Any College Students Using MFP?


looking for supportive friends, even if you are not in college!!!

But, would just like to share your experience with struggling with your weight while in college. Its hard juggling going to class, studying outside of class and work, all while trying to fit in a workout and keeping up with a healthy diet. I have looked to MFP because of its awesome iPhone app !

Friend me, share your weight loss journey with me!


  • Hi! Totally know what you are talking about! I'm in my second year and still getting the hang of it! I'll add you cuz I could really use more MFP college friends! :happy:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Poor college student but still trying to eat healthily: present!
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I am in college :).
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    Yep! I'm taking 21 credit hours in school and working 30 hours per week as well. It's really hard because between all of that, I also have to count calories and workout when I barely sleep lol.

    Friends are definitelyyyyy welcome!
  • Yup I am in college too! I think that it isn't all that hard really. I walk around campus all day and burn more calories then you would think doing just that. Then quick workout after class then head home! Eating healthy and on a budget is very easy for me too.
    But then again I am a nutrition major so I am surrounded with this stuff all day xD

    Now the alcohol though...
  • jsherrill92
    jsherrill92 Posts: 775 Member
    Sophomore in college! Taking 15 hours, working, and working out is tough! On top of that trying to have a social life.. You can do it!

    Any of you can add me if you like! Always enjoy new friends.
  • BigPapaGato
    BigPapaGato Posts: 96 Member
    College student here....unfortunately (I looooooathe school)
  • chachalita8
    chachalita8 Posts: 36 Member
    I feel what youre saying girl! Its hard--but do-able! Im only in my second only gets harder right? Lol jk
  • ahh yay! im so excited to share this journey with y'all!
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Yup I am in college too! I think that it isn't all that hard really. I walk around campus all day and burn more calories then you would think doing just that. Then quick workout after class then head home! Eating healthy and on a budget is very easy for me too.
    But then again I am a nutrition major so I am surrounded with this stuff all day xD

    Now the alcohol though...

    rsrsrs oh the alcohol...I'm glad I'm a lightweight otherwise I'd be so obese.

    But I don't find losing weight at school to be all that hard...I walk to class, sometimes I walk to my lab if it's nice out, plus I'm in class or work all day so I can't spend my time eating. Plus, as bad as it is, I love midterms — test anxiety really keeps weight off (except the dizzy spells from lack of sleep and food are no fun)
  • Major props to all you with full time schedules! Full time in Vegas is 4 classes, 12 credits, right now I'm only taking two classes... so hopefully this will put me to a good start to exercising and preparing my meals ahead of time!. IDK... what do you guys do as far as diet... like preparing your meals early? I understand only an hour a day , ONE HOUR of working out , but literally i have no self motivation. ahhhhh
  • Hey, I'm in my third year of college, psych major. I get what you mean, its brutal trying to balance a social life, school, and trying to lose weight. I would love it if anyone would like to check out my profile or add me up so we can be weightloss buddies =)
  • Yep just starting first year of uni, dont know how im going to mangage uni, work & social life but i think it can be done! =)
    feel free to add me & we can support each other =) xx
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    HI, I am a college senior.. I am a full time criminology student... You can add me if u want :)
  • Graduate student here... currently taking credit overload, have two jobs, do volunteer work, and have a husband... I don't have a huge social life but I made a promise to eat right and work out while I'm here. Friends always welcome on this crazy journey :)
  • Wow! Glad to see I am not the only college student on here!!

    For inspiration and motivation i read some blogs.. here are two of my favorites. - Taralynn has lost 50lbs with diet and exercise and now is the Team Captain for Seventeen Magazine’s fitness and nutrition community - Criss , she speaks the truth and nothing but the truth,

    What about you guys, what keeps you motivated?
  • Graduate student here... currently taking credit overload, have two jobs, do volunteer work, and have a husband... I don't have a huge social life but I made a promise to eat right and work out while I'm here. Friends always welcome on this crazy journey :)

    Oh my!! what type of volunteer work do you do! You can do it!!!
  • Kaalley
    Kaalley Posts: 19 Member
    Busy college kid with no money, no car, and no time, and trying to shed the freshman 15...check! :)
  • Busy college kid with no money, no car, and no time, and trying to shed the freshman 15...check! :)

    you can still shed those pounds still without any of the above! well maybe with some time!!!
  • In college here! Sophomore, though I should be graduating by now. Anyway, struggling to stay motivated and keep my diet clean. I need motivated friends!