Will walking make a difference?



  • It's basic physics

    Traveling to point A to point B requires a set amount of energy.
    If you decide to walk or run for 5km, it does not matter, it will require the same amount of energy.

    But there are other factors in play. Running makes you burn this set energy in less time. Running will increase your endurance because your lungs have to work harder, same with your heart and other muscles :D

    But don't discount walking as exercise, it's just as valid of an exercise as running is.
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    People that walk distances slowly are still burning calories. They may not burn as many calories as they would if they were in their target zone.
    Someone could have a health condition that prevents them from going faster.
    When I started a little over a month ago I was a slow SLOW walker. I'm talking people in their 60's would lap me at the park. :/
    My left knee just wouldn't let me move any faster. Even walking at that slow pace would have me in tears after a mile or two.
    Then I discovered Walk Away The Pounds and I walk ALOT faster now. I've done 50 miles this month already. I still can't run, and realiscally I have a lot more weight to lose before I would try. I don't think running is for everyone.
    So, yes, I believe walking will make a big difference, especially to someone who is really out of shape. They can always work their way up, more time, more distance, more speed.
    My goal is to be jogging by may.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member

    Isn't running better?
    Does walking really make a difference?

    Again, this is a serious question! I feel like walking is the easy way out, but does it deliver in the end? I want to understand why some people choose it over running, besides the ease on the joints.

    Yes, walking makes a difference, any exercise up and above what you normally do is going to help but it depends what you're after. Running burns quicker, walking is easier. Personally I walk. The majority of my exercise in a week is walking (not a wee stroll, walking fast for at least an hour so I'm a bit out of breath and can actually feel my leg muscles aching at the end of it).
    As I understand it a 5 mile walk will burn roughly the same as a 5 mile run, the run is just quicker.
    I don't run because a. I have a dodgy ankle and b. I'm just not fit enough so yeah, it's 'easy' but it's still exercise. I don't know if it actually burns much fat, I find diet is the only way to lose weight but my legs look better if I walk regularly. In summer I stopped walking for a while and I noticed my legs getting pudgier.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    yes you can walk and loose weight. However after a certain amount of time your fitness does and will improve, and you will find that walking is not enough.
    I find cardio wise walking doesn't cut it. I'd rather run or do circuit training.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    It most certainly will. Thing is, you have to do it for a long time to burn the calories. However here's the good news. Power walking, so 5KPH and higher (NOT jogging) will burn as much and in some cases MORE calories for the same speed running. Why I hear you ask? The pure mechanics of walking at that speed mean a lot more muscles are activated and the way you move is entirely different to when you're running. Especially if you invite your arms and shoulders to the party. At the end of the day, it elevates your heart rate whilst engaging big muscles so it IS a calorie burner.

    Fitness walking is very popular. Add a weight to the mixture too and an incline and you're in mega burn "terrain" pardon the pun.
  • jennywren1971
    jennywren1971 Posts: 31 Member
    Walking is my main form of exercise. A few years back I lost 40 kilograms by changing my diet and walking. I went from about 110 kilos to 70 kilos. Walking was the only thing I could do at the time as I was so unfit. As I got fitter I also did once a week water aerobics class.

    When I stopped walking and started to increase my calorie intake I put some of that weight back on. I am here now to get back to my goal. Walking and watching my calorie intake are my main method and I do two classes of Rhee Tae Kwon do a week as well because now I can actually lift my legs.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I really don't have the stamina to run! I walk every day Monday-Friday 80 minutes total, at least (walking to, from, and around school, plus any extra). I wish I could run, but I can't run more that 100 feel without feeling tired :( I guess I just need to build up my stamina! :blushing:

    this is me:bigsmile:
    i wish i had the stamina to run:blushing:
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Running burns the calories faster. Apparently walking and running 5km won't differ much in calories burned (I haven't tried this out, and I also haven't got the scientific research for it). But to run 5km takes less time than to walk 5km. Plus running works more on your cardio.

    About replacing 30 day shred with walking.. No, you wont get the same results. You might walk until you burn the same calories as with the 30 day shred, but you have got to remember that you do a lot of strength training with the shred. This will tone you more AND give you a higher metabolism.

    This was really helpful! I find it very interesting that the calories burned aren't too far apart, hmm.
    I don't plan on replacing the 30 Day Shred with walking, just curious haha. So thank you!

    Would it be appropriate to assume that adding 30-60 minutes 2-4 times a week on top of the 30DS would be a good idea?

    it would be quite appropriate to add some walking to your routine... it can also be relaxing
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Knee problems mean I cannot run - walking is my exercise and I do 3.5 miles in an hour! I sweat! And I have lost 28lbs so far! It works for me!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Im a walker, i hate running. Im not designed for it, despite what anyone says, my bloodline is the reason we invented the bow and arrow etc.

    Run? not unless something with teeth is chasing me, big teeth.

