Eating while working HELP!

I work 2nd shift at a gas station and i need some help eating healthy for dinner. Currently i am eating a hot dog w/ bun, mustard and relish. I need to find something i can take with me to eat for dinner that does not have so much sodium in it. Any and all ideas will be appreciated. I am so close to 20 pounds lost and i don't want to keep eating a hotdog for supper HELP!


  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    Are you able to put it in a fridge or have microwave, then can just take a meal. What about a wholegrain role and can of tuna, easy to put together and alot better than a hot dog. Soup and a wholegrain roll.
  • lsjreadingpa
    There is a microwave that im still trying to learn how to not fry my food into rubber lol. I need quick dinner ideas for at work mainly because i usually work alone so i dont have alot of time to prepare food let alone eat it before it gets cold.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    how about a sandwich, some cut veggies and baked chips? Or soup and some good bread?
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    I pack a lunch every day at work and never use a microwave or fridge. (I do use ice packs in my insulated lunch bag). Here are some things I frequently bring:

    pre-measured cottage cheese
    carrots & peanut butter (I buy the PB in to-go cups)
    protein bars
    graham crackers
    greek yogurt

    Peanut butter is the only thing I buy already in snack size. Everything else I buy in regular size bags and then measure out serving sizes in to zipper backs or Glad ware.
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
    low sodium all natural Jif peanut butter (protein) and one slice of bread (starch) with an apple or banana (fruit) and a bag of baby carrots, celery sticks, or any other raw veggie. Go and google 'bento lunch ideas'. Think of things you can snack on throughout your shift that don't even have to be warmed up or that can be kept in a thermos or something to stay warm. Basically like kids who have to take their lunches to school every day. But think outside the traditional sandwhich, chips and candy--cuz we all know that's not healthy. There are tons of websites out there with lunch box ideas that are healthy and WAY out of the norm that one would probably make for their kids!!
  • lsjreadingpa
    I thought about a sandwich but the meat has so much sodium in it. I also eat a sandwich at lunch, nature's own wheat bread 2 oven roasted turkey slices (which also have alot of sodium but i need 2 slices for the calories) 1 tbsp of mustard and mayo with a slice of white american and that comes to only 320 calories but over 1000 sodium.
  • Marcel7
    Marcel7 Posts: 52 Member
    I like the premier nutrition protein bars. They have around 290 calories per bar and are quite delicious. They also have a good amount of protein.
  • lsjreadingpa
    I pack a lunch every day at work and never use a microwave or fridge. (I do use ice packs in my insulated lunch bag). Here are some things I frequently bring:

    pre-measured cottage cheese
    carrots & peanut butter (I buy the PB in to-go cups)
    protein bars
    graham crackers
    greek yogurt

    Peanut butter is the only thing I buy already in snack size. Everything else I buy in regular size bags and then measure out serving sizes in to zipper backs or Glad ware.
    Lots of good snack ideas but by this time of night when i eat supper i am way low on my calorie intake and by the time i would eat some of these i would be full lol.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    I bring my lunch everyday to work. i do have fridge though but mostly salad mixings and fixings but also I bring my leftovers from dinner. That way I am eating the healthy meal I made already. What about soups that have low sodium or making fruit salads?
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    What about low sodium soup? Add a salad, and it's a pretty good meal. Progresso has a bunch of really tasty low sodium soups.
    Lot's of fresh veggies. Perhaps some boiled eggs? A foreman grill could be your best friend, grill up some meat either on the weekend or before work, microwave ~1 min (depending on the microwave). Can throw it on a salad, or add some veggies.
  • filesbabythree
    My "go to" lunch while working is to nearly fill a gladware container with salad greens and veggies, then I top with a few crumbles of my favorite cheese, strawberries, pecans, chow mein noodles, a boiled egg, broiled chicken breast, (whatever suits my tastes that day) and a small amount of salad dressing. The greens are very filling, and I can change it to taste however I want by changing the toppings.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Buy a small cooler or an insulated bag into which you can fit not only your food but an ice pack. I used to bring a small Igloo chest to work with me years ago that was a 6 pack size and had a freezer pack that screwed into the lid to keep my food cool. I brought drinks in it, too, something you may not need to worry about where you work. You may need to invest a few dollars in some Ziploc or Glad plastic containers but it's a great investment.


