1200 Daily Calorie Intake - Friend Request



  • Feel free to add me too... =)
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    My caloric intake is set at 1230, so feel free to add me as well!

    As for Dan's comment, each person is different and as for me, backed up from my personal trainer, for the goal that I have set for myself and body style (im 5'6") i need to only consume around 1200 calories a day. Im pretty sure MFP isnt perfect with calculating the correct calorie intake for some, but it does for others. I think I have now gotten into the babbling stage, LOL, so ill stop now.

    Anyways...you can do it!
    You may want to have another talk with your trainer. 1200 calories a day is low, esp if you're doing intensive workouts. I have yet to meet a trainer that recommends a low calorie diet. Mine is constantly on me to up my calories and my goals are set to 1800 a day. You are right that everyone is different, but we all need fuel for our bodies to run efficiently, and unless you have a sedentary lifestyle and are small (height/weight) 1200 just isn't going to do it.

    i work a desk job (sedentery), only burn 1200 calories a week through exercise, i'm 5'4" 123 (i'd consider small) and 1200 will not do it for me... 1400 seems more reasonable even for a "small" person.
    I was referring more to ladies under 5' when I said small. I also work a desk job and figure my BMR as sedentary since I eat back my exercise calories.
  • samanthaalgar27
    samanthaalgar27 Posts: 31 Member
    Hiya, I'm also on 1200 Daily Calorie Intake!

    Feel free to add me! I need a bit of encourragment!

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is a technical read but Martin writes well and he is the creator of LeanGains.com.

    This article is about the bodies ability to lose fat through caloric restriction and what happens when the safety mechanism kicks in and starts catabolizing muscle.



    I'm heading off to work to sell teddy bears to the people of Baltimore.
    Feel free to PM me or add if you want to eat healthy and lose fat.
    It's what I do!
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    Im set at 1200 without workout. I hardly eat 1200 though since i work out a lot and im always hungry, so i eat around 1300 to 1600

    Depending on your activity level, I would say you should be eating well over 1600 calories. Check out the links that Dan provided and up those calories!

    Will you ladies be able to live the rest of your lives on 1200 calories?? Probably not. You should look at this as a lifestyle change! It's better to lose at a sustainable pace with a healthy caloric goal (10-20% under your TDEE). A healthy combination of diet and exercise is a great deficit. I have lost 47 lbs never eating under 1700 calories. It can be done and the program can be tailored to fit your personal stats! :)
  • 1200 here! It's been working for me! My trainer says i'm in good shape :)
  • Hi i'm new to this I was introduced to it by my daughter, so any help would be appreciated to get me started !!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    1200 here! It's been working for me! My trainer says i'm in good shape :)

    without a full body scan thats totally shooting in the dark

    please read the article dan linked above.
  • Handbanana06
    Handbanana06 Posts: 41 Member
    I am at 1200 feel free to add me :)
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    Add me if you want/ I eat 1200 Calories a day and am doing ok with it.
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    Me too me too! Everyone add me! So far doing well, but would love to peek at other's diaries to get different ideas!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    My caloric intake is set at 1230, so feel free to add me as well!

    As for Dan's comment, each person is different and as for me, backed up from my personal trainer, for the goal that I have set for myself and body style (im 5'6") i need to only consume around 1200 calories a day. Im pretty sure MFP isnt perfect with calculating the correct calorie intake for some, but it does for others. I think I have now gotten into the babbling stage, LOL, so ill stop now.

    Anyways...you can do it!
    You may want to have another talk with your trainer. 1200 calories a day is low, esp if you're doing intensive workouts. I have yet to meet a trainer that recommends a low calorie diet. Mine is constantly on me to up my calories and my goals are set to 1800 a day. You are right that everyone is different, but we all need fuel for our bodies to run efficiently, and unless you have a sedentary lifestyle and are small (height/weight) 1200 just isn't going to do it.

    i work a desk job (sedentery), only burn 1200 calories a week through exercise, i'm 5'4" 123 (i'd consider small) and 1200 will not do it for me... 1400 seems more reasonable even for a "small" person.
    I was referring more to ladies under 5' when I said small. I also work a desk job and figure my BMR as sedentary since I eat back my exercise calories.

    ok that might be more reasonable for someone under 5 feet,that's true! :)
  • This is totally food for thought, I am 5ft 9inc tall and I weigh at the moment 175lbs which for my height is only OK I should be around the 154lbs mark so that is my goal.

    I was advised 1200 is the best to start especailly with the cals you gain from excerising as well!!

    Slightly confused now!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is totally food for thought, I am 5ft 9inc tall and I weigh at the moment 175lbs which for my height is only OK I should be around the 154lbs mark so that is my goal.

    I was advised 1200 is the best to start especailly with the cals you gain from excerising as well!!

    Slightly confused now!

    The 1200 calorie diet is okay as long as you work out and eat back the calories daily.
    This normally puts you at about 1600 cals total with a net around 1400...still kinda low!
    However...things happen in life where you arent guaranteed anything!
    You could get a flat tire and miss the workout.
    Now you are eating below BMR and you are harming your body in the long run.

    Its optimal to eat well 1600-2200 calories then create a deficit by working out.

    Eat well....work out.
    Work out to eat well.

    You could literally lose the weight by just eating right!
    I did it!
    My mistake was I didnt work out so now i'm playing the catch up game!

    So eat well and create a deficit using moderate cardio and weight lifting and you will pass with flying colors!

    Know what your:

    TDEE is
    And Body fat%

    you can do anything with your body after that.
  • Frankilou25
    Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
    hey, feel free to add me to! some friends would be great!!x
  • I'm also set at 1200 calories a day.
  • I excerise every day and burn 247 cals every time I train which ups my intake to 1400 per day. Eating 2000 per day seems really high!

    But it is very good advise, and I will give it a try next week as I am due to weigh in on Sunday so want to see how I have done and then will start a new week and maybe have more calories!

    Thank you :-)
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I am at 1200 but I do eat my exercise calories :)
  • i am a 1200 calorie woman. breakfast is key for me. I keep it under 300 calories. I enjoy dinner the most, so I try to save majority of calories for that. I work at 6;00 am so breakfast has to be fast and easy. usually yogurt and fruit. no one said you can't have cottage cheese for breakfast or a salad, so i do.
  • sthomas0214
    sthomas0214 Posts: 6 Member
    i am 1200 a day as well..feel free to add me as well :)