Surely this can't be healthy...but it is!

Hey guys!

Right, I am getting reeeaaaalllyyy bored of salad now and I need some new ideas about foods (preferably snacky foods) that taste amazing but are really good for you and low in calories...

Any ideas?
(I'm from the UK so need to be foods that are sold here!)

Thanks :bigsmile:


  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Chicken. Really versatile. I buy four or five breasts at the weekend and then marinade them, grill them and then leave them in the fridge taking one a day to work. Use a different marinade or those little ground spice jars to keep it interesting. They go well in a salad or as a snack.
    Other things are snack a jacks (looove those) and Alpen light snack bars. Also muller yoghurts are ridiculously low calorie so try the vanilla ones with a few chocolate chips to liven it up without breaking the bank.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I find celery with a little almond butter a really yummy snack.
  • My cupboard is full of weightwatchers crisps/snacks and their chocolate bars are only about 80 cals. all ok for snacks.

    Some of their yoghurts are also lovely, especially the toffee apple and lemon torte ones, only 58 cals each.

    For dinner we have been having Fajitas, Weight watcher wraps with chicken breast and mixed peppers and onions and also chicken kebabs as above but grilled.

    if you like crab sticks, they are quite low cal.

    Ryvita have also brought out some low fat black pepper crackers... very nice.

    feel free to add me and you can access my diary... any inspiration to keep us going helps.

  • Hey,

    There are soo many 'snacks' available it's unreal. The easiest and simplest is fruit! Mix it up. But as someone already said chicken is the way forward. If you get into local butchers you can usually pick up meat cheaper and also some really good marinades.
    What I like to do is marinade them exactly as the guy said above then cook them obviously, then cut them into little peices and have them as a healthy alternative to KFC's popcorn chicken. I've been known to do this for the cinema!

    I have loads of ideas though, so if you want any more let me know! I've got half a libary on things like this!

    P.S Feel free to add me as a friend
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    My mom taught me super well about salad: some of my favorites are

    -Spinach with strawberries and roasted almond slices, balsamic vinegar and olive oil for dressing. low fat feta on top!

    -add thinly sliced carrots to anything!

    -fruit on a salad is always delicious, any fruit

    -nuts on salads are always delicious.

    -some salads don't have any salad at all! fresh brocceli and cauliflower with carrots and a sweet sugar/vinegar dressing = yum.

    you have tons of is your friend here too.
  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks guys :) It's really more for weekends as during the week i am pretty busy running clinics so don't think about food.