What are your non-fitness hobbies?



  • EmilyLStuart
    watching various other sports; and love the Olympics
    I'm really crafty at making all kinds of "stuff"

    I enjoy these but don't make enough time for them:

    I would like to do these:
    beer and wine tasting

  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I love jigsaw puzzles, the harder the better.
    Play 5 instruments, sing, recording artist by the name I use as my ID. If you google Quasita, a boatload of my projects come up lol
    I run a small business as a writing consultant
    Logic puzzles
    Movies (particularly Focus Features)
    Live music
    Ton of stuff really...

    OH I'm a Clive Barker fanatic!
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    Archery, baking, riding & training horses & ponies, riding on BF's Harley, etc.

    I do like to bake. My current thing is working on getting some unique flavors of cup cakes. I eat gluten free so I can't taste them ever. My co-workers happen to love the fact that I bake. This weekend I plan on making red velvet cupcakes and strawberry cupcakes. I will freeze them for the kids to decorate for Valentines Day.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Fast motorcycles

    Fast cars

    Fast trucks

    Not necessarily in that order.
  • dubist
    dubist Posts: 279 Member
    Playing my Bass with or without my band.

    Writing classical music.

    Traveling : 67 countries so far! Next stop Cambodia!

    My drum set and African djembe.

    General Geekery : board games, card games.

    Discovering new Memes.

    Playing with my friends kids.
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member

    I consider myself an extreme hobbist. I have been taking class at a local community college to learn and explore it.
    I love the contempory and abstract but I also have a love of landscapes.

    Saguaro National Park, Tucson, AZ by lbccphotomom, on Flickr

    The Bridge by lbccphotomom, on Flickr
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Mothering, reading, geocaching, cooking, and knitting.
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    Playing soccer (and any other sport I get the opportunity/time to play)

    Singing and writing songs

    Playing with my puppies

    Cooking new recipes!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    My 3 cats
    Travel (when I get to)
    Currently researching Tiny Houses (we're selling our big house to build one of these... it's on wheels so it's mobile but built like a real house, not an RV)
    And I'm a writer... not sure if that goes in the "hobby" category, but I'd hate to not mention it.
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    World of Warcraft! Well, video games in general. Sadly, I don't think I have any other hobbies (besides browsing the internet.. but can you call that a hobby? I call it boredom).
  • STMahlberg
    Photography (hobby turned to business), crunching (distributed computing), building computers, and writing.
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    I love to read
    my beagles
    Love to bake have been baking lower cal things now though
  • EmilyLStuart
    ugh....there is no longer an option for me to edit my post...my typo on NCAFF is driving me CRAZEE! should be NCAAF.
  • MzColie
    I love singing and listening to music or shopping and maybe making jewelry i love accessories!
  • gerritnking
    Reenacting and blacksmithing

    blacksmithing is a cool hobby... Its on my todo list to try.. even if I only make a couple things.
    Ive already done some backyard casting, but theres something about beating a glowing hot piece of metal with a hammer into something useful that seems really manly.. smashing iron. lol.

    your avatar makes sense now too..

    I am interested in in doing dome casting. Been looking into a waist oil forge and using that for some casting too. what do you use for casting?
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    Photography (now making money on the weekends from jobs, 2 last weekend!), guitar (electric & acoustic), video games, going to see bands, finding new music.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Fitness is not my hobby, in fact I hate every second of it with a passion. It's just means to an end. End of digression. :D

    My real hobbies are reading (I'm always going through at least two books), knitting and I'm starting to get into sewing as well. I love cooking and baking too, but I had to tone that down for the time being.
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member

    Video games

    Working on my Car


    I second that on the first one :-)
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member

  • RH_Brazell
    reading,shopping,video games, photography