Elliptical trainer questions



  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    I'm struggling with the eliptical machine. I use a Precor at home and it was saying for 40 minutes at a resistance of 10 and a little over 100 steps per minute (where I am sweating profusely) that I am burning about 390 calories per session. I also use cardio trainer on my phone at the same time and it is reasonably close. So, I just bought a heart rate monitor to see just how accurate my different exercise calories burned are and for this particular exercise it is telling me I am only burning 280!!! My only guess is because I am not moving my arms at all. I just have them holding the bars. So, I'm really confused myself. Which one is right?? I have to assume my heart rate monitor is correct so like you, I am adding strength training for 20 minutes.

    So, assuming my heart rate monitor is correct - my advice to you is to move your arms but will your eliptical know that? So, best thing would be to buy a heart rate monitor to know for sure.

    You make a good point. I see people at the gym holding onto the arm rails for dear life, and I wonder about that. I hold on lightly to keep my balance, but I also try to alternate between holding on part of the time, and swinging my arms part of the time.
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    When I'm on the elliptical I do interval training. I do 1 minute at 20, recover minute at 5, double my speed at 5 for another minute, then back to level 20. I try to bring my heart rate down as much as possible in that one recover minute (controlled breathing etc...) but bring it as high as possible in the 2 minutes of speed followed by high resistance.

    For an additional muscle workout, during the speed portion, keep your hips in one position instead of bounding up and down (almost like you are on Tony Little's Gazelle workout). Really burns your quads and butt.

    Really good tips, thanks!
  • hdtoolgirl
    hdtoolgirl Posts: 93 Member
    Sounds like I need to get a HRM. Where do I get one?

    I just bought this one: http://www.amazon.com/Womens-Polar-FT4-Color-Purple/dp/B005M1P85O/ref=pd_sim_sg_1
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    Please please please get an HRM with chest strap! I got the Polar FT4 (the cheapest model that tracks calories burned) and I found the calories burned on the elliptical were overstated. For 30 minutes on the elliptical (in which I enter my age and weight) it read 315 calories. My HRM read 254! I did find that my calories burned according to the HRM were more in line with the distance I went. In that amount of time, the machine said I went 2.5 miles...so 2.5 X 10 = 250, pretty close to 254.
  • lorneq
    lorneq Posts: 11
    I think your doing GREAT!!! Keep it up! I think if you push too hard you will get burned out. Sounds like 30 min a day is working for you right now. Oh, I sweat like crazy too.
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    yuo already have th ebest answer numerous times...get an HRM

    Ok, I will! :smile:
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    I think your doing GREAT!!! Keep it up! I think if you push too hard you will get burned out. Sounds like 30 min a day is working for you right now. Oh, I sweat like crazy too.

    Thanks! About the sweating... it's kind of funny. I always say to myself, "I'm not at the gym to look pretty." I don't care what anyone thinks.... mostly. :wink:
  • Sorry to sound so clueless, but what is a heart rate monitor exactly? Is it a device I strap on to myself? I'm still very new to all this. :embarassed:

    I do input my weight and age into the elliptical machine.

    Its okay - I've been into this for about a year now & just learned about HRMs. A heart rate monitor is a device that tracks your heart rate (duh...). It has a band you strap to your chest and the other part is like a watch that you wear. As you work out it keeps track of your heart rate and will give you an accurate amount of calories burned that way.
    At my gym, the machines pick up on HRMs and display the calorie count on the machines which is pretty cool. It's also good to have one because depending on your age and weight there is a target heart rate you're shooting for when you do cardio. Personally I shoot for 151-180 BPM. When I'm in this range I know I'm getting the best burn and staying heart healthy. When I first started working out I felt like I was dying to get even close to 151 BPM which is terrible.

    Definitely suggest getting a HRM - and clearly everyone else does too haha. Ask a trainer at your gym about it or go to a sport store and they can show you more about them!
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    Did you try HITT training??