    Salads (pack the greens, meats, cheeses in one container and bring the dressing in another)
    String Cheese
    Tuna/Chicken/Egg salad (sandwiches or on lettuce or eaten with crackers or celery)
    Sandwich wraps
    Grill chicken the night before, slice and use for a salad, sandwich or wrap
    Yesterday's home-cooked meal leftovers (cook extra if you don't normally have leftovers)
    Make meals at home specifically for your work "lunch" and freeze into individual portions to bring with you. Re-heat in the microwave
    Frozen vegetable single-serving packs
  • lsjreadingpa
    I am grateful for all the lunch ideas! What it seems to come down to is my sodium, once i get to my daily intake of 2500mg i pretty much stop eating but my calorie intake ends up being 300 or so under my limit.

    For instance This morning i had a Jimmy Dean Delights turkey sausage muffin, for lunch i have the above sandwich, which i have everyday, i also have 2 snacks which are usually 100ish calorie snacks ( applesauce 1 serving cup and a granola bar). I am left with 600 calories left for the day. Even if i have a banquet dinner i barely get anything over 320 calories from it but most times 260 calories. What it really comes down to is i got to change EVERYTHING i eat so i take in less sodium but i don't have a 300-500 dollars to go out and buy everything i need to eat healthy.
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    What it really comes down to is i got to change EVERYTHING i eat so i take in less sodium but i don't have a 300-500 dollars to go out and buy everything i need to eat healthy.

    I've made choices to cut sodium AND cholesterol and it's actually been cheaper. I used to eat Jimmy D's breakfast sandwiches and similar things -- they're flipping expensive!!

    The point is that what you're trying to achieve can be done and has been done by lots of people, but it takes planning and effort.
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Could you have your sandwich for your supper and have a main meal at lunch time? Just a thought, but it depends on your routine and schedule. I used to do that when I worked long days. I worked from 8-2 at one job then 4-8 at another. I had my main meal at lunch time so I wasn't having a large meal close to bed time. Then I would have something light when I got home like toast with peanut butter or some fruit and yogurt.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I am grateful for all the lunch ideas! What it seems to come down to is my sodium, once i get to my daily intake of 2500mg i pretty much stop eating but my calorie intake ends up being 300 or so under my limit.

    For instance This morning i had a Jimmy Dean Delights turkey sausage muffin, for lunch i have the above sandwich, which i have everyday, i also have 2 snacks which are usually 100ish calorie snacks ( applesauce 1 serving cup and a granola bar). I am left with 600 calories left for the day. Even if i have a banquet dinner i barely get anything over 320 calories from it but most times 260 calories. What it really comes down to is i got to change EVERYTHING i eat so i take in less sodium but i don't have a 300-500 dollars to go out and buy everything i need to eat healthy.
    Part of your sodium problem is that you are eating WAY TOO MUCH processed food! If you filled up on fruit and veggies, fresh eggs, chicken, and homemade soup you would not consume nearly as much sodium and you would get a lot more food for your calories.
    You can buy some veggies, a whole chicken (roast it, use the meat for sandwiches, and then boil the carcass as a soup base), eggs, and beans and rice pretty cheaply. But it will require more effort on your part to prepare the food. Good luck!
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    If you're really worried about sodium, then stop eating all the processed and prepackaged foods. If you start buying natural, whole foods then you will see a significant drop in the amount of sodium consumed and you will be able to eat all of your calories!.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Maybe change up your lunch so that you can save your sandwich for dinner time while you are at work? Sounds like you might have more control over being more free with your lunch than your dinner.

    I know that I'm concerned about my sodium too. I love meat/cheese, but for instance I used to eat 2 eggs with 3 slices of turkey bacon every day on the weekends for breakfast, and I have changed it so that I have a 3 egg omelet and no bacon because I want to save the sodium from the bacon for other things. Same thing with my homemade pizzas that I make... I cut out the pepperoni because for me, it's just better / easier to eat the pizza with just cheese and I'm equally as happy.
  • Abbie_Thompson
    Abbie_Thompson Posts: 45 Member
    When I would work by myself at GNC, I would bring my small George Foreman Grill. You can use it anywhere you can find a plug in. I kept frozen chicken there and would grill a piece for dinner. 110 cal. I would also bring a small can of veggies to microwave as a side. (two servings per can and anywhere from 50-60 cal a serving, i'd eat the whole can though). This would be a whole dinner for about 230 calories. If I had extra calories I'd eat the chicken with a spoonful of salsa or a slice of cheese for flavor.
    All you need is a plug and a freezer!
  • Jra17b
    i work at mcdonalds tell me about it but i guess taking my own food has been working out great for me when i eat there its a small side salad but no food at all so best best is to whip up a meal put it in a toperware and take it to work our microwaves suck they heat up the food so fast just check it every ten seconds stuff like that