (17:00) 2 pieces of flaxseed cracker with some mayo, rucola and 7 large green olives
    (recipe for raw mayo is here:,122781
    the crackers are made of milled flaxseeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds,
    rye, olive oil and a little water, dehydrated at 115F... one piece is about the size of a slice of
    bread and 500+ calories but who cares)
    (19:00) 2 yummy coconut cookies
    recipe is here:
    (21:30) 2 cups quinoa milk and another large piece of the coconut cream pie
    (quinoa milk is made of presoaked 1/4 cup quinoa blended with 2 cups of water)

    I don't eat so many sweets in a single day normally but loved that cake too much, I guess, the 2 pieces i had throughout the day equal to half the pie, so you can calculate the calories from the recipe ingredients... Besides, I was down about 2 pounds on the next morning after I ate all this :happy:

    Menu for 19.06.2009
    (11:30) 3 peaches
    (13:30) salad made of 1 lettuce, 3 stalks of young onion and sprinkled with some olive oil
    (15:30) a large piece of kiwi cake
    i've given the recipe here:, not sure why the pictures are gone from photobucket
    (18:30) 3 large green olives
    (21:30) about 150 grams of mushrooms, dehydrated at 115F in a sauce of olive tepenade+olive oil
    + 2 "meatballs" made of flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, olive oil and soy sauce
    + 250 grams cherry tomatoes

    That seems like a more humble menu, compared to the previous one, I probably didn't feel too hungry that day but if you only notice how much olive oil i've used (1 tablespoon = 120 calories), let alone the cake, it's still a whole lot of calories...

    Menu for 21.06.2009

    (09:00) 6 small apricots
    (11:00) 2 "meatballs" + some cabbage salad
    (16:00) 1 cucumber + 7 large green olives
    (17:00) 1 "meatball" + 1 large tomato + 2 truffels
    the truffels were about a walnut size, made of almonds, dates and carob powder,
    rolled in sesame or coconut flakes
    (18:00) another 2 truffels (loved them!)
    (21:00) 2 cups raw pineapple juice
    (22:00) 2 cups of my beloved spinach soup + 2 truffels + 3 large green olives

    Menu for yesterday, 23.06.2009

    (11:30) 3 kiwis
    (12:30) a quarter cabbage with some squash hummus + 2 truffels
    (16:30) 1/2 cup rye sprouts with a little blackstrap molasses
    (18:30) 3 truffels
    (22:30) 2 sesame crackers with a large tomato
    (the crackers are similar to the other ones but more spicy, made of milled sesame, flaxseed,
    sunflower seeds, onion, garlic and salt)

    Seems like i eat the same things over and over again but I just found these recipes recently and loved them too much, once the first batch of meatballs or something is over, i want them again and again and "bake" me another batch... I'm still trying new stuff myself, so don't have lotsa recipes in my "uncookbook". If you don't like what I have on my menu, there are thousands of recipes all over the web that you can check out and will surely find something to fit your taste... if you don't mix the nuts, sprouts, fruit, veggies and seeds in some "dish", you are most likely going to be bored of the same taste over and over again, thats why i also try to uncook, rather than eat all products the way they are...
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Cool thanks for all the info, I am gonna start looking at the sites you recommended. i wish we can have some of your rain. We are melting in texas. temp as high as 103 today and have had no rain in sight. HaHAHA on the 69 I love that:laugh: Hey please share any of the recipes you like the most that would help alot. My son had decided a week ago he wanna to go veegan and I want to support him, I gave up red meat pretty much and now I am trying to decrease the chicken, so right now I am alternating my days but I did not realized how much I like meat and cheese until I tried to go without it. But I really felt a change in how I feel when the red meat was gone, it really does make a difference
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    good evenin' ~

    Miss V ~ hey girly, have fun on your vacation in the sticks.... those are the best kind!! don't stress too much about the active as much as time allows, and hoping the 'bum' injury is only temporary! keep the water bottle filled! have a great time sweets!! can't wait to for your return and hear about it!!

    Jacque ~ hope you are able to 'cool off'' some...this heat is a scorcher! forcast is to cool down next week here, prob be nice here while we are in Canada, figures! :grumble:

    purrr ~ doin a little happy dance for ya!! - SEVENTY POUNDS!! YIPPY SKIPPY!! :drinker: what an accomplishment! i am so happy and proud of YOU!! hehe, 69! :bigsmile: i am most positive you are feeling mighty sexy now with your much slimmer body!! have you read from a raw food book/magazine or done all your research online? there is so much info out there. i was reading the forum you mentioned, and the 'meow' gal seems to be having many physical issues. i would say compared to you she is not eating enuf calories. i so agree with you purrr on the quality of the foods we consume. that is most important! do you have a dehydrator? i could very easily go without eggs, dairy. i am sure i would crave some meat dishes tho. i like most fish selections. i am going to try harder at eating clean. that seems like the best approach for me right now. i think of all the processed food in my cupboards/frig for my disgusts me, and i am the one buying it for them. this is a more challenging time of year for me since my teenage boys are here more during the summer ( not in school). hmmmm...what to do, planning is the best thing for me, so will work on that too.

    well, time to get some zzzz's. :yawn: hope everyone is having a good week...missin y'all.... check in and say hi and let us know how it's going! green team is needing some major support!! :flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi buddies! Back from Curacao!! Up more than a few lbs but could go #2 while on vacation (TMI?:laugh: ) so hopin that some will go down but I did have ALOT of pina colada's....:tongue: they were for all of you, but now wishin I could distribute the cals - lol. so, I have read through this thread but haven't found the one before I left yet....please fill me in if I missed anything as it was virtually impossible to look at anything at the hotel. A racket if I can wifi but in the lobby and HAD to buy a 15 card from gift shop of which was just and I think it was dial-up :happy: Back from paradise and came home to rain storms in FL - WTF? lol I missed ya all and certainly need to get back on the ol green wagon after my all inclusive vacation! I hope my new pic shows you all!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi christie!! what a nice the surroundings!! what a fun time!! Purrr is back with us.... folks must be busy with summer time, vaca's and life in general. green team is still on the wagon.....present or not! Miss V just left for a vaca....i leave in a week, so i just think it will be a little quiet here off and on. hope everyone is doing ok and can check in soon!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all,
    Welcome back purr, sounds like u had fun!
    Purr- went to the sites you gave me, Wow so much info. Question I found this book the Raw Secrets online and thinking of going to try and find it. Have you read it? From what I read on line it appears to be good. If u have problem with #2 this really clean you out, have gone regularly since trying to go raw, And I am no where fully committed, but it really make you think about the crap in your body from the other food that for sure.
    Well trying to get back into a routine, totallly got off track after that rough week with the Fam.
    They say it about to hit in the 100's again today, I know that is also zapping the energy out of me
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    HHAHAHA:laugh: Posted and realized I said welcome back Purr:laugh:
    Try again:
    Welcome back porka, it sounds like you had fun:wink:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi kellya, yes I saw that purrr is back with us and that our bud Jacque is having hard times. I hate bad times for our team, but you offered alot of good insight as you have recently been there. With that said, I really wanted to check in while on vac, I think I gained some approx 5 or more but we'll see. But not worried cause I did not stress about it. Glad you're hangin tough and hope we can all keep together through vac times!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    porka love the pic you look really pretty and relaxed