Eat right, Workout... Gain Weight???

I don't get it! I very rarely go over on my day nutrition goals (except for fiber). I workout when I can find the time to and then I gain weight! I shouldn't be gaining weight when I workout, especially if it's just cardio! Any suggestions???


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    What span of time are you going off of? If it's a few days or a week, it can be just water weight messing with you.

    If you're going over your fiber, I'm assuming that means you are definitely getting all of your carbs... and obviously carbs hold water. I could be wrong though.
  • sjackson7707
    sjackson7707 Posts: 24 Member
    The time span is since October... Almost every time I workout I gain weight, so I normally don't workout too often because I hate seeing that gain on the scale! I average about 100 carbs left over for the week's totals. I have a hard time trying to find foods that I can eat without going over on anything, and I figured that out of all the things to go over on fiber would be the best : /
  • kaydensmom12
    Well for one it is normal to gain when working out. I am doing mainly cardio, the 30 ds, with only a couple of days left and have not lost a lb. I had actually gained 4 for the first 3 weeks and a couple days ago got back to where I started. I have lost many inches though. Are you measuring? You should not even pay attention to the scale, even though it can be difficult. It does not measure success, a measuring tape does.

    Second are you sure that you are even supposed to be losing weight, because you said that you do not work out to often. You can't just expect to workout for a few days and drop lbs, it doesn't work immediately like this. Its not a race, it takes time. You have to be in this for the long haul, you have to change your lifestyle! You can't just do it for a week or two, then stop then start back later. You can't expect to lose weight this way.

    Lastly your diet is not open so I do not know if that could be causing the gain. Are you watching sodium, drinking water, staying within your calorie goals?

    I would say when you get on a stable workout and dieting plan, then you should measure yourself and look for changes. Changes meaning measuring yourself. Don't just stop working out because you can't stand the weight gain, its like saying you are going to be healthier sitting on the couch.
  • sjackson7707
    sjackson7707 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, I am using a tape measure to help measure my success... I haven't measured in a couple weeks but the last time I measured I was down almost 17 inches total. Trust me, I need to lose weight. I was a big girl before I got pregnate and I gain almost 70lbs during my pregnancy. I've managed to lose weight by not working out cuz I changed my eating habits dramatically. I went from eating fast food on a daily basis to a more healthier eating style. I drink over a gallon of water a day and have been going strong on my diet for over five weeks without having an set backs.
  • _Shelley_
    I understand. I think it's equally frustrating when you work out, eat right and you don't notice any physical changes. Sometimes it takes our bodies a long time to catch up but when it goes weeks and months it can be quite worrisome.

    I know personally, I retain a ton of water. I drink a ton and eat (good) carbs which suck up my water. I feel skinniest in the morning even though my scale never moves. Funny how our bodies work. Best of luck to you in reacing your goals.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 837 Member
    Well for one it is normal to gain when working out. I am doing mainly cardio, the 30 ds, with only a couple of days left and have not lost a lb. I had actually gained 4 for the first 3 weeks and a couple days ago got back to where I started.

    ^^^ that.

    It's normal to gain a little bit when you work out - it's not weight gain, though, so don't let it scare you! All that's happening is your body is holding onto some water while it recovers. It's part of the process. Just push through it. :smile:
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    How many calories are you consuming? It could be too little or too much.
  • daphne1eventer
    Ignore the scale, girl and stick with measurements. My weight fluctuates 4-6 pounds throughout the week just from water weight. Look at how your clothes are fitting - noticing a difference? Diet alone can only accomplish so much, so it's important to workout 3-5 days a week and get some good cardio in. It's really, really tough at first - but if you stick with it for a few months, you'll start to notice changes. Good luck on your journey :)