Venting - HUGE losses in short time



  • ColleenMichele
    Don't stress yourself out over it. I remind myself all of the time that it is still just a numbers game. Someone who says that they are losing 10+ pounds a week but showing a diary that doesn't show that big of a calorie difference is obviously not telling or showing the truth. We are all here to do what we need for OURSELVES! I, too, am losing about 1 pound a week and working my butt off to do so. Keep it up! This is YOUR journey!
  • gaberieger
    No, not necessarily. I tend to ignore the men in general because it's so different for them.
    False. That's just an excuse.
    Let's congratulate, not hate! It's about a healthy lifestyle change- not about how fast you can do it. I agree with others, do not overly worry yourself about your virtual friend. Congratulate them on their success and focus on you.
  • gaberieger
    I have been losing about 10lbs every 30 days. I have a lot to loose (still have 127lbs to go) and I have been told that the bigger you the more quickly the weight seems to go until you hit a certain point. I think the reason for that is now that I'm counting calories, the amount of food I eat has been DRASTICALLY reduced.

    For some, they have always eaten fairly normal sized meals, but perhaps not the healthiest sort of meals. Or maybe they just never moved off their couch. For them, I think losing weight is a little harder because they already had portion size under control, now it is excercise and eating healthy.

    I don't know. I'm no expert. This is just observations from my life talking here.. But I have to say I do move around WAY more than I ever did before, and my meals are so much smaller. I had CARROTS for lunch today. Three months ago I would have had a double quarterpounder with cheese, a large fry and large Coke. It makes a difference.
    ^ filled with truth.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I see people like that, and everyone knows my opinion about it that I know in my life off of MFP. I don't concern myself with what they are doing, other than tell them about MFP and share my successes and how I've been keeping it off. I try and encourage people to do it the right way instead of falling prey to the "fad" quick loss diet programs out there.

    But if they truly want to do it their way, I leave them to it. In the end, it ends up coming back on and they end up in the same position. Hopefully a lesson learned.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Who are you to say what is healthy for them and what isn't? If they have the approval of their doctor, then you should not be concerned.
  • eolivero
    Here's a thought:

    One problem with "seeing" others lose lbs quicky on a forum like this, it creates a negative competition. Weight loss is not a competition. If you want to compete with friends, try taking a workout class that uses a point system or timed events for HEALTHY competition among a smaller group of people. For example, in the Crossfit Class I attend (it's offered 5 times during the day - 6 times a week) the instructor tracks everyones reps and times. When you come in the following day, you can see where you stand.

    If we were constantly comparing lbs lost, we'd all be very discouraged. The males lose lbs fast, but the females seem to make cardio gains like ANIMALS.

    In short, find some like minded people to share your VICTORIES with everday. Compete to be more FIT, not the skinniest or lightest. As much as I enjoy MFP, there are WAY to many people that are all over the map. I can't, won't , refuse to compare myself to anyone I read about in a blog. You don't know me; you don't pay my bills!

    In other words, I have no idea how hard you workout or how often you workout. Nor do I really care. No more than you should care how much I am doing. Bottom line, I'm not losing weight to impress anyone. I'm changing my LIFESTYLE so I can enjoy my life.

    I hope your VENTING has given you some perspective and freed your mind to reflect on your own VICTORIES.
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    I understand exactly how you feel. I've lost 8 pounds in 2 months. I know I am doing this the healthy way but it can still be frustrating and I have to give myself a pep talk a few times a week. The thing is though-this is doable and the pound a week isn't stressing my body. I know when I reach my goal, I won't have issues maintaining.
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    I have a lot to loose and the first two weeks fat literally melted from me. The last 2/3 weeks have been extremely slow though. Keep at it. Remember it's not a competition. Keep going! Everyone knows the story of the tortoise and the hare...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You have to not compare yourself to everyone else. The rule of 1-2 lbs per week loss is not universal. Every body is different.

    Do you own thing and don't worry about what other people's successes look like.
  • hsmithway
    For some, they have always eaten fairly normal sized meals, but perhaps not the healthiest sort of meals. Or maybe they just never moved off their couch. For them, I think losing weight is a little harder because they already had portion size under control, now it is excercise and eating healthy.

    This is a good point. My weight loss has been really slow, and I think part of the reason for that is that I had pretty decent eating habits to begin with. I needed to increase my protein, eat a little less, and exercise more, but I was already eating lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats.

    A friend of mine just got divorced, started eating healthier and working out, and he lost 13lbs in the first week or two. But since he started out eating fast food, pizza, fried chicken, and drinking a lot, he had a lot more room for dietary improvement than I did.

    Very frustrating! But as someone else mentioned, we've all got our strengths and weaknesses. He might lose weight faster than me, but at least I've still got a full head of hair :wink: :laugh:
  • 0AmyMarie0
    When I started this, I had 39 lbs to lose. 15 days in, I have lost 7 lbs. It's not because I'm starving myself or am losing in an "unhealthy" way, or that I'm going to put it all back on. We don't always know what someone's story is or why they lost weight quickly, so it's unfair to judge them.

    In my case, I had gained weight do to hypothyroid. My whole life I've been incredibly active and have eaten healthy. No matter how active and healthy I was with my thyroid though, I continued to gain weight. Eventually I got to the point where the illness caused me to be so exhausted, that I became very inactive, napping a lot and certainly not working out.

    Once I started the medication, I could bounce right back into my normal activity level (for the most part, muscles are more sore now than they were before) hence the weight loss. I'm not eating particularly less than I was before, I'm watching it all more carefully, but not starving myself.

