New to running...will I ever get it?



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    You can definitely do it. About a year and a half ago (maybe a couple months longer than that) I couldn't run one lap around a track (1/4 a mile). Then last February I completed a half marathon, and I'm about to do it again on Sunday. It takes some time, but don't get discouraged, and take it easy. You will get there! Set some goals, like a 5k for yourself, and before you know it you'll be a full on runner :)
  • maryjay51
    in march 2010 i was 270lbs... i could barely get out of bed let alone run.. i started walking..then i started walking fast ... now im running. i dont run like a pro but i can now do 5 miles in 57 minutes... dont ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do something you want to do.

    advice i got is to mix up your speed when you are learning to run. on the treadmill i go 4 miles an hour and switch to six and five and sometimes seven and back to four ... and then i also add incline to that.

    now im gearing to run in an 8k on march 3 so im just running as fast as i can in an hour. two weeks before the run i will have no caffeine..the day of the run i will drunk two cups of coffee and run my *kitten* off..
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I just posted this on another thread's the other thread

    If I can do it, you can do it!! I started running two years ago at 5'6" 206lbs, and age 42. I started with the Couch to 5K program in February 2010 (Google it). It is an interval training program that builds up gradually from literally the couch (which is where I started). When I first started I could barely run the 60 second intervals, but gradually day by day it got better, I got stronger. I did a 2 mile run/walk with my daughter in March 2010, ran/walked my first 5K in May 2010, and just kept on chugging...ran my first 10K in October 2010, and my first half marathon in January 2011!! I was hooked!! In 2011, my New Years resolution was to complete one running event per month, which I achieved...I completed 6-5Ks, 4-10Ks, and 5, yes 5 half marathons in 2011!! So far this year, I have already run 2-10Ks and a half marathon and am registered for another half marathon in March. Oh, and I lost 60 pounds along the way!! I now love to run, am obsessed with running and can not believe how far I have come. If you had told me in January 2010 that I would be doing this in two years, I would have told you that you were crazy, but I did it and you can too!! My resolution this year is to continue my streak of running at least one event per month. I am excited to see how long I can keep the streak going. I have learned that the mind and body are amazing things and if you work with them, you can achieve amazing things that you never thought possible. So, if you truly want to do, you can!!
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm also a non runner who wants to run. :) I finally conquered my first mile since my son was born 6 months ago. You can do it, don't give up.
  • Danpellizzari
    I am someone that used to say I'm not built for running. I compare myself to a refrigerator running down the street. However, I have become a runner. I can run 7 miles now at a 5mph pace. It's not track star speed by no means but I still call it running. So I say this. If u want to run than run. Get a heart rate monitor. Get into a training zone and stay there for 30 or 40 minutes and enjoy. Listen to music, audio books, or podcasts. But whatever you do. Just enjoy yourself!
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I never, in a million years thought I could say that I was NOT a runner until this past year. It takes practice. I had all of the "classic" excuses too. Out of shape, too fat, bad knees...the works. I started running as far as I could go and when I was winded I would stop. I got up to running a quarter of a mile. I still dont think I qualify as a runner but it's alot further than I could run a year ago.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Just wanted to share one of my favorite quotes.

    “If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.”
    ― John Bingham

    Google him and read a few of his books...very inspiring!!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    I'd like to recommend a book - 'AN ACCIDENTAL ATHLETE' by John Bingham - check out reviews on the internet. He was a non-runner who took up running. I read the book recently after somebody on here recommended it to me...
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Remember this...just keep running!
  • Vegan_Runner
    Vegan_Runner Posts: 133 Member
    If you run you are a runner. No matter how fast you are, you are a runner. You will improve over time if you so choose to and train accordingly, but no matter what you look like, if you run, you are a runner, and don't let anyone else tell you different.
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    I'm pretty sure the above responders have covered the advice bit (definitely some great words of wisdom to start with!!). I just wanted to add that I LOVE this thread and that it is absolutely fantastic you want to get into running. It is, in a way, an under-appreciated sport!! You can do it!!!!
  • mrsred79
    I've done a modified version of C25K when I started out over 2 year ago. I was up to running 2 miles straight when I got pregnant with my 3rd child. I was slow, but knew speed would come gradually. My doc cleared me to keep running throughout my pregnancy as long as I felt up to it. Morning sickness took me out of the game and so here I am. Baby is now 9 months old, and I'm finally getting back out there. I'm training for this event.

    Nothing says "RUN YOUR *kitten* OFF!!" like a bunch of zombies, right? LOL
  • lisajnz
    lisajnz Posts: 16 Member
    What Rubybelle said :) Her points are pretty much what I would have said - so I don't need to type them all again!!

    I started on the C25K program 3 years ago - purely because I worked out I could burn the same number of calories running 30min as I could walking for over an hour - so for time efficiency figured it was a good idea ;)

    I come from a family of runners and had spent most of my adult life thinking they were all nutters - now I'm the biggest nutter of them all - it still amazes me how much I've come to love running.

    About 7mths after I started I ran my 3rd 10k race (fun run) - and won the major spotprize - entry to the London Marathon (plus airfares and accommodation - I'm in NZ) - first reaction was NO WAY would/could I run a marathon ... but I then decided it would be a huge regret if I didn't try and give it a go and got stuck into training - 16mths after I started C25K I ran my first marathon - ended up being Rotorua in NZ because of the huge ash cloud and not being able to get to London, but a year later (last year) I got to London - a couple of times I was in tears just with awe and amazement at how far I'd come and at what I was doing.

    Still running, still loving it, I'll start training for my 4th marathon next week.

    I'm amazed every day that I've come from being anti-running, overweight (I've also lost 60lb in that time) to the person I am now.

    Basically - if I can do it - anyone can do it - so go for it!!
  • darrenkitchens
    After getting out of the Army I was pretty much burned out on running. For years I stuck to power lifting, resulting in a 6'1" 260lb frame. as I have gotten older I realized that 260lb is not a good weight to carry around, even it is (mostly) muscle. I decided to get down to about 215lb (hope to keep BF to <20%). Still did not enjoy running, mainly because I had not done it so long and sucked at it, but I knew I needed to mix at least some in with my cardio. struggled with it for a while, shin splints, knee problems etc... A trainer friend of mine talked me into trying a pair of Vibram Five fingers shoes. this seemed to work for me, corrected my stride and form. I know some people think they are a gimmick, but since I have worn them I have had 0 knee problems or shin splints. my wife wears them now too and loves them.

    another thing you may want to try if you get bored with distance running (like my wife does) is HIIT training. if you haven't already heard of it, just google it. my wife does HIIT training almost exclusively and has very, very good results.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Check out Hal Higdon's beginner programs. I have always hated running and I'm 5 weeks into his novice 10k program and loving it. The best parts are that you do different activities, not just running and that each day you know exactly what type of activity to do and for how long. Good luck!