Food Log (when do you fill yours??)



  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm new to MFP (day 2) and wondered if anyone added what they were GOING to eat (for example for their evening meal) in advance?? It would help knowing how many calories you have left for snacks/treats etc??
    Last night I entered what I would have for my meals during today so I wouldn't get left short this evening. Evenings are
    my danger time!!
    Any tips?? Also any fave low cal snacks??
    L xx:smile:

    That's exactly what I do. I fill it out at the beginning of my day. Use it as a menu planner close it out to see "what I will weigh in 5 weeks" if I stick to the day's plan...and then use that as motivation to stay on track. I have asked MFP to put some kind of a "check mark" device in the food diary. So after I eat something I can "check" it off. I've gotten lots of feedback from other users to "make a list and check it off yourself" UMMM DUH I DID make a list...when I created the diary....on my mobile device....I want convience...not to have to make another paper/pencil list..heheh
  • Tari_D
    Tari_D Posts: 121 Member
    It depends what I am doing but yes I often log mine in advance so i can see what I have left of snacks. or in the case of today i can see how much excersize I need to do for the Dominoes Pizza my partner wants to have tonight for Valentines Day!
  • Diane0479
    As I work from home and have full access to my laptop, I fill in my food diary as I go along :) xx
  • jesscaponigro
    jesscaponigro Posts: 114 Member
    If I know what I am having the next day I'll log it the night before. I then adjust the day of as needed, if I didn't end up or did end up eating something different. This seems to be the most helpful. I am more disciplined this way, helps me not cheat!
  • sar586
    sar586 Posts: 40 Member
    Most times, I fill mine as soon as I have decided what I'm having. I pack my lunch/snacks and take it all to work with me, so I fill all of that in as soon as I know I'm going to eat it. With dinners, I can sometimes plan those earlier and fill them in, but I usually have to adjust portions later in the day. Whatever works for you!
  • JoannaKemmerer
    I always put in the next day's food (especially during the work week) when I know what I am having for the most part and have prepared it in advance!! It helps to know if something else comes my way - whether or not I have enough calories left!!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I log mine when I get into work in the mornings. I eat the same breakfast most days, and I prepare all of my lunches beforehand, so then I just have to decide what to have for dinner. Sometimes I change my mind and have to go back and change it, but it's not hard to do, and I really do think that planning has been key for me.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I add as many meals as I know as far out as I know them. That way I can see what i have left for snacks and can fill in the rest as I go without having to be grabbing my phone for every single thing I eat all day long.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I fill it out as I go if I can if not I fill in some of things I know I have daily. But I do fill in dinner and all my snacks before bed time and log it in sorta helps me from eatting more then I should
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm new to MFP (day 2) and wondered if anyone added what they were GOING to eat (for example for their evening meal) in advance?? It would help knowing how many calories you have left for snacks/treats etc??
    Last night I entered what I would have for my meals during today so I wouldn't get left short this evening. Evenings are
    my danger time!!
    Any tips?? Also any fave low cal snacks??
    L xx:smile:

    Check out my diary.. it's 8am and I have my entire day logged. It keeps me on track!
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    I do every morning before breakfast. I plug in the basics of what I'm going to eat B/L/D and then do a litte tweeking and done. :heart:
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    Like others have mentioned, I often will have my whole day filled in by 9 a.m. so I know where I stand throughout the day. If I decided later to alter what I eat, I can make those adjustments as I go along. I find this works really well for me because it allows me to plan for the sweets and carbs I crave without overdoing it and then finding myself with only a few calories left at the end of the day.
  • RavensFan20
    I do it after the meal, just in case I add or delete something. The only thing I add before hand is water. If I grab a bottle and it's 24 oz. (3 servings) I'll click 3 before I'm finished.
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    I fill out my day's meals after I exercise. I usually know what I am eating for the main meals, but then I use the extra exercise calories to plan my snacks. Pre-planning really helps me stay in track and really decide what I want to spend my calories on throughout the day.

    My favorite snacks include Fage 0% greek yogurt with honey, light laughing cow cheese with Kashi Tasty crackers, lots of fruit, and spinach with strawberries (my recent favorite). I slice the strawberries and then mash them a little to make the "dressing".
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I normally do it throughout the day. I keep MFP up so as I eat I add it. I live in a VERY small town so if I'm going to eat out its pretty much McDonalds - or a little bar that serves food very similar to what I'd get at McDonalds. I have learned the cal count on those by now. If I know we're going out to eat in town, I'll look it up before hand and decide then.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I typically do most of it in the morning...and then go over it again in the evening.
  • angbak60
    angbak60 Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm fairly new also - seriously logging for about 2 weeks now. I tend to log as I go which may not be the best idea. I like your idea of logging in advance; it may help me stay on target.

    One of my favorite night time snacks is the dark chocolate dove candies. I can take 1 and break it up in 2-3 pieces and savor each piece. It makes me feel as though I really had a chocolate treat. If I eat it too quickly, I tend to want more. If you like dark chocolate, try letting it melt in your mouth! Enjoy.
  • GA_Gyrl
    GA_Gyrl Posts: 25 Member
    I plan all of my meals so I do mine in the morning (when I log)
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I'm a stay-at-home mom so I do it as I go along. If you work, and can't use MFP during work hours, just get a journal and write it all down and record it later. Better to know then sit there guessing.
  • RobynC_88
    RobynC_88 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the iPhone app so I just log my food as I prepare it and just go with the flow- if it gets to dinner and I don't have enough calories, I'll run around with the dog for a bit; if I'm hungry in the evening and I don't have much room left for fat or sodium, I'll have fruit or something low fat/fat free.

    I find that if I plan my meals, I get bored. By doing it as I go, I'm more likely to keep on track and continue using the app and website.