    I don't see why I would gain weight back quickly when it was underactive thyroid causing the gain in the first place, as long as I continue my medications and my normal activities.

    We shouldn't all have to explain ourselves though. So don't judge, I wouldnt judge the person who loses 1 lb a month as long as they were taking steps to be healthy just as I wouldnt judge the person who loses 3.5 lbs a week.

    ETA: I am also under a dr's care. I was speaking with or seeing my dr about 3 times a week up until this week.
  • cruisintolose
    cruisintolose Posts: 25 Member
    I am going to be honest. This is another reason I like MFP. I have become much more educated than before. My BMI was always about 23-24 most my life and then I gained weight and entered the "overweight" category.(27) My immediate family is all small and petite. I was not around very large people so I was very uneducated.When I say around I mean people I felt comfortable enough with to talk about weight. I always assumed it was easier for bigger people to lose weight quickly. I thought if you just changed your diet it would melt off. I now know better and my heart goes out to those who have a long road ahead of them and the scales move slowly. The determination those have is amazing and frankly very inspiring!
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    Here's a thought:

    One problem with "seeing" others lose lbs quicky on a forum like this, it creates a negative competition. Weight loss is not a competition. If you want to compete with friends, try taking a workout class that uses a point system or timed events for HEALTHY competition among a smaller group of people. For example, in the Crossfit Class I attend (it's offered 5 times during the day - 6 times a week) the instructor tracks everyones reps and times. When you come in the following day, you can see where you stand.

    If we were constantly comparing lbs lost, we'd all be very discouraged. The males lose lbs fast, but the females seem to make cardio gains like ANIMALS.

    In short, find some like minded people to share your VICTORIES with everday. Compete to be more FIT, not the skinniest or lightest. As much as I enjoy MFP, there are WAY to many people that are all over the map. I can't, won't , refuse to compare myself to anyone I read about in a blog. You don't know me; you don't pay my bills!

    In other words, I have no idea how hard you workout or how often you workout. Nor do I really care. No more than you should care how much I am doing. Bottom line, I'm not losing weight to impress anyone. I'm changing my LIFESTYLE so I can enjoy my life.

    I hope your VENTING has given you some perspective and freed your mind to reflect on your own VICTORIES.

    Massively well put.
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    I am right there with you ~ I am only loosing about 1/2 pound a week or none at all :( but I am trying to stay away from the scale and rely on the way I feel. I weigh myself once a month now instead of every was too depressing... I am have worked too hard to fall off the wagon and get discourage by the scale. I know in time I will reach my goal. I am not in any hurry...:bigsmile: Don't let their success stories get you down or discouraged :flowerforyou:
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Yes, of course people can lose a lot of weight the first few weeks. I get that. What I'm talking about is people that lose 100 pounds in 5 months. These people are not necessarily 400 pounds at the start either. Many/most of them have reached their goal weight by then. I just don't get how that is even remotely healthy.

    Are these people you are talking about typically men? I think that has a lot to do with the rapid and consistent weight loss you are talking about.

    No, not necessarily. I tend to ignore the men in general because it's so different for them.

    Oh, ok. Well I am on these boards every day and I honestly have not seen women with the type of weight loss you mentioned. Even on Biggest Loser the women are not typically hitting those numbers in only a few months (unless they are VERY obese to start with). However, I do see many male MFP members that are able to lose 100+ pounds in a matter of months through calorie restriction, cardio, and strength training (the ones I have noticed tend to do all three and with a ton of dedication to sticking to their eating and exercise routines daily).

    I read a few articles on the subject of weightloss in men vs. women (honestly because I am a huge fan of Biggest Loser and it comes up A LOT on the show). Here is an interesting article on the subject:
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    I am no doctor, but I relate. I am taking my good old-fashioned time, and I am being the best ME I can BE.
  • sopherella
    I think it all has to do with each person's metabolism. Some people really get things moving with cutting calories and moderate exorcize. Unfortunately, we can't all be so lucky (me included). I seem to get it off fast at first and then struggle with plateau after plateau. I think if a person is over a hundred pounds over weight it is completely safe to drop that in 5 months due to lifestyle change because their bodies really take to the changes.
  • peptoblue
    peptoblue Posts: 6 Member
    That can be quite frustrating, but just know you are doing it the proper way. I have always known that 1-2lbs/wk or 1% of your body fat is healthy weight loss. Also, focus on the inches! Muscle weighs more than fat. Hang in there! The Biggest Loser TV series is "The Biggest Load of Crap". It is totally unhealthy for those people there. I am certain that those people gain every 1lb back that they lost, & possibly more. I have had few friends who have tried to lose weight too fast & every one of them ended up with medical problems or in the ER.
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    I completely disagree with the safely loose weight. I work out everyday from 1-2 hrs plus cycling and strength training. I am a big guy, 6'2 and started at 420 in june of last year. Iv been loosing an average of 4.33 lbs per week on this regimen recently.
    I dont eat crap, only 2 cokes a week, no alcohol and i feel great, and i still eat out. you can look at my diary to see what i eat. Below is my chart i keep up with.

    Date Weight %
    12/29/2011 372 0 0.00 New Year start
    1/4/2012 368 4 1.08
    1/11/2012 367 1 0.27
    1/19/2012 362 5 1.36
    1/25/2012 358 4 1.10
    2/5/2012 352 6 1.68
    2/13/2012 346 6 1.70

    Stay thirsty my friends
  • peptoblue
    peptoblue Posts: 6 Member
    BTW, if they are losing weight too fast or not at all, maybe one should be checked for a thyroid issue.