


  • kriggs1976
    I am thinking about trying this! Sounds great!

    Let's start together. I am starting it tonight...add me
  • LauraLouIsReady
    Get a good pair of shoes from a runners shoe store, one that will give a good gait analysis.
    Follow the program.
    Don't feel the need to push too hard.
    I've just graduated, and I'm now a runner.
    And I'm 57!

    Agreed! This can make ALL the difference on your joints. Take things slowly. I heard that they have podcasts you can download on your ipod for training. Not sure how to do it, but I've heard they are very helpful. I have a friend that started C25K last year and she is training for a marathon right now :)

    Praying for your success!!! :)
  • AlliGM
    AlliGM Posts: 86
    On week four and loving the program. I downloaded the free podcasts from PodRunner Intervals and love using them-- good music and takes the guess work out of the intervals. ( http://www.djsteveboy.com/intervals.html )

    Good shoes, properly fitted, are a must. Also, I find softer surfaces make huge difference for me. Good luck!
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    Yep, finished the program right before the New Year and have been running everyday since. I'll be doing my first 10k on March 24th! good luck it works.
  • bchmura
    Yes, like other people suggested - get a good pair of shoes at somewhere that will fit you. If they don't let you run around in them a bit then maybe try somewhere else. Fleet Feet is really good if you have any near you... The only store where you can expect people to go running out of the store with unpaid merchandise.

    Also, if you have a phone that will do Apps, spend the $1.99 and get an iPhone of Android app to do the tracking for you, you will be much happier for doing so.

    I did it, works good. Don't skip days and go at a pace you can handle. You can always do it again at a faster pace later on.

  • emawalton
    I second Fleet Feet! They're great! Ditto what everyone else has said. Take your time and don't try to run to hard or too fast. If you need to repeat a day here or there, it's ok. If your body isn't ready to move up, then you might end up setting yourself back later because of injury. The C25K apps for the smart phones are great! I usually play mine over the top of Pandora and also use RunKeeper to track my total time/distance (since I usually walk farther than the actual workout to get back to my house).

    Good luck!!
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    Everyone here has posted very good advice so I won't repeat it too much.

    I'm on Week 3 - just did run 2 today and I am amazed at the progress from 2 weeks ago... I would never have believed my body could adapt so fast.

    I'll put in another recommendation for the "Get Running" app if you have an iPhone. I love the app and the fact that I get the interval messages and timings over top of my own music playing on the app.

    Footwear is another very important detail... but be open to other possibilities. I had never run before in my adult life (I'm 42, and just got under 300 pounds for the first time since I was in my twenties) and I have heel spurs and have had problems with Plantar Fasciitis... the key for me to being able to start this is minimalist/barefoot footwear - I am running in Vibram FiveFingers shoes.

    These kinds of shoes promote striking the ground in a neutral posture, instead of striking heel first.

    They definitely aren't for everyone, but I've read - and I am finding myself - that starting out with them if you are not already a runner may be easier than transitioning to them at a later date.

  • kayladreams
    kayladreams Posts: 17 Member
    I just started today as well! Did Week 1 workout 1 and feel great! :) Doing Week 1 workout 2 on Thursday and than workout 3 sometime this weekend!! Hoping to be able to get my endurance back, used to run track a couple of years ago lol.