I want to become a runner

I want to start running, to get addicted to running. I want to be that girl that you see on the side of the road in NIKE gear, not thinking about anything but her feet on the pavement.
One problem:
I am 300 lbs and have never ran before.

When I try jogging, my ankles feel as if they are going to break. I can never catch my breath.

How can I achieve what I want?

CW: 301
Height: 5'9


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Search for the couch to 5k program.

    Start slow. But if all is well, there's no reason why you can't be that girl. And you sure won't be 300 lbs for long.
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    it is possible :) I did it couple years ago, gave myself a year, started on c25k plans, pushed on from there to 10k plans and then just ran outside and enjoyed the freedom.. but its a long gradual process which is exceptionally dooable even if you have never run before in your life, which I hadnt. After that year I ran a half marathon, it wasnt pretty but I did it and it was so awsome... even though I havent run in some time, I entered it again and got a place so I am back at the begining again learning to run... btw, I was 308lbs, currently 275 somewhat stalled but improving my fitness all the time.

    Add me if you want :)
  • juma4474
    juma4474 Posts: 64 Member
    I've heard the couch to 5K program is a great place to start. I've researched it and plan on starting it myself. I love cardio DVD's but am not a runner and need to be for my new job.

    Also, don't forget to do exercises to strengthen your legs and abs; frankly every other part of your body. You need strong muscles to run and build stamina so on your off nights from C25K try finding some DVD's that will help you build strength in those muscles.

    If you search the boards their are some great forums that have gone into depth on running tips and stuff.

    Good Luck.
  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    Start with walking, Everyday try to walk a little farther or a little faster than you did the previous day. Before you know it, you will be running.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Start slow, by walking. I was 263 when I started and I only walked for the first several months. Then started alternating walking and running.

    Look for Run Your Butt Off, too. Great book.
  • furbutt
    furbutt Posts: 74 Member
    Start by doing walk/run intervals. Walk for 5 minutes, jog for 2, walk for 5, jog for 2. Keep lessening the walk time and upping the jog time. You can do it!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I want to start running, to get addicted to running. I want to be that girl that you see on the side of the road in NIKE gear, not thinking about anything but her feet on the pavement.
    One problem:
    I am 300 lbs and have never ran before.

    When I try jogging, my ankles feel as if they are going to break. I can never catch my breath.

    How can I achieve what I want?

    CW: 301
    Height: 5'9

    I'm the same way, but at 253ish lbs atm....I used to run for like...sports training, but I've never dreamed of being a runner runner. One of my goals is to run a 5k in November (at Disney, because I'm a huge child haha)...But I want the same thing.....I've been planning on doing the c25k program but I am honestly SCARED lol
  • stewartcarden
    if joints hurt then maybe try out a cross trainer for a while instead , get yoruself up to a certain standard then start the c25k programme (:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Search for the couch to 5k program.

    Start slow. But if all is well, there's no reason why you can't be that girl. And you sure won't be 300 lbs for long.

    This, and then just get out there! Just keep going, on days where you're tired, jog/walk/jog/walk. Just get the miles in whatever pace... you'll get there... as the weight comes off and you get fitter you'll run further and faster and it will feel better! :) Take your time.
  • lovinlife71
    You can do it!! couch to 5k is a great idea!:happy:
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with c25k I started 2 weeks ago. Had never run, and was about 240 lbs.

    However you do need good shoes. my knees hurt really bad til I got a good pair at a running store.

