Restroom problems? :(

I really didn't know what topic is should be under :tongue:

But ever since I started my 1200 cal diet I could not use the restroom (#2 lol) , I cut out all junk food, drink water all the time. I go over my fiber and have protein. Should I take laxatives? Help!!!


  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    From your other post... you didn't give this enough time!
    Here you go, a previous thread:
  • Jdo79
    Jdo79 Posts: 13 Member
    Constipation is a pretty common problem when you drastically change your diet. Even if you are drinking plenty of water. I would suggest you take a fiber supplement or even something like Colace to get things moving again.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    I posted one several weeks back called "litterbox issues". I had the same problem. It has worked itself out (no pun intended!) I did up my fiber and water intake though.
  • FeeeeMarieeee
    FeeeeMarieeee Posts: 38 Member
    I'm the complete opposite! Ever since I've been making an effort to eat healthy and limit the junk and drink tons more water I've been going #2 like 3 times a day!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I had this problem too!

    I found out it was because I was not eating enough fibre and was stocking up on too much protein, which... well, yeah, causes the problems :P

    Have a couple of days in which you lay off massive protein intake and eat as much fibre as possible - especially for breakfast. Can't go wrong with weet-bix, oats or all bran. Wholemeal sandwiches too (but make them salad sandwiches).

    You'll be right as rain in a couple of days. You may want to re-think how often your eating protein and how much. Three days a week should work well :D
  • thekateb
    I eat TONS of fiber and still have this problem sometimes. I have found the quickest fix is to eat a salad :)