    Walking like any regular activity makes a lot of difference. You dont have to run a marathon to lose weight, you have to do more and eat less on whatever scale suits you.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I walk everyday and love it. I can do it at lunch time or any time I have a chance. For me I am not fit enough to start running. But I feel with walking cos I can fit it in anytime I can do more. For example I do not get all sweaty and need a shower so it fits well in to my day.

    I can honestly say it has toned up my stomach and legs. Never have

    this is the way i feel about it also
    it is the cheapest easiest exercise i can do
    i work 3rd shift...it is hard to get my exercise in, so i walk on my lunch break and my 15 min breaks
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Im a walker, i hate running. Im not designed for it, despite what anyone says, my bloodline is the reason we invented the bow and arrow etc.

    Run? not unless something with teeth is chasing me, big teeth.

    Walking like any regular activity makes a lot of difference. You dont have to run a marathon to lose weight, you have to do more and eat less on whatever scale suits you.
    This ^
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    30 minutes of walking I burn ~150 calories.
    30 minutes of running I burn ~250 calories.

    So yes, I burn more running. That does not negate the calories I burn walking. I always log my walking calories. There are some days I walk upwards of 7 miles. There's no way I'm not counting those calories. And there's no way that activity is not helping me lose weight.

    Edit to add: I walk a lot. Since I walk a lot, I'm in better health than when I would wait 30 minutes for the next bus instead of just walking. I can literally walk 10 miles. I can literally walk the entire day without feeling fatigued. I used to get worn out just by walking short distances. At this point, I don't know anyone I can't outwalk. I used to do anything to avoid walking. Now, I feel like walking is *my thing*. So yes, walking does make a difference.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    many people can't run and jog due to joint issues, age, etc... so walking is ok. you have to walk a lot to get big results, but i've seen someone go from a size 26 to a size 10 walking only. admittedly she walks fast now, and 2-3 hours every day. but man, i'm envious of her success that's for sure.

    for me, i like my food, so i have to exercise harder than walking, and i just don't have 3 hours a day to spare, so i work hard for an hour. but horses for courses i guess.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't think if you are of a reasonable fitness that walking alone will make you fitter, but it burns calories regardless. If you have to walk a dog 45 mins a day, or commute to work, then you need to add it to get an accurate measure of the calories burned that day. I don't think it's a cardiovascular thing, it's just a part of life so you log it, along with everything else. I don't add walking for the school run (about 1/4 of a mile, 4 times a day), nor shopping, but I definitely log it if I go for a walk intentionally, or if we are on holiday and looking round ruins (that can take 6 hours of walking non stop), or at the zoo.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I lost my first 3 1/2 stone by joining MFP and learning how to power walk. I only started running after I walked my first half marathon (a charity power walk) and I still wanted to cover the distances but wanted to do it faster. I used to hate running because I didn't have the cardio stamina, but after all the power walking, running was a breeze! I'm now back to walk training again and working on building my speed (which went from an average of 3 mph to an average of 4.5 mph). I love being on the treadmill at the gym watching people jog at the same speed that I walk! Walk, walk, walk I say (at whatever speed you can).

    Oh, and don't turn down your nose at other people's exercise diaries. They are here and moving.
  • BevP123
    BevP123 Posts: 58 Member

    Walking like any regular activity makes a lot of difference. You dont have to run a marathon to lose weight, you have to do more and eat less on whatever scale suits you.

    I completely agree. I won't run, infact never have as I hate the thought of it. However, a few years back I started walking to work and dropped 2 dress sizes without watching my diet at all. I sadly moved offices not long after and stopped. Weight soon piled back on. Now I'm on a mission and am watching what I eat but it's not shifting in the way it did before and I'm pretty certain it's down to the lack of walking (or any excercise for that matter!).....
  • sfburdett
    sfburdett Posts: 83 Member
    Walking has been a massive benefit for me as I don't have much free time to run every day, but by adding 20-30 minutes of walking each way to my daily commute, getting off a station earlier or taking a different route to the office allows me to burn around 500 calories a day (90 mins @ 4mph). This is a lifestyle change which costs me nothing and only requires a stouter pair of shoes and getting up a bit earlier everything else is the same.

    See if you can fit it into your timetable it's helped me to lose 36lbs and improve my general level of fitness.


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    to those that have suggested that walking doesnt improve fitness, it kind of depends on where you live and where you are walking i suppose.

  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    The only excercise i have been doing is walking. It is free and i need very little that i dont already have to do it, i also get the extra benefits of all that fresh air. I walk in all weathers and i vary my speeds from day to day. Some days i powerwalk a shorter distance some days a longer distance and other days i walk slower for a longer distance. I probably wont change to jogging, it isnt my kind of thing at all.

    In addition to the 23lbs i have also lost a lot of inches and really toned up. And i know my stamina and fitness have improved, i am certainly walking alot faster and not feeling like it is killing me anymore. In the summer i will be doing 2 weeks of hillwalking and i am looking forward to being able to enjoy it instead of having to stop every few minutes to catch my breath.