Thoughts about pasta!

I was wondering what the community and people who have more knowledge on the topic than me think about regular old speghetti and sauce? I figured as long as portions are controlled and not alot of unhealthy ingredients are used that it should be fine to eat it once or twice a week. my recipe uses whole grain noodles, cheese, canned tomato sauce, vinegar, basil, some chilli pepper, onion and olive oil. I would like your input in the topic since I'm a single male and dont know many things to cook (although I am building up my cooking skills)


  • mikaela_b
    I don't know, but I'll be interested to read the responses. My favourite pasta dish has wholegrain spaghetti, low-fat ricotta, lemon juice and zest, fresh basil and a handful of quartered cherry tomatoes, plus freshly ground black pepper to taste. I don't eat it more than once a week, but it's utterly delicious when I do.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I was wondering what the community and people who have more knowledge on the topic than me think about regular old speghetti and sauce? I figured as long as portions are controlled and not alot of unhealthy ingredients are used that it should be fine to eat it once or twice a week. my recipe uses whole grain noodles, cheese, canned tomato sauce, vinegar, basil, some chilli pepper, onion and olive oil. I would like your input in the topic since I'm a single male and dont know many things to cook (although I am building up my cooking skills)
    There is nothing wrong with it. For the most part as long as you hit your macros for the day, you're fine. There have been plenty of times I have consumed 200 grams of carb amount of "white" pasta after a workout.
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I eat pasta once a week just in a lot smaller portion than I used to and its never hindered my loss.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm sorry but you mind telling me what "macros" mean? :o
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm sorry but you mind telling me what "macros" mean? :o

    Macros stand for Macro-nutrients (Protein, Carbs, Fats).
    Micro-nutrients are vitamins and minerals.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I was wondering what the community and people who have more knowledge on the topic than me think about regular old speghetti and sauce? I figured as long as portions are controlled and not alot of unhealthy ingredients are used that it should be fine to eat it once or twice a week. my recipe uses whole grain noodles, cheese, canned tomato sauce, vinegar, basil, some chilli pepper, onion and olive oil. I would like your input in the topic since I'm a single male and dont know many things to cook (although I am building up my cooking skills)

    i agree that its about portion control. if you have the cals for it, then go for it. from a nutrition point of view i would add some fish or meat for protein and maybe some more veg to make it a more balanced meal.

    a lot of people say carbs are evil if you're on a diet, but i go for everything in moderation, plus i like my carbs!!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    I eat pasta regularly, and couldnt manage without it! I even managed to fit in spaghetti carbonara last night. my favourite store cupboard recipe is a sauce made from tomatoes, chili, nutmeg, garlic and low-fat creme fraiche. If I've cals to spare I sprinkle some freshly grated parmesan on the top.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    If you can control your portions and it doesn't make you binge, good for you.
    For me, it doesn't work at all!
    There is A LOT of calories in pasta. If I eat just one serving, it's not enough.
    I have to eat 2-3 servings + sauce + cheese so my meal is about 700 cals and 1 hour later, I'm starving.
    So, I don't eat pasta anymore, it's not worth how crappy I feel.
    When I eat protein and fat, I feel full all day long.
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    My thoughts about pasta? hmmm?

    Nom nom nom nom.

    Yes. I like it
  • jsnearly
    I was wondering what the community and people who have more knowledge on the topic than me think about regular old speghetti and sauce? I figured as long as portions are controlled and not alot of unhealthy ingredients are used that it should be fine to eat it once or twice a week. my recipe uses whole grain noodles, cheese, canned tomato sauce, vinegar, basil, some chilli pepper, onion and olive oil. I would like your input in the topic since I'm a single male and dont know many things to cook (although I am building up my cooking skills)

    Nothing wrong with pasta. If you want to eat it more frequently, buy tofu noodles and use them instead of the pasta. Just wash them really good and pat dry, then cook in the microwave. You can also use spaghetti squash too.
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    I actually make a pasta salad for lunch most days. *cue screams of derision*

    75g cooked pasta
    ~40g chicken breast, lean steak or pork loin cut into chunks/strips
    50g carrots sliced, diced, whatever
    as much lettuce as i want
    10g extra light mayo


    I often add something like sweet chilli sauce or peri peri flavouring to the meat.

    I don't like tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers, but I imagine they'd go well in something like this!
  • zuchy
    zuchy Posts: 40 Member
    My diet (mediterranean) contemplates a serving of pasta for lunch twice a week (70-80 g), with a sensible sauce (not carbonara!). tinned tomatoes cooked in a tblsp of extra virgin olive oil, with some basil and a tblsp of parmesan for example is very balanced and satisfying.
    Not bad at all, as long as you don't fool yourself with portions and very fat sauces.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    What time is dinner?
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    I allow myself pasta every 3rd day or so because I love it. I would count out the pieces though, either 15 or 20, depending on how well I felt I had been doing earlier that day. to be honest all though counting out 15 pieces of penne seems really bleak to begin with, afterwards, it has filled me...
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    My thoughts are - I love Pasta :)

    But have realised my portions pre MFP were waaaay too big.

    I now have just 170g cooked weight, as per the recommended serving size on the pack. and have it with a tomato based sauce.
  • glenndanzig
    glenndanzig Posts: 8 Member
    when i was a raw vegan i used to spiralize veggies like cucumbers and squash to make "pasta." you can still make a tomato based sauce with it or peanut/almond based (raw pad thai!). sure, it doesn't taste exactly the same as grain pasta, but the texture is there and it's so healthy you can eat as much as you'd probably ever want without feeling guilty.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    My thoughts on pasta?.. Yum!

    Portion control is key. I've had pasta pretty much every day, since before MFP, and now. The only difference is that now I have ~75g (dry weight) serving as suggested, rather than ~200g like I used to!

    My view is if I hit my macro targets, and stay within my calories, I'm happy! :D
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,048 Member
    There is a brand of low carb pasta called Dreamfields. It's very good and really shuts down the urge to overeat. I am not a pasta loving person, but my son is and I have seen his appetite turn off after 1 serving. I sometimes mix the dreamfields along with multigrain pasta.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    My thoughts on pasta?.. Yum!

    Portion control is key. I've had pasta pretty much every day, since before MFP, and now. The only difference is that now I have ~75g (dry weight) serving as suggested, rather than ~200g like I used to!

    My view is if I hit my macro targets, and stay within my calories, I'm happy! :D

    yep - 75g dry weight = 170g cooked.

    I don't cook just for myself so can't do the dry weight measuring, so I can weigh it cooked when it's served to the whole family.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I eat pasta several times a week, it's my go-to meal for fuelling before and after hard runs. I most often have good old home-made spaghetti bolognese; pesto and tuna; or garlic, bacon and chilli in olive oil. All with cheese on top, preferably freshly-grated parmesan! With a healthy dose of protein and portion-sized pasta I rarely exceed my macros.