question about calorie vs. protein and weight loss

alright guys, i've been losing weight - i've been calorie counting, using myfitnesspal to keep track. till last month, i was eating just whatever, making sure i kept under my daily calorie goal (but still eating...well). however, i've shifted to eating cleaner, consuming more protein than carbs (but still keep my daily calorie intake under my goal). lately, i've been exceeding the set protein limit on myfitnesspal although i am still way under my daily calorie limit. for example - today, so far i've consumed 800/1700 calories, but am already 67/65 grams of protein.

is this bad practice? how does this impact weight loss?


  • If you're also working out, you need the extra protein, and it will actually aid in your weight loss. I wouldn't sweat it. As a rule of thumb, most recommend if you're working out to consume 1g of protein for each pound of body fat (not body weight), so you will be fine. I typically double what MFP recommends for me everyday. Be sure to drink lots of water too.
  • Vols4life
    Vols4life Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with tgbjr1973. When I was working out 4-5days a week and riding bikes on the weekends I physically went in and up'd my protein allowance to about double as well. If you are working hard protein is vital in helping your muscles repair themselves and also make you not as sore. I read an article where they had a set of subjects on a regular diet and a set of subjects on a high protein diet. They didn't do any major working out, and what they proved is that even though the high protein diet subjects weighed/gained more they infact had less muscle loss then the other group. The other group weighed less, but their body fat % was higher. Protein is essential whether you work out 7 days a week or none. So I think you are doing the right thing.