Women Question-- Hormone Imbalance and Weight or PCOS


I'm new to MPF. Before starting this, I had been on Weight Watchers with little success. Anyway, I've been trying to lose weight for about two months now and my weight has been dead locked. I'm not sure what to do, I do cardio everyday for 45 minutes. Mainly to reduce stress.

My doctor told me I had a hormone imbalance (I'm not having periods either) and to take BC. Which I've tried and, not lost any weight (when I say any weight I mean not even 1/2 lb in 2 weeks) I'm just wondering if any women out there have had hormone related problems or polycystic ovary syndrome and how they lost weight and got past the hormone problem?


P.S. I would open my food diary up, but like I said I just joined so I really don't have but a day or two in it. I guess if it helps could you leave a note saying how to open it up?


  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    Have you ever tried low-carb diet? If you have PCOS, I think low-carb or low glycemic diet should help with the weight loss.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Have you been tracking your calories for a while? If you have, what are you trying to eat each day? What's your current weight?
  • snkoyle15
    I do!!! I have PCOS and all of the hormonal problems to go with it. you can add me if you'd like! It really sounds like you are insulin resistant, which if you have PCOS is almost a guarantee. if you do, you probably need to be put on Metformin (if you arent already on it) it helps a TON! it helps to regulate your insulin and glucose levels which helps balance out your hormones and most likely help with your weight too. within just a few months of starting it, i lost 20lbs. you could also look into taking a cinnamon supplement, for some reason it also helps regulate your glucose levels. if you dont regulate your insulin and glucose its almost impossible to loose weight. if you are on FB there is a closed group you can ask to join. it is basically a support group for women with PCOS. It is so nice to be able to talk with other women that have the same problems you are going through. whether it be weight, acne, hair loss, trying to conceive, or any other the other bazillion problems we have because of PCOS. http://www.facebook.com/groups/cystersunite/
  • michellebd1980
    I have PCOS and have been able to lose weight! I've tried the Insulite program and had to stop because it was too expensive. So, I'm back on Metformin and I workout nearly every day. Also, try eating 4-5 small meals a day, joining carbs and protein to each small meal and that will kick start your metabolism!
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I have PCOS and refused to take BC or Metformin. Instead, I started takin 1,000mg of Cinnamon daily, cut out processed carbs, started exercising. I lost 40 pounds and when I went for my first follow up appointment, my doctor said all of my hormones were completely normal now. :) Just keep at it. I really suggest a low GI diet if you have insulin resistance.
  • I too, have PCOS! I was diagnoised Friday. I am on Metformin, but JUST started it! I have been unable to lose weight, even when I was hitting the gym 5 days a week! It can be so frustrating! I am here if you need support!
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 171

    I'm new to MPF. Before starting this, I had been on Weight Watchers with little success. Anyway, I've been trying to lose weight for about two months now and my weight has been dead locked. I'm not sure what to do, I do cardio everyday for 45 minutes. Mainly to reduce stress.

    My doctor told me I had a hormone imbalance (I'm not having periods either) and to take BC. Which I've tried and, not lost any weight (when I say any weight I mean not even 1/2 lb in 2 weeks) I'm just wondering if any women out there have had hormone related problems or polycystic ovary syndrome and how they lost weight and got past the hormone problem?


    P.S. I would open my food diary up, but like I said I just joined so I really don't have but a day or two in it. I guess if it helps could you leave a note saying how to open it up?

    Hey there! I too had a hormonal imbalance, am not having periods, and on BC. I do cardio 4 days a week and a full body strength routine 2 days a week. I mix up my cardio between biking, swimming, zumba, P90X and Insanity workouts to name a few. I've found that lowering my carbs and upping my protein intake has helped. I currently eat a 40% carb, 35% protein, 25% fat split. I've also upped my calories to 1,400 a day instead of 1,200. I know everyone is different, but I have heard that a low(er) carb diet helps with PCOS and endometriosis (which is what I have). Hope this helps you!

    - You can open your dairy up by going to settings and then diary settings if you decide to do so :smile:
  • I do!!! I have PCOS and all of the hormonal problems to go with it. you can add me if you'd like! It really sounds like you are insulin resistant, which if you have PCOS is almost a guarantee. if you do, you probably need to be put on Metformin (if you arent already on it) it helps a TON! it helps to regulate your insulin and glucose levels which helps balance out your hormones and most likely help with your weight too. within just a few months of starting it, i lost 20lbs. you could also look into taking a cinnamon supplement, for some reason it also helps regulate your glucose levels. if you dont regulate your insulin and glucose its almost impossible to loose weight. if you are on FB there is a closed group you can ask to join. it is basically a support group for women with PCOS. It is so nice to be able to talk with other women that have the same problems you are going through. whether it be weight, acne, hair loss, trying to conceive, or any other the other bazillion problems we have because of PCOS. http://www.facebook.com/groups/cystersunite/

