Post about poop. Yep, poop.

So I know this post is a bit grade-school, but I need to know about this!

I used to be regular. I would poop at the same time every single morning, every day of the week. However, since moving and stressing out, I now am lucky if I have a bowel movement once every three days, and even if I do, its usually very difficult for me to do so, and well, what's going in isnt equalling what's coming out. What that means is three days worth of poop should probably be a lottt bigger.

I weighed myself one day last week and was 137. Literally two days later, I weighed 143. 6 lbs in two days?! Granted, I ate more than normal but I think the culprit was the fact that I hadn't pooped. How much should I factor this into my weigh-ins? Because I freaked out when I saw that I had gone up 6 lbs in two days!!

I find that being so irregular is throwing off my weigh ins substantially. It depends on when my latest BM was and I'm carrying around three or four days of food with me at any given time.

Anyone have any thoughts?


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    More fiber.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
  • Bexx435
    Bexx435 Posts: 83 Member
    You need more fiber in your diet.
  • Ging07
    Ging07 Posts: 21 Member
    Fiber PLUS lots of water
  • ctc029
    ctc029 Posts: 5 Member
    So do you guys think that could be the reason for my extra 6lbs in two days? I've found that I'm weighing usually about 4-6lbs heavier than normal no matter what I do right now, and am wondering if this is the reason why.
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    Hey,sorry to hear about your problems.I agree more fiber,plus 8 or more cups of water a day,and I use coconut oil or olive oil everyday.Make sure your eating enough or your body can go into starvation mode and hold everything in.Hope you feel better soon.
  • have you considered miralax? eating more fiber doesnt necessarily work for usually just makes me gassy and bloated
  • ctc029
    ctc029 Posts: 5 Member
    What's odd is that I eat a LOOTTTT of fiber as is. Maybe I'll try a fibre supplement and if that doesnt work, head to the Dr.!
  • Yes, this could be the culprit.

    I have chronic constipation and talked to my doctor about it and she said it could very much be the reason for weight gain. Mine is so bad I was having pains in my ovary area so I went for an ultrasound, turns out it's just from being so full of *kitten*, literally.

    Benefibre is a good, clear, no taste fibre you can add to water or juice. Metamucil is the best but it's too thick & gross for me to drink, personally!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I think it could certainly play a factor in the scale showing you weigh more. I doubt you ate that many extra calories in 2 days.
  • shahendrickson
    shahendrickson Posts: 55 Member
    Increase fiber & water. I sometimes have to use Miralax. I can also weigh 4 pounds heavier the week before my period. :(
  • What's odd is that I eat a LOOTTTT of fiber as is. Maybe I'll try a fibre supplement and if that doesnt work, head to the Dr.!

    IF you are really eating THAT much fibre, than this could be the problem too. IF you eat a lot of fibre, make sure you drink A LOTTTTT of water.
  • rebeccazeno
    rebeccazeno Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not an expert but you said that you have been stressed out. I've heard that stress can make you gain weight as well. Maybe try going for a walk now and then. It's good exercise and might clear your head from the stress a little bit. Either way, it can't hurt...Good Luck!
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Sounds to me like your full of ****
    I mean poop, oh nevermind...
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    I would get checked out by a doctor. It is not healthy to not for for 3 days at a time, i know, i've been there. There are so many things that could be causing this, and none of them are good.

    keep doing what you are doing, hydrate, eat slippery foods, take care of yourself. As far as the poop prob goes, i'd talk to a specialist, and not even worry about anything like weightloss till given a clean bill of health.

    (PS- it was discovered i had a gangrenous abdomen, yes, effing gangrene inside of me, do DEF get checked out!)
  • ctc029
    ctc029 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm never in pain though, like my tummy is never uncomfortable. I would think if I were "full of ****" (lol) that I would feel less than great?
  • Once your life gets back to "routine", you may find that your system eliminates more regularly as well. I know I don't poop on the weekends - no real bad stress, just not routine. And while MalibuBeth has a good point (with which I agree), don't panic! More than likely, it's related to stress.
  • jonetpwhite
    jonetpwhite Posts: 4 Member
    You need to go back to the basics and see how much you really are eating each day. It could be you are consuming more that 2,000 a day and that could be the cause of the weight gain.

    You said you are eating fiber but what are you eating. Make sure what you are getting is soluble fiber:whole grains (barley), fruit (avocados), beans, & high fiber vegetables (potaotes). Make sure you are getting enough water and most importantly...WALK. Walking helps you digest and helps you pass all the waste out of your system. Our bodies are designed with gravity in mind.

    Lastly, cut...out...the ...stress! Stress is the greatest factor beyond diet for weight gain. Take up walking or yoga or both, eat and apple and have a glass of water. If not of these helps, see your doctor, it may be a sign of something more significant.

    Good Luck
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    I agree, with lots of water AND fiber. Don't forget the water.

    And , ya, I mean, how much more are you eating? I've had a few days where I eat "badly" for the weekend, and by Monday, the scale is up 4 or 5 pounds. Mostly water/salt, but real pounds too.