What are the lifestyle changes you made?



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    wow..... I have made quite a few since I started.
    1. No more fast food (I will get a "light" something every few months)
    2. at least 80 ozs of water a day
    3. some sort of cardio 4-6 days a week (dancing, zumba, running, elliptical)
    4. sweets are limited to once a week
    5. cut my white foods out. I dont eat anything with flour, sugar, white potatoes, rice or pasta anymore (insulin resistant)
    6. always eat breakfast (sometimes I miss lunch if I am not hungry or am too busy)
    7. WAAAAAAAY more veggies and lean protein
    8. Cut dairy way down b/c i found out i was slightly lactose intolerant.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    Since mid November:

    1.Totally cut out Soda ( drank diet soda all day, nothing else!) I do have one occasionally, once a week or so but thats it.
    2. Water, water, and more water! I drink about 12 glasses a day most days, sometimes as low as 8 or as high as 16
    3. Calorie tracking/logging and healthy choices in food. 1200 cal limit, plus exercise cals.
    4. exercise! I go to fitness classes 3x per week, and will start couch to 5k in the spring.

    I feel strong!
    I am down 35 lbs
    my skin is clearer (water and better food, i struggled with some mild/moderate adult acne)
    my mood is better
    my libido is increased because i feel better about myself
    I feel powerful, like i can do anything i set my mind to
    I have fitness goals (first time EVER in my life)
    My whole mindset is different. Other times when wanting to lose weight it was "i hope to weigh xxx" or it would be great to do this, and now its totally I CAN, I will, and When I.. instead of "if" I.....!
    I have irritable bowel syndrome and with eating better and a healthy balance of fiber and nutrition daily, i have had almost no issues there either.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Breakfast! I skipped breakfast since I was a teen. Now I eat breakfast every day. My current fav is a greek yogurt parfait... vanilla greek yogurt, 1/2 C blueberries and 1/4 granola on top. I've grown to LOVE breakfast!
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    -The only thing that I have completely cut out of my diet is soda, but on occasion I'll drink a crown and coke or crown and diet coke.
    -Portion Control/Learning not to be completely gluttonous (Learning that I don't have to get a DOUBLE cheeseburger with DOUBLE cheese and I also don't need chili and cheese smothered on a large order of fries. Used to eat ridiculously like this for EVERY meal.)
    -Making healthier choices, even if it's not ALL the time (ex. banana and peanut butter on wheat toast instead of pancakes with lots of butter and syrup for breakfast)
    -Counting calories
    -Tons of water!
    -Exercise!!! 5-6xper week. I have completely fallen in love with exercise and the way it makes me feel and look!!

    That's about it! I still have all the foods I love, but just don't go overboard with it. I'll have 2200 cal days and 1200 cal days, just depends on how I'm feeling. :)

    -I'm more confident.
    -My skin looks a lot better
    -I can see my muscles!
    -I feel way more energetic
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Drink more water
    Drink very little alcohol - it has no place in a weight-loss routine
    Minimum 5 x fruit/veg a day
    Healthy diet
    Exercise every day
    Sleep more
    Avoid junk food
    Started voluntary work twice a week
    Get a life...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    the main change that i have made is regular exercise. i also make my own lunch more often than i buy it.

    thats about it really as i love my food, and have always enjoyed eating out so wont be stopping that!
  • DeBiKin
    DeBiKin Posts: 107 Member
    I made MyFitnessPal an everyday thing. I never wanted to "count calories" (how tedious)! But when I found MFP and learned how many calories I was eating, what an eye opener! So... The biggest change would be finally keeping track. It's been nearly a year for me so I've tried different things but this site has changed my world.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    By far, the biggest lifestyle change I have made is not eating everything served to me at a restaurant or even at home. I can have my not so healthy things by eating only a portion of it (usually half). I've never been able to do that before, but it's become common place now. Yay!
  • scoste
    scoste Posts: 19 Member
    The biggest change for me is the food diary. I put down everything I eat down to the last morsel, which has made me very aware of the amounts of food that I eat. It is very hard at work because someone is always bringing tempting food or candy. Packing my lunch/dinner is a must. My co-workers are always ordering take-out. Other changes I have made are stepping up the exercise, having wine on the weekends and drinking more water.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    -Gym 5-6 days a week at least an hour
    -I do not drink alcohol at all anymore (not to be on a high horse or anything. I just do not enjoy it anymore)
    -Following my nutritionist's advice with adding 2 colors of fruit or vegetables to each meal (this can be hardb/c Im so used to buying frozen meals)
    -More Fiber
    -Doing things (signed up for a photography group, signed up for a 10k and 5k). Sitting on my butt at home was depressing.
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    Tracking food and exercise

    Everything else seems to have followed from there.

