I am new and looking for support

Hi Everyone!

I am new to the boards here. I am just looking for some more support in the weight loss journey. I have ALOT of weight that I need to lose and while I am exercising and changing my eating habits, I find it hard to do when I'm the only one in my house doing so. My husband is also "trying" this with me.

I want to lose weight because I have 2 beautiful little girls that need me in their lives. And where it stands now, I know that if I continue the way I am, my weight will inhibit me from being an active part of that.. And I am trying very hard to not let that happen.

Thank you!
I look forward to this journey.:smile:


  • CDRFrost
    CDRFrost Posts: 6 Member
    You have come to the right place. You need to make sure you stick with this. Post every meal. If you go ove once in a while no big deal. Make yourself post every day and do not give up. This works. I have lost 14 lbs since November. My son has lost almostr 50 ! This site is the best ! Good luck:smile: !
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    It is nice that your husband is "trying" this with you, but from personal experience I can ony say, this is something you can only do for yourself. Use this site for support and motivation, but don't depend on family to help you. Make the changes you need to make for you not for anyone else. Add me as a friend if you want to.
  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    You have come to the right place. You need to make sure you stick with this. Post every meal. If you go ove once in a while no big deal. Make yourself post every day and do not give up. This works. I have lost 14 lbs since November. My son has lost almostr 50 ! This site is the best ! Good luck:smile: !

    I agree you are in the right place. Feel free to drop by and see me, I'm here to lift you up! The lighter we get the easier it is to be lifted up! That's my philosophy! :flowerforyou:
  • cruiser3004
    cruiser3004 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi There, and welcome. Its all about positive reinforcement and support here, and I am only to happy to be there for you with words of encouragement.

    Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • HappilyMarried2711
    I completely understand how you're feeling. I also have two beautiful daughters that i am doin this for and i am the only one in the house that is attempting this. Its super hard when you have temptation all around you. My husband and oldest daughter constantly wanna eat pizza, among other "unhealthy" foods and i feel like i'm sitting next to them eating like a rabbit with my salad. I could use some extra support also, so feel free to add me as a friend! :smile:
  • LUVNME94
    You are in the right place. This is a great site and so many people who give encouraging stories. Just stick to it because my sons are one of the main reasons I am getting fit. Our children are worth it. My login name jamesjeremiah are the names of my sons. It reminds me everyday I log in why I must continue to do better. I have been on myfitness pal 20 days and have lost 5 lbs so it is possible you CAN DO IT!
  • lokizmo
    lokizmo Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone!
  • MzAnew72
    Hello im am new as well and im am very excited about beginging this journey for the last time..like you i have my children who need me in their life and i want to be around as long as possible so it is a must that i do this not just for me but for the little people in my life who need me..together we can do this and WE WILL BECAUSE IT IS A MISSION POSSIBLE...KEEP IN TOUCH AND AD ME AS A FRIEND IF U WOULD LIKE.