For those who are looking for lower fat, lower sugar, healthier recipes, you can easily use the recipes right out of your own cookbooks by using the concept of "eat this ~~ not that".
If it calls for ground beef, use 97% fat free ground turkey breast.
If it calls for sugar, use the equivalent amount of TRUVIA instead of sugar.
Substitute: liquid "egg beaters" or the generic store brand for whole eggs (1/4 cup = 1 egg).
For cheese: substitute the reduced fat type for the regular.

When you shop for biscuit mix, if there's a WalMart store in your area, substitute Augason Farms buttermilk biscuit mix for other brands. It is extremely low fat compared to other brands. It comes in an extra large can and you will find it in the emergency food supply section.

Remember the "Eat this ~~ Not that" concept when eating out in restaurants, eating at church potluck suppers and when cooking. "Cook this ~~ Not that".

Stay happy. Become HEART HEALTHY!


  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I have been hooked on a site called it has thousands of recipes with pictures (that's one of the reasons I like it). I have seen so many recipes that interest me and have had a good time remaking them to be healthier for me and my family. I am cooking so much more now.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Options is also another site.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would add:

    If it calls for butter, use olive oil or canola oil if possible. This is not lower fat, but it is healthier fat.

    If it calls for sugar, either:
    ---skip it (rather than add artificial sweetners),
    ---try cutting the sugar content in half. I've found many recipes actually taste better with less sugar than recommended.
    ---use a lesser amount of a natural sugar like honey, maple syrup, molasses or agave syrup.

    If it calls for rice, use brown rice

    If it calls for white flour, use wholemeal flour or at least 1/2 wholemeal flour

    If it calls for ground beef, use 97/3 fat or leaner ground beef, chicken or turkey

    If it calls for a fatty cut of meat, substitute a leaner cut and add a little olive oil for moisture
  • JaymeLS
    JaymeLS Posts: 47 Member
    I'm on a low sodium diet. There is a web site I have made a few things and have like it. The enchilada sauce tastes like it came out of a can.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm on a low sodium diet. There is a web site I have made a few things and have like it. The enchilada sauce tastes like it came out of a can.

    I am gonna check this site out. I am trying to keep an eye on my sodium. Since I have been doing this I have become so much more aware of what has alot of sodium. My blood pressure is good, but I figured it can't hurt to keep my sodium in check. Thanks for sharing.