how i became overweight

Hi my name is tony, im 18 and i weigh 300 lbs . When i was 17 i was dignosed with hypothrodism and they told me ive had for 2 years. Before that i tried so hard to lose weight ; ive lost 60 lbs and gained it back then 40 lbs again and gailned it back. when iwas dignosed i weighed 330 and they told me if i hadnt gone in to the hospital that day i wouldnt be here and that struck me hard. I finally got the right dosage of meds and with the support of my family, freinds , and hopefully mfp i can finally lose the weight and have it stay off.


  • Congrats for joining! I know you'll do great!!
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Tony, I wish you the best on your journey, MFP if full of lots of great folks that will be here with words of encouragement along the way.

    Congrats, starting is the hardest step.
  • Good luck, young man!! Just remember, focus on today. One day at a time. One step at a time. One pound at a time.

    You'll do great!!!
  • alliebaba27
    alliebaba27 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm glad that you joined--YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I want you to succeed, be strong, use this group, we care.
  • Hi, Tony - as you'll see from all of these message boards, you are definitely not alone! The reasons we all got to this place in our lives are too many to count. Everyone has a story, and every story is different, but we all have the same goal...if we don't do this for ourselves, we face a tough road. Personally, I think all of us on MFP are facing an internal sense of survival, and we're just not ready to give up!

    You can do this; keep saying that to yourself. On MFP, you'll find countless success stories; draw inspiration from them. Never be afraid to ask for help, motivation, a kind word, whatever you need. We are sincere, we care about each other. No judgment, only support. Good luck, and friend me if you'd like.