    Thanks for the web link on FB- I just asked to join!!
  • AnCus
    AnCus Posts: 13
    I don't have the issue, but your post is very encouraging!
  • snkoyle15
    Thanks for the web link on FB- I just asked to join!!
    No problem!!!
  • harleyshan1
    I was diagnosed with pcos a few years ago. Back in 2005 I followed weight watchers and lost weight w/out an issue. I haven't been able lose a dang pound in a long time. I lose a few and then gain them back. I do also have major digestive/colon issues that I take a med from Europe. I have been doing mfp for 95 days and counted calories and added cutting carbs in the past few weeks and I just cannot bust any weight. I am being honest and workout 5-7 days per week, I eat w/in my calories and like I said cut waay down on carbs. NOTHING.. My MD I think is sick of listening to me.. He did put me on Metoformin 2500mg last year but I have been on/off compliance with it b/c it makes me nausea. HELP.. I'm so glad I found this post.. Any advice? I was down to 147lbs last year and now back up to 157lbs. I can float those 10lbs w/in a week or two. Back in 2005 I weighed 135lbs. Uggh!
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    I have PCOS and metformin did not work for me. It gave me horrible diarhea (sp), but I wasn't following a healthy diet either. I've found the best way to lose weight with PCOS is a low carb diet. Eliminate processed foods, starches and added sugar. I think you'll have better success with that.
  • snkoyle15
    I have PCOS and metformin did not work for me. It gave me horrible diarhea (sp), but I wasn't following a healthy diet either. I've found the best way to lose weight with PCOS is a low carb diet. Eliminate processed foods, starches and added sugar. I think you'll have better success with that.
    It took me a long time, several months actually, for my body to get used to taking it, that and my dr had me start a high dose from the start instead of working up to it. if you dont eat much sugar then the diarrhea isnt SO bad :S
  • Devon_Bates
    Devon_Bates Posts: 17 Member
    I have PCOS and mine is a really bad case. I tried metformin 500 and 1000mg and it didn't help at all. I also had tried 8 different types of BC and none of that worked either they told me it probably wouldn't help and to not use either. I recently had a stillborn and all the complications with that caused from my PCOS. Just a fair warning to anyone planning on getting pregnant make sure to find a high risk obgyn I was told it is almost a definite you will have pre-eclampsia with PCOS especially if it is your first child. But because I had it so bad I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 20-21 weeks and I lost him at 28 weeks. I am still having a lot of trouble been exercising a lot more and trying to eat right... working my way out of sweets and things is hard again. But I have lost inches which is still good. I have tried a low carb diet and that didn't even work.... plus it was hard for me to stick to... I do however eat a higher veggie and protein and less carbs which maybe how I lost the inches. I was only doing cardio so I am going to add in strength training and I may try to do the cinnamon regiment that others mentioned.
  • ddrobi
    I have the same problem as you. I was never formally diagnosed with PCOS (one doctor said yes, another said no). For years, no luck. Working out everyday, counting calories, bought a food scale, tired a personal trainer, blah blah blah. The only thing that has REALLY worked for me is a low-carb diet. I have been eating less than 20 grams of carbs a day (mostly from vegetables). Look into the Atkins diet or a more extreme long-term ketogenic diet. It's working for me, it may work for you.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    snkoyle15--sorry i re-read my post and it sounded like I was saying she should try low carb diet INSTEAD of the metformin. I didn't mean that. I meant she'd have better success with a lower carb diet instead of a high carb, low fat diet.

    However, I did try metformin for 2 years. Different doses and such. The diareah was so bad that I ended up with horrible hemmroids (sp and tmi I'm sure lol). But like i said, I didn't change my diet though and I'm sure that would definitely have helped with the side effects. I was just trying to say that metformin didn't work for me and why.
  • snkoyle15
    snkoyle15--sorry i re-read my post and it sounded like I was saying she should try low carb diet INSTEAD of the metformin. I didn't mean that. I meant she'd have better success with a lower carb diet instead of a high carb, low fat diet.

    However, I did try metformin for 2 years. Different doses and such. The diareah was so bad that I ended up with horrible hemmroids (sp and tmi I'm sure lol). But like i said, I didn't change my diet though and I'm sure that would definitely have helped with the side effects. I was just trying to say that metformin didn't work for me and why.
    oh no problems! i have actually heard that sometimes the met just doesnt work the way it should. and if you find something else that works, then go for it!
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    I'm gonna jump in this thread too! Hope you don't mind OP!

    I've just been diagnosed with PCOS too, after finding an amazing GP who won't leave a stone unturned. He also discovered I have Hypothyroidism.

    Between these 2, it's a nightmare for me trying to lose weight! It can be done, but it's very hard work, for slow results. I've been on Thyroxin for a couple of weeks, and just started on Metformin today. Hoping these will help, but also hoping there are other ways to combat these problems, as I don't want to take meds forever!

    Would love to hear any advice or stories from others who are, or have been, in a similar position.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    Another one jumping in :) I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2006 and just recently with hypothyroid. I've never really had a huge weight problem, but I've been on the higher end of the weight range for my height/frame before (150's) and that really didn't change despite what I did until I saw an acupuncturist two years ago who immediately suggested that I cut out gluten and dairy. I was shocked at first, but started cutting it out that day. Let me tell you, it has made such a difference in my life. I have more energy, digest easier, don't get bloated, I dropped 20 pounds right away and I don't really have to work too hard to stay where I am at, but still fluxuate with 5 pounds. I've read research and pcos, thyroid and digestive problems (celiac, gluten intolerance, etc.) all seem to be interconnected somehow.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I also have to mention that (for me), eating a lot of healthy fat has helped a lot too. It keeps my hunger at bay and my skin from drying up as much as it used to.