Is she crazy?



  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    but to the orignal post...ignore your jealous MIL, she just wants you to fail like she always has/does!! but please share any other rather amusing old wives tales she has....this one made me lmao :D
  • eolivero
    I don't know about crazy - but retarded comes to mind. So does stupid.
    Wow - air in the stomach. I can't wait to share this one at work.
    I get air in my stomach (intestines). I call it a fart.

    Last I checked - air didn't weigh anything.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Short answer: Yes.

    She sounds SO much like my ex-mother-in-law (I call her my out-law). Absolutely guano-crazy.

    She knew I didn't want to eat carbs, so she made french fries instead of mashed potatoes.
    She didn't get why it was dangerous to leave the rusty old gardening weaponry down on the floor where the baby was.
    She didn't see why we made such a fuss after the cat attacked the baby leaving bloody gashes all over her head.

    ... yeah. so air in the stomach? Sure, why not.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    OMG. I'm literally laughing my *kitten* off! Other things she has told me..

    -When her 9 year old hits my 3 year old she says it's because there is a full moon. I didn't realize he was some type of Wolf.
    -To not tickle my son because if I do he won't be able to talk when he's older. Umm yeah, he already talks.
    -To not wash my hands after applying muscle pain cream on my husband because if I do I will get pains on my hands and they will get ugly. Oh really? I always wash them and my hands are perfectly fine.
    -That there is this juice you make with oranges complete with peel, you boil it and you drink it. You don't eat, just drink that and you will drop the pounds very quick. In that case let me grab a bottle of hot orange juice!!:laugh:

    I'll try and remember more or just have her start talking.:wink::laugh:
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    I am a nurse. That is not even remotely true. Yes, air is sometimes purposely injected into a belly during surgery. It goes away. I would avoid all weight related conversations with her.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    - "You have been opened up (cystectomy at 6months preg/c-section) too many times and air got in your stomach and that is not going to let you ever get there."
    * BURPS at her face *
    - "Feeling better already, look I've lost 1 size!!!" :smokin:
  • PrettyBunny
    You know, she sounds like my relatives - she sounds like she's part of a generation that believes that when you have a baby your rockin' body is gone. My sis had a baby and it took time, a lot of time, to get back to pre-baby weight but she did it so she inspires me that no matter how much weight you gain, you can have whatever body you want. (she said she had a tough time with ab work where her C-section scar was though, like it hurt or something when she did lower abs moves but apart from that, she was able to workout).
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I am willing to bet that she has heard this a long time ago and really believes it is true, she is from a different time then you she comes from a land were there wasn't Wikipedia to search out answers, so people from a different time had a LOT of wives tales or fables, how can you blame a person if they were never educated on how the body works,

    also I would say disrespecting your MIL is the same as disrespecting your husband and in that case you might as well be disrespecting your self, I would also say ignorance can be fixed Stupidity is forever so hopefully you can learn understanding and empathy
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Why is it a problem to look smaller than you weigh?
    I would think that's a good thing!
  • hanky1
    hanky1 Posts: 39
    better to look smaller than you weigh than bigger! don't really see how it's much of a problem tbh!
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    OMG. I'm literally laughing my *kitten* off! Other things she has told me..

    -When her 9 year old hits my 3 year old she says it's because there is a full moon. I didn't realize he was some type of Wolf.
    -To not tickle my son because if I do he won't be able to talk when he's older. Umm yeah, he already talks.
    -To not wash my hands after applying muscle pain cream on my husband because if I do I will get pains on my hands and they will get ugly. Oh really? I always wash them and my hands are perfectly fine.
    -That there is this juice you make with oranges complete with peel, you boil it and you drink it. You don't eat, just drink that and you will drop the pounds very quick. In that case let me grab a bottle of hot orange juice!!:laugh:

    I'll try and remember more or just have her start talking.:wink::laugh:

    She sounds rather looney to me.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm the last person who likes to enable people with problems but...let her be. You're not going to win an argument with her. Unless you live with her, just nod in agreement and go about your regular thing.

    Heck, even if she lives with you, you can still say yes and keep doing your thing. Let her be happy, let her think that she's helping in some way (or destroying you successfully by putting stuff in your head, w/e the case maybe)
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Oh dear, not sure what to say but I had air injected into my abdomen for an operation and it wasn't fun but had been absorbed and expelled within a few weeks... not via farting or burping either, it gets absorbed into the blood stream and then exhaled.

    Keep strong in yourself, she may honestly think she is being helpful/supportive. Just do your own thing and not talk weight loss with her... there are loads of us on here that are supportive. Do feel free to share any more of her pearls of wisdom though :laugh:
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    I am willing to bet that she has heard this a long time ago and really believes it is true, she is from a different time then you she comes from a land were there wasn't Wikipedia to search out answers, so people from a different time had a LOT of wives tales or fables, how can you blame a person if they were never educated on how the body works,

    also I would say disrespecting your MIL is the same as disrespecting your husband and in that case you might as well be disrespecting your self, I would also say ignorance can be fixed Stupidity is forever so hopefully you can learn understanding and empathy

    Wow, you sure did take this to a whole different level. First of all, she was born in Mexico and came to the US as a toddler, she was raised here and went to school here. She was an honor student. She is educated. Also, she is only 46, that's only 23 years older than me so I don't see how that is from a time of fables and a time where the internet didn't exist. I'm also pretty sure that there is at least 1 person, who replied to this topic, that is her age or older and does't believe it's lack of education.