    More water
    Packing snacks
    Always eating breakfast
    More exercise, a little everyday
    Tracking everything... Makes you eat better if you track it.

    16lb since early Jan and feeling better for it.

    Have just booked my first squash lesson as a reward for the first stone gone.
  • wrecked_willow
    Wow good job! I am impressed by all of you :) I feel very inspired.. THANKS!!! :D
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Your list and add:

    -30 min more a day exercise
    -eliminated all gluten from my diet (I have Celiac Disease)
    -eliminated all caffeine from my diet (cuz I was too dependent on it)
    -eliminated all artificial sweeteners-read up on the bad side effects of them. The minute I drink a diet pop (not literally) I get ringing/itching ears, headaches, etc.
    -started taking my vitamins and supplements EVERY DAY
    -wash off my makeup at night before bed
    -use my night and day face creams (if I'm going to treat my body well no I should make sure my skin looks good on my face)
    -try and cook dinner every night-this is a hard one, but I'm getting better at it
    -do the grocery shopping weekly and with a planned list of meals (no winging it)
    -weigh all my food
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Lots of things already mentioned, but also:
    do something nice for my husband once a day (asked or not)
    try something new every day
    eat something organic every day
    complete my to-do list each day

    I have all this on a chart at home and pay myself a dime for each task I complete. I cash in at the end of the week and can buy myself something or save up for later.
  • wrecked_willow
    I also forgot to mention that I'm now taking prenatal vitamins because we're trying to get pregnant :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Minimal soda pop. No fast food if possible. Watch calories closer and saturated fats. Exercise at least 5 to 6 days per week
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I think the biggest change is my drinking water. I've never liked water, but to be fair I was drinking tap water. The worst was when I spent a week in Mississippi and an adult with our group (it was a church thing) made us drink 1 glass of water for every glass of soda and the water there, I kid you not, tasted like tires had been soaking in it. But I've been drinking nothing but water for a month straight now and I'm used to it.

    I've also been watching what I eat as far as types. x amount of starches, x amount of meat, x amount of fruit, etc. I like to make sure I get a little bit of the essentials each day or at least when I can.

    And yes, lots more physical activity! It's kind of hard when you're an artist who's literally in one spot, one position for hours on end but I manage.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I have made a few lifestyle changes since I started November 2011.

    (1) logging everything that goes into my mouth, I mean everything!!
    (2) being more active
    (3) cooking and making more of my own meals
    (4) becoming more aware of what I am eating, reading labels
    (5) and learning there is pretty much nothing I can't incorporate into my food

    I am actaually having a blast with all this. I have never gone this long before and this is how I know I can do this lifestyle change permanently!!
  • buckobuckobucko
    I think the biggest change is my drinking water. I've never liked water, but to be fair I was drinking tap water. The worst was when I spent a week in Mississippi and an adult with our group (it was a church thing) made us drink 1 glass of water for every glass of soda and the water there, I kid you not, tasted like tires had been soaking in it. But I've been drinking nothing but water for a month straight now and I'm used to it.

    I've also been watching what I eat as far as types. x amount of starches, x amount of meat, x amount of fruit, etc. I like to make sure I get a little bit of the essentials each day or at least when I can.

    And yes, lots more physical activity! It's kind of hard when you're an artist who's literally in one spot, one position for hours on end but I manage.

    I live in MS and I know EXACTLY what you mean about the water. I only drink bottled water.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    year ago . . .

    Drink 8+ servings of water a day
    Drink Hot Tea of all kinds at least once a day
    One Banana a day
    A vitamin a day
    Exercise Everyday (just about)
    Stopped eating McDonalds