Who does #2 work for?



  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    I saw someone mentioned FiberOne bars. I have to eat mine at night because they give me HORRIBLE gas. There's no way I could be in the workplace after having one of those things...In the words of Eddie from Barbershop 2 "It's so bad, I have to put myself outside."

    It does help me with #2 though...
  • This is the same for me. I become irregular at times, and so have started adding extra fiber to my diet (i.e. sneaking flax seeds in my smoothies or at times putting a little bit in food to disguise it)... and if that doesn't work.. I sit back and have a small cup of black coffee.. tastes like ick, but has me up and running in minutes.. that or whole milk.
  • I drink a cup of "Dieters Green Tea" everynight before bed and it absoulty keeps me regular the next day- sometimes a little more than I would like! The brand I buy is Triple Leaf just found at any grocery store.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    OK, I checked out the last few days of your diary. You are eating a lot of protein which can stop you up. I found that 2 salads a day is a MUST for me. I did see you are eating lettuce twice a day. I find that iceberg and romaine do *kitten* (no pun intended) for me. I buy the mixed greens and add veggies to my salad to make sure I'm a well oiled machine. A few other things that seem to help:

    1. Fish oil
    2. Benefiber in your water-it's tasteless and you can't tell it's in the water
    3. Per the Dr. Colace instead of the harsher stuff like exlax. It's non-addictive like other products can be
    4. If you are eating a lot of sodium you need to up your water intake
    5. Lastly if you can't get thing back on track talk to your doctor (my GI says to take the colace, eat lots of fibrous veggies and lots of water)

    Good luck!

    Edit: Some foods that I find make it worse are cheese/dairy and processed meats. I find the cleaner I eat the less issues I have with this!
  • Sudden changes in diet, especially an increase in fiber can bind you up. Try drinking some prune juice to help loosen things up a bit but don't over do it.

    Fibre does the opposite so be careful, you don't want to have the opposite problem... Here's some more advice... http://www.helpwithcooking.com/nutrition-information/dietary-fibre.html
  • Try a spoon of peanut butter after meals. It ups healthy fats and keeps your intestines lubed up so things pass easier. I also take fiber capsules that I get at Wal-Mart. Psyllium husk fiber works really well, is great soluble fiber, and helps to keep things regular.
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    I've always had digestive issues. I was lucky to go three times a week. I now go almost daily, or at least five times a week. I was taking Phillips Colon Health for awhile and that helped keep me regular. My new vitamin has a probiotic built in though and so I'm giving those a shot without the Phillips to see if they do the job. So far, so good. I cut soda out of my life but when I'm backed up I do have a soda as the caffeine will help. I know a coffee would be better, but I despise coffee. I also make sure I drink at least my 8 glasses of water a day(for me that's roughly 4 water bottles). If I don't do this I WILL get backed up again and it could be days before I right my system. I keep my eye on my sodium and try not to let it get too high as that will also cause me to get backed up.

    No amount of fibrous foods ever helped me. I could have lived on salads and broccoli and still had issues. So if those aren't working for you, don't force it. I have a friend who can't eat that stuff as it will back her up and another who will be running to the bathroom for days if she does. Everyone is different.

    Exercise also helps me. Long, fast walks or something high energy like Zumba. Strength training doesn't help me.

    Good luck, it's so awful dealing with this crap.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Number #2 works for Dr. Evil until they had a falling out.

  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for all the advice folks.

    A lot of the suggestions I already do. I'm not a coffee drinker, but, I hit a cup of black coffee before my morning workout (includes weights and a jog, one or the other or both 5 times a week). I drink a TON of water. a low day for me is 2.5 liters and a big day is around 5 liters (I track liters because it's easier for me. About 3.7 liters equals a gallon.) I try to eat oatmeal every morning and a fruit (a lot of bananas lately, or an apple). My sodium is generally pretty low, somewhere between 1500-2500mg a day. Yes, there is a large amount of protein in my diet, I'm working towards building muscle right now, so, I need a little bit more.

    The two things that stick out from all of this is: 1. I think I have been under eating. I've been trying to eat smaller meals a few times a day and have been below my 2200 goal (even on non exercise days). I think that I need to improve my caloric intake. 2. Adding a different kind of fiber may help as well. Yes, my past few days haven't been good fiber days. In the case that someone had mentioned, I thought reducing my fiber may help. Nada... 3. My Marcos may need adjusting as well. I have reduced my fat calories a lot. The last time I had a "good" one was a few days after the superbowl (you can only image what I ate and how drasticly different it was from my cleaner diet).

    Someone else made mention of dairy messing them up a bit... I often wonder what kinda of dairy allergies I may have. I doubt that I do, but, who knows. I've reduced my dairy intake and, if anything, it's hurt more than help...

    I guess I can keep everyone updated? Hahahaha!

    I also took a healthy dose of mirolax before dinner and I am going to start taking some probiotics for a few days.

    NSFW: Language
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    :) Thanks for the update.

    If you can't talk constipation with your friends, who CAN you talk to?
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Try eating a bowl of bran flakes before bed. When I was pregnant I had this issue and started a regimen every night and never had a problem after. Not the greatest tasting, but you do acquire a taste for it...LOL. Good Luck!
  • You need more fiber and leafy greens. Maybe fish oil, olive oil, or avocados in your diet are needed. Don't cook in the microwave. That kills the nutrition in everything, even water! (I can email more on this) Get your core moving by running, swimming, or biking. If you don't see results quickly from all these posts, you need digestive enzymes to help you break down your food. You can get them at GNC. Capsules are better than a pressed pill.
  • junky garbage foods will go through you like water. It's the good foods, which you're consuming, that the body likes to hang with longer because it can get more goodies out of it. So that's why things aren't moving along as fast as they used to on a crappier diet. So, your body needs to get used to things, and maybe you could use having a probiotic yogurt once a day (unless you discover you do in fact have some dairy issue). Hope you're not broken hearted next time around!
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    You need more fiber and leafy greens. Maybe fish oil, olive oil, or avocados in your diet are needed. Don't cook in the microwave. That kills the nutrition in everything, even water! (I can email more on this) Get your core moving by running, swimming, or biking. If you don't see results quickly from all these posts, you need digestive enzymes to help you break down your food. You can get them at GNC. Capsules are better than a pressed pill.

    I only cook with olive oil. Microwaving is a seldom option.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    make sure you are getting enough fiber, fat, and water. You can't forget the fat. Very important.

    ETA: and maybe some yogurt occasionally.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I just wanted to say that the title of this post is freakin awesome!
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    When you feel like this ---> :mad:

    I heard this works well......:devil:

  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I take Metamucil and it's helped me a lot.
  • juststitchy
    juststitchy Posts: 1 Member
    I eat a few nuts everyday, and walking will move things along as well. Good luck!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i had the same problem.. and found that i was not getting enough water (8 glasses a day).
    To keep things 'going' *LOL* i need at least 10 glasses a day when eating very very healthy *S*