    Also, I am not disrespecting her, my husband or myself. I was simply stating something she said that I believed to be crazy. I didn't know that disagreeing with someone meant to be disrespecting them and yourself. Last thing is, you shouldn't assume that people from another "land" or who are older then this generation are uneducated.

    You are right on one thing, stupidity is forever.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    Why is it a problem to look smaller than you weigh?
    I would think that's a good thing!

    It's a good thing but I just get frustrated when being compared to other girls that weigh less than me but look bigger. It's like once I know I weigh more than a person that is bigger than me, I start asking myself if maybe I actually am bigger than them. I start thinking crazy and I'll start asking my husband if I'm bigger than them and why do I weigh more and so on. Does that make sense? lol
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I am willing to bet that she has heard this a long time ago and really believes it is true, she is from a different time then you she comes from a land were there wasn't Wikipedia to search out answers, so people from a different time had a LOT of wives tales or fables, how can you blame a person if they were never educated on how the body works,

    also I would say disrespecting your MIL is the same as disrespecting your husband and in that case you might as well be disrespecting your self, I would also say ignorance can be fixed Stupidity is forever so hopefully you can learn understanding and empathy

    Wow, you sure did take this to a whole different level. First of all, she was born in Mexico and came to the US as a toddler, she was raised here and went to school here. She was an honor student. She is educated. Also, she is only 46, that's only 23 years older than me so I don't see how that is from a time of fables and a time where the internet didn't exist. I'm also pretty sure that there is at least 1 person, who replied to this topic, that is her age or older and does't believe it's lack of education.

    Also, I am not disrespecting her, my husband or myself. I was simply stating something she said that I believed to be crazy. I didn't know that disagreeing with someone meant to be disrespecting them and yourself. Last thing is, you shouldn't assume that people from another "land" or who are older then this generation are uneducated.

    You are right on one thing, stupidity is forever.

    I don't know what you think I meant about her being from a different land, I was meaning when she grew up they didn't have computers in homes back then, you may not think 20 some years is a lot but it is, we live a completely different time, and as far as disrespect I would never share something a loved one said to ppl who would mock her
  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    well she sounds like a right royal laugh to me, even if the things she says are a little err 'crazy', i would love to meet her just for the laughability factor im sure id lose lbs just through the laughter!! :laugh: but i dont think id take much advice form her on the weightloss front, just keep up your hard work and as for weighing more than others - WEIGHT IS LIKE AGE....ITS JUST A NUMBER!! some people wear their weight well, others dont...simple :D

    as for the 'your direspecting' commenter, please get a grip!! do yourself a favour and dont take life so seriously!! jheeeez its actually amusing reading some of the things that older generation 'believe' to be true :grumble:
  • brindlechewy
    brindlechewy Posts: 84 Member
    Did you ever think that you could weigh more because you have more muscle then other people your size? Muscle is a good thing. You should probably forget about the number on the scale because it means nothing.

    I'm going to agree with this. How much you weigh is generally meaningless, except in extreme cases. You may look smaller than girls who allegedly weigh less than you do because you're composed of more muscle, while they have a higher proportion of fat. Does that make sense? For example, there's one woman I know who is a little shorter than I am--she's 5"3' and I'm 5"5'--and weighs less than 120 pounds. She's not surprisingly tiny or anything, but probably a US size 6. I, on the other hand, am 125 pounds but wear a US zero. Nobody ever believes that I weigh that much until I explain that I do lots of cardio plus strength training, so I'm very lean and have a greater proportion of muscle. Seriously, the next time that some lady is bragging that she weighs soooo much less than you do, just ask if she's ever heard of body fat percentages. I'd much rather be a toned, lean 125 pounds than under 120 with a saggy butt and soft belly.
  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    Did you ever think that you could weigh more because you have more muscle then other people your size? Muscle is a good thing. You should probably forget about the number on the scale because it means nothing.

    I'm going to agree with this. How much you weigh is generally meaningless, except in extreme cases. You may look smaller than girls who allegedly weigh less than you do because you're composed of more muscle, while they have a higher proportion of fat. Does that make sense? For example, there's one woman I know who is a little shorter than I am--she's 5"3' and I'm 5"5'--and weighs less than 120 pounds. She's not surprisingly tiny or anything, but probably a US size 6. I, on the other hand, am 125 pounds but wear a US zero. Nobody ever believes that I weigh that much until I explain that I do lots of cardio plus strength training, so I'm very lean and have a greater proportion of muscle. Seriously, the next time that some lady is bragging that she weighs soooo much less than you do, just ask if she's ever heard of body fat percentages. I'd much rather be a toned, lean 125 pounds than under 120 with a saggy butt and soft belly.

    lol love that 'saggy butt' line so true!! :D
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    OMG. I'm literally laughing my *kitten* off! Other things she has told me..

    -When her 9 year old hits my 3 year old she says it's because there is a full moon. I didn't realize he was some type of Wolf.
    -To not tickle my son because if I do he won't be able to talk when he's older. Umm yeah, he already talks.
    -To not wash my hands after applying muscle pain cream on my husband because if I do I will get pains on my hands and they will get ugly. Oh really? I always wash them and my hands are perfectly fine.
    -That there is this juice you make with oranges complete with peel, you boil it and you drink it. You don't eat, just drink that and you will drop the pounds very quick. In that case let me grab a bottle of hot orange juice!!:laugh:

    I'll try and remember more or just have her start talking.:wink::laugh:

    With nonsense like that, I would find it very hard to believe any "facts" from this person. Just try to laugh it off, because it really is absurd.