Do you trust your scale??



  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    Honestly, I use my Wii fit plus to weight, so no, I don't really trust it. By that I mean I don't think it gives me they correct number, I always a see a different number. However, I do feel that it gives me the correct trends, so if I seen an increase or a decrease I'm certain that's true. That's the important part, whether or not I can see the progress and I can so I don't mind if it's not completely accurate.
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member

    We just ordered this one ^. Haven't received it yet, so can't vouch for it, but I did some research & this one got really good reviews. We had two Taylor scales previous to this one and both of them had problems.

    Wise choice! I own the next model above that (the $36 one) and it's the best scale I've ever owned. Plus the CEO seems like a cool dude, I read several stories of him personally testing and sending replacement scales to people when they had problems. That's what sold me on it.
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    Ok -- my scale came up with an E (Error) message this morning -- so, no, I don't really trust my scale. :laugh:

    You may need to change the battery
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    You will drive yourself nuts by moving it around and weighing each time. I agree with leaving it in one place to do your weigh-ins. Also a suggestion to check the accuracy--if you have a 3 or 5 pound dumbell, make sure the needle is on zero or if a digital scale that it is reading zero and place the dumbell on it. See what it reads. You can also use a 5 lb. bag of flour or sugar or whatever you have on hand that you know what the weight is.
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    Last night my fiance noticed he pointed ours north he weighed one extra pound than if he pointed it west... So I tried it and it gave me the same either direction. Then I took it in the bedroom to show him (carpeted) and I magically lost 50 lbs, no matter what direction we pointed it! So definitely would say not to trust softer surfaces!!!
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member

    We just ordered this one ^. Haven't received it yet, so can't vouch for it, but I did some research & this one got really good reviews. We had two Taylor scales previous to this one and both of them had problems.

    Wise choice! I own the next model above that (the $36 one) and it's the best scale I've ever owned. Plus the CEO seems like a cool dude, I read several stories of him personally testing and sending replacement scales to people when they had problems. That's what sold me on it.

    I used to have this scale (before I moved) and trust me when I go buy one tomorrow this will be the one I get again! Mine now sucks, but I loved that scale, it was accurate, reliable, and very trustworthy. Wheter it tells you what you want...that's all up to you and how hard you work haha. :)
  • shaeni1221
    Not sure I trust any scale! I always weigh 3 or 4 lbs heavier on the Dr's scale than on mine!
    I even bought a new scale that calculates your body fat and water weight. I really love it. But it is still dosn't match the Dr's.

    I also weigh 3 to 4 lbs heavier at the dr.'s office, but I attribute that to the fact that I weigh myself at home in my underwear and I am fully clothed with shoes on at the dr.s.

    last year I was doing a biggest loser contest with my brother in law, on final weigh in day, I had on a hoodie, I weighed myself with the hoodie on, then took it off and weighed myself was a 2 lb difference!