Birth Control and Weight Loss, Please Help

Hello! I am currently on Lutera by Watson, a pretty low dose birth control pill. However, every time I get on birth control, it seems tas if I cannot lose any weight! I want to lose 10 pounds, but with 2 months of diet and exercise, there's no budge...I think I've even gained weight which is pretty heartbreaking considering my tremendous effort. Does anyone else have this problem/know of a solution? Help would be so greatly appreciated, thanks!


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You only have ten pounds to lose which means that it will come off pretty slow.

    Keep your deficit pretty small, strength train and drink lots of water. Eventually it will start to come off.

    Personally I feel birth control has nothing to do with weight loss/gain. It's what you do personally that affects it.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I have to say I agree with dad106. I don't believe birth control has anything to do with gaining weight or losing it. People seem to use it as an excuse (that's my own opinion and I'm not saying you or anyone else does). I have been on birth control for about ten years now and yes I've always had a weight issue but that's my own doing.

    When you are on birth control it does mess with your hormones until your body gets used to it. The messing of hormones can make you feel hungrier but you have to learn how to deal with it without eating more than you need.

    You don't have a lot to lose do don't try to lose it fast. Eat at your BMR (or slightly above - works the best for me) and exercise. Lift weights, drink tons of water, lower your sodium, and eat well. You will eventually start to lose.
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    I agree with others, BC has little to no effect on weight loss. I have been on a few different pills since starting my journey and it has not affected my loss. Now yes TOM will and I can hold 2-5 lbs of retention for a few days before starting. So just keep at it and it will slowly come off.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Birth control can really throw off weight loss. It makes it more sluggish. The Progesterone in it tends to make you put on weight, and the estrogen can throw off your moods. (After many years of trying all different types, I'm now on a progesterone only implant birth control!) The struggle with weight begins with you. Just because you're on birth control doesn't mean you cannot lose weight, it just means it's a little harder to get to goal.

    Increase water, stay with minimal calorie deficits and EXERCISE! I cannot say enough about getting exercise, especially when trying to lose weight on medications that can make you gain. You must be extra diligent about it, but with patience and time you can lose the weight!
  • receptionasi
    Hi. I'm an RN. Hormones, including those in birth control, do cause weight gain. That does not mean that you can't overcome the weight. It just means that you are more challenged than the average person to lose it. Stay strong and keep up the diet and exercise and you'll be fine.:flowerforyou:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Birth control doesn't have a direct impact on weight loss or gain. What is does is cause your body to think it's already pregnant so that you won't get pregnant again - at first the side effects from this can be sudden and overwhelming. One of the side effects of being pregnant is cravings, when you have a craving you're more likely to indulge in something that may not necessarily be healthy for you which is where the weight gain comes from and why women blame their birth control for their weight gain. It's harder but ultimately it's a matter of taking control and making smart choices. Like dad106 said, you don't have a lot to lose so you don't need a drastic deficit and you will most likely lose slowly in comparison to someone with two, three or four times as much to lose. Stick to it, watch what you eat and how much and you will see results.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    It probably depends on the type of birth control. If you feel it's getting in the way of your goal, it very well may be. If you have success losing weight while not on birth control, I would especially understand your feeling that it's holding you back. My best suggestion is to meet with your doctor and get on a different type! There are so many SO many options out there, and they all work somewhat differently. The pill I'm on (generic of Loestrin FE) doesn't affect my weight loss, but everyone is different. Try implanon or some of the little T shape looking things...I don't know. Just keep your options open.
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    Hello! I am currently on Lutera by Watson, a pretty low dose birth control pill. However, every time I get on birth control, it seems tas if I cannot lose any weight! I want to lose 10 pounds, but with 2 months of diet and exercise, there's no budge...I think I've even gained weight which is pretty heartbreaking considering my tremendous effort. Does anyone else have this problem/know of a solution? Help would be so greatly appreciated, thanks!

    I don't know about this pill that you are on, (or the other people saying BC doesn't make a difference, but it does) my Dr warned me and was correct when she told me I may gain or find it hard to lose weight while on the Depo shot...about 6years ago I got off it, lost 10 pounds within a month or two of being off the shot and onto an IUD.
  • ShiahC
    ShiahC Posts: 9 Member
    The birth control pill depletes vitamin b. Vitamin B is what helps metabolize fat, proteins and carbs. Just take a vitamin b6 supplement and you should be fine. It has helped me
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Your body needs time to calibrate the BC... about 2 months (cycles). During that time, it is likely that you will retain water, which will affect the numbers on the scale. Do not be discouraged. If you are consistent with your plan, it will pay off. Do not register to the 'belief' that BC will prevent you from losing weight or that it will make you gain weight..... keep on!
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    I think birth control does actually slow down the process in the beginning. You said it's been 2 months, is that when you started using it? Your body is probably getting used to the hormones. I would think it should start level out now and you should be able to lose. Have you tried changing up your routine or food plan? The combination of that and the BC could keeping you from losing. Hope that helps!
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    Many moons ago I put on 40 lbs in just over a year after starting TriCyclin, and I put on 30lbs in 1 year after I started taking Yaz. Both times I could *not* drop the weight until I stopped taking the pills. Hell, I couldn't even seem to drop inches the last time! Saying this, I was on a different pill in my teens, and didn't gain at all.

    Both times I hadn't changed a damned thing about my lifestyle (ie. Eat healthy, eating enough, working out, strength training, cardio, etc). It can take a while to find the OCP that "works for you" and doesn't cause side effects, it's frustrating in the meantime. Talk with your doc if you're concerned that weight gain/inability to lose is related to your OCP. They may be able to change the pill, or refer you to a nutritionist to re-evaluate your diet.
  • CandyAppleCockers
    CandyAppleCockers Posts: 74 Member
    I gained 30 pounds slowly over the time I've been on depo. While I do not blame the drug for the creep in the scale, being on it and trying to loose weight has been a nightmare. Eating healthily, not starving, Lifting heavy 3x a week, with 3 5km runs the scale didn't budge, nor did my clothing look better. Went to a nutritionist who had little to say about my diet and told me it was the birth control. As that isn't her specialty I didn't go back. After 8 months of work and almost nothing to show for it (increased strength was nice though) my doctor thought it would be best to go off of it work as hard and see if I'd loose the weight. He claimed many of his patients did.

    I'd really rather not get off of it.. I found keto around Christmas. Seems like I have insulin resistance issues and need to cut the carbs for life. For over 3 years I couldn't get results. In a month and half I've dropped 16 though much of that was water.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    I'm exactly in the same position as you. I would like to lose 10-15 pounds and on BC. For the last month I've been exercising and watching what I'm eating and have gained 2 pounds. I have to believe that it will work otherwise I'll give up.
  • scavabird
    scavabird Posts: 4 Member
    Everyone responds differently to birth control, but if you think that weight gain might be related (and it Absolutely can be) consider talking to your doctor about switching to a copper IUD, its an incredibly effective form of birth control that does Not change systemic hormone levels