    Also don't worry if you can't do week 1 day 1 at first. Yeah it took me 3 tries before I could manage that without skipping a few runs. I'm going to try my first day of week 2 today.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I thought the same thing, that I would never be able to catch my breath, my legs would hurt, I would get shinsplints.
    I started slow, I didn't break any speed records, but I am now one of "those guys."
    You can do it, take your time.
    Fear nothing.
    I stole this from one of my MFP friends:
    Not to be a smart alec, but the best training for running is getting out there and putting one foot in front of the other.
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    I bought the app for my phone. There are a few different one's out there, but I like the way this one works. It's called Ease into 5k on the Android Market. It starts you off easier than 5-2 minute intervales. I plan on going home and starting day 1 tonight after I get off work. :)
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    If I can do it, you can do it!! I started running two years ago at 5'6" 206lbs, and age 42. I started with the Couch to 5K program in February 2010 (Google it). It is an interval training program that builds up gradually from literally the couch (which is where I started). When I first started I could barely run the 60 second intervals, but gradually day by day it got better, I got stronger. I did a 2 mile run/walk with my daughter in March 2010, ran/walked my first 5K in May 2010, and just kept on chugging...ran my first 10K in October 2010, and my first half marathon in January 2011!! I was hooked!! In 2011, my New Years resolution was to complete one running event per month, which I achieved...I completed 8-5Ks, 3-10Ks, and 5, yes 5 half marathons in 2011!! So far this year, I have already run 2-10Ks and a half marathon and am registered for another half marathon in March. Oh, and I lost 60 pounds along the way!! I now love to run, am obsessed with running and can not believe how far I have come. If you had told me in January 2010 that I would be doing this in two years, I would have told you that you were crazy, but I did it and you can too!! My resolution this year is to continue my streak of running at least one event per month. I am excited to see how long I can keep the streak going. I have learned that the mind and body are amazing things and if you work with them, you can achieve amazing things that you never thought possible. So, if you truly want to do, you can. Feel free to friend me or message me if you would like. I now love to share my passion/obsession, and inspire and support others.
  • beach_chelle
    You can def do it, get c25k also now called ease into 5k. Don't be afraid to repeat weeks. I downloaded this and haven't looked back. Just did my first day of week 3 and did something I thought would never happen with my weight and asthma. I ran for 3 minutes straight--I am so looking forward to running 6 minutes next week!

    YOU CAN DO IT! You can do anything you put your mind to.
  • CocoaBeautiful78
    I weigh 214lbs and have been jogging for a week now. (Just got back from one!) I have the same goal....to become addicted to running and so far it feels good. I started by saying I would jog a block and walk a block.....FIFTEEN minutes later I started to walk again. I couldnt freakin believe I jogged for 15 minutes and had NO idea I was even capable!! The hardest thing to get over is the fact that when you are bigger you feel like jogging is drawing attention to you and things are moving around. Get over it and quick! When I see a plus size person jogging I think you go boy/girl! You never know who can be looking at you and be encouraged. Besides that it feels sooooooooooooooo damn good! You can do it girl!!!!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I'm no model runner, and I share your desire to be the type of runner you described. But, I do run some, and I like it pretty well when I do, and that may be all I achieve. Here's how I got there:

    I decided to be a walker. I started walking one mile a day. Not much, really. And I didn't go really fast, but faster than a stroll. Then, I got bored and decided to go a little faster. Then, just for the heck of it, I said to myself, "I'm going to run from here to that mailbox." Then, I decided to run at different points on my route, you know, something like

    walk for a while, run from this light post to that mail box, walk for a while longer. run to the next block, and then walk home.

    Finally, I got to the point where I was running most of the route and adding to the route every week. The key for my sticking to it was know that I was going to walk no matter what and that I could decide when I got there how hard to push. It was a game I played with my mind, but it worked better than telling myself to go run a mile.

    Good luck with however you do it and whatever works with you. Remember that anything you do is better than doing nothing. Push when you can, and keep doing something the rest of the time!
  • WallyGirl358
    I agree. If you joints hurt work on walking for a period of time. Whatever you do DO NOT do to much to fast. I was jogging 3 miles and worked myself up to 9 miles within 3 weeks and decreased my miles by a minute. To say the least, I am now really working on just getting stronger with weight lifting and hadn't ran for 3 weeks. I ran the first time last weekend and ran my fastest 4 miles ever! I will now run only once a week for 4-6 miles.

    Good luck to you. Remember to take it slow.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Search for the couch to 5k program.

    Start slow. But if all is well, there's no reason why you can't be that girl. And you sure won't be 300 lbs for long.

    This, and then just get out there! Just keep going, on days where you're tired, jog/walk/jog/walk. Just get the miles in whatever pace... you'll get there... as the weight comes off and you get fitter you'll run further and faster and it will feel better! :) Take your time.

    YEAH THAT! When you're just starting, jogging for even 30 seconds is a HUGE accomplishment! C25K is a great program. Add toot your horn around here for every little victory! You deserve it!