    When i used the elliptical i would switch up the resistance between 8 and 13. I would resistance 8 for 4 mins and 1 minute of resistance 13, for 20 to 30 mins, i would burn alot of calories doing this.
  • msmithevv
    msmithevv Posts: 58 Member
    I would get a heart rate monitor. Get a good one. I have tried several different ones and find the Polar brand to be the best. I had one really cheap one that tried to tell me I burned 900 calories in a 45 minute workout on the elliptical. I wish, but it was about double what it should have been. The machine won't give you an accurate reading even if you put your weight in since it doesn't account for gender or constantly monitor your heart rate. One of my fitness instructors said you can count on buring about 100 calories per 10 minutes on the elliptical if you are working hard. Good luck!
  • shurleec
    shurleec Posts: 99 Member
    You can get a heartrate monitor anywhere. I bought mine at ****s sporting goods. It has a chest strap (pretty comfortable) and a watch that keeps track of calories. I went with a polar f7, I'm not a runner so I didn't need anything to fancy. Definitely best decision i've made!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    30minutes - 300 calories is great!

    To expect more is unreasonable.
    I had to find my burn zone through experimentation.
    And the last thing I would ever do is get a HRM - one more thing to keep track of?
    No thanks!
    I don't need one, because I just know what I am burning as well as eating.
    It's become second nature.

    Do what is right for you.
  • Any sporting goods store, Target, Walmart . There are numerous makers. I use a Polar, with a wear link strap .....it is automatically read by all of the cardio machines I have ever come across....there are other makers, but not sure if you would have to wear the wrist monitor or if the machines will read the output.......try this link for researching Polar....

  • I usually do a cross ramp of 8-10 and a resistance of 8-10 in 40 mins I usually burn 400 calories and it's pretty accurate, I believe, because my bodybugg calculates the same.
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    The machines give you a very rough estimate....Burning calories really depends on your size / heart rate etc- maybe try a heart rate monitor to give you a more accurate reading?
    Agreed try this site... cheap!!!!! Polar ft7 $73 -$82.... Free shipping...Great for boot camps or cycling, while anything! lol
  • I just ordered a Polar HRM. It will be interesting to see how different it is than the calories given by my Precor elliptical which calculates calories burned using a Polar system where you enter your weight and take your heart rate during the workout.
  • ceecee368
    ceecee368 Posts: 21 Member
    The number of calories you burn will vary greatly depending on your height, weight, age and the difficulty level of the workout. Generally you'll burn about 100 calories per mile run (this is true for both an elliptical, treadmill or outdoor running). If you increase the resistance or push yourself to run faster, you'll burn more, but I generally just give myself 100 exercise calories burned per mile.

    A lot of people overestimate the number of calories burned during their workouts, and you want to be careful not to do that so as not to allow yourself to eat too many calories during the day. 300 calories in 30 minutes is great!
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    30minutes - 300 calories is great!

    To expect more is unreasonable.
    I had to find my burn zone through experimentation.
    And the last thing I would ever do is get a HRM - one more thing to keep track of?
    No thanks!
    I don't need one, because I just know what I am burning as well as eating.
    It's become second nature.

    Do what is right for you.

    Ha ha, you make a good point! One more thing to keep track of, indeed! I appreciate your response. You are right, it's good enough to know I'm burning and eating well and the weight loss is happening slowly but surely. Staying consistent is my goal.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    I just got my HRM (the polar F7) last week.. i do the elliptical about 3 times a week for 60 minutes (i usually get a bit sweaty, i change levels and intensity up and down several times during the workout) and it says i burn about 570 calories each time. I also do Zumba 2 times a week and i feel like i'm really killing myself (sweating much more and out of breath!) and it says i usually burn around 670. ( btw i'm 5'4 and 235 lbs) Sounds like you are doing great, just keep doing it and you should see results! Great Job!
  • I firmly believe that all elliptical trainers are not created equal. At my gym we have 3 different types of elliptical trainers and they are vastly different in calculating calories burned. There are these runner gliding type ellipticals and I can go crazy on them in 60 minutes sweating like crazy and it will say I only burned around 500 calories. Then there are these brand new elliptical trainers our gym got and they are really tough. They are almost a stair stepper and elliptical in one and I am burning close to 800 calories. The other one are the old school elliptical trainers and I burn quite a bit when I up the resistance like you do.

    I just purchased a Fitbit and can't wait to get it in the mail. I can't wait to get a more accurate reading on my daily activity. Apparantly, the Fitbit syncs with MyFitnessPal. www.fitbit.com