JUNE STARTERS ~ hump day



  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I really need a kick in the butt today. All I want is a bag of dorito's. Maybe I'll weigh myself and use that for motivation. ? *Sigh...

    I will not get dorito's, I will have some pretzels and work out. Just keep repeating that...
  • jeanns
    jeanns Posts: 58
    Hi everyone, I'd like to join the group. Tomorrow is my birthday- I'll be 47!!!! And this is as great a time as ever to do something really wonderful for myself. My goal is to lose 65 lbs by my next birthday. I know I can do this and I'm gonna need some help. This site is really great and I applaud all of you for your accomplishments and willingness to support each other. I'll be checking back- and oh yeah, I'm not even thinking about cake!!! :o)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Linda! And don't worry about ONE piece of cake! It's not one piece of cake, one day...it's multiple slices, every day! lol! that's what'll do ya in!

    I think I'm going to be weighing in on Wednesdays..I seem to have better luck :laugh: this morning I had lost a pound! but even better...I've lost 1.5 inches from my waist since the last time I checked about three weeks ago! WOOT WOOT! I LOVE june starters! We rock and we can do this!

    A little "encouragement": Whenever I feel frustrated I try to tell myself, I didn't get OUT of shape in two weeks, so I'm certainly not going to get IN shape in two weeks, either! I was slackin' for years before trying to get my butt in gear! So I know it's going to take time, but WE CAN DO IT! And the healthy way so it's off for good! yay!
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    rkwestfall, I have the same issue with wanting to weigh everyday. I am still trying to overcome that :laugh:
    I am loving JUNE STARTERS, too. I think we have some amazing women!!

    I actually read an article the other day (on MSN I think) that said people who weigh theirself daily are more apt to lose weight. Not nessicarily because you're stressing over it, but because it helps you to realize that your body DOES fluctuate which is completely normal. I'm a daily weigher too, and I don't think it's a bad thing.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I actually read an article the other day (on MSN I think) that said people who weigh theirself daily are more apt to lose weight. Not nessicarily because you're stressing over it, but because it helps you to realize that your body DOES fluctuate which is completely normal. I'm a daily weigher too, and I don't think it's a bad thing.

    I read something similar. I am a daily weigher as well. I used to weight myself everyday and be very fit. When I started gaining weight I stopped weighing. Denial. Since I have been heavy I rarely weigh in, so I am actually making myself weigh in daily again. Before I get on the scale I try and guess whether it will be up or down based on what i ate the day before. I only will be recording weekly weights, but I use daily to motivate myself to get my butt on the cross trainer.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I do great during the week, because I can plan meals for just me while I am at work. I work out about 3 times a week and try to walk 3-5 times a week as well. My big issue right now is my lack of support at home! Weekends are so hard! I don't drink water as much and I eat worse, plus can't work out cuz I have my kids with me the whole time. Daddy eats chips, has ice cream in the house, all the bad crap I want that I shouldn't have!
    This weekend it was all my falt though...
    Sunday was fathers day and my daughter wanted to make Daddy brownies. My boyfriend works Sundays so I thought we could make them, bring them to his work, & the boys could eat them and I wouldn't have any in the house. WRONG! I locked the keys in the trunk (long story) and waited for AAA for 4 1/2 hours! So by the time I was back in the car ready to bring the brownies to Dad he called saying he felt sick and was coming home early. So I still had brownies and he didn't eat anything for a few days, which gave me lots of time to eat the whole thing by myself (with a little help from the kids, not much tho they are still young) :explode:
    I lose a pound or two during the week then gain it all back on the weekend! AAARRRRGGGGG
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    My big issue right now is my lack of support at home! Weekends are so hard! I don't drink water as much and I eat worse, plus can't work out cuz I have my kids with me the whole time. Daddy eats chips, has ice cream in the house, all the bad crap I want that I shouldn't have!

    How old are the kids? You could go to the park with them and walk around. Make a scavenger hunt of nature things they can find while you walk- pinecones, leaves etc. If they're young toddlers then you get tons of exercise just chasing them around! lol

    Weekends are hard for me too. Hubby is very supportive- but I get lax on my eating and don't eat enough. *sigh* :tongue:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I don't know about this being encouraging, but something I thought I would share.

    My husband and I went to the movies last night, he ordered a larger popcorn :noway: I was so proud of myself, I didn't have any, not one kernel. I did have 9 fuzzy peaches, which he ordered as well, but only because I read the nutritional facts and knew I had more than enough everything left for the day to allow myself that treat. In the end my husband was mortified that he ate almost the whole bag, and proud of me for resisting.

    Just a word about my husband. He is a junk-food-aholic, with no weight problem at all. He is doing his best to be supportive, but EVERY night brings snacks to bed. We lay there reading while he munches on chips or crackers. If I can deal with that everyday, you can resist temptation as well.

    My husband seems to think my goals are set too high. I intend to prove him wrong. That is my motivation. He is a sweetheart and I love him so much, but this makes me want to prove him wrong.
    Happy Wednesday. We can do this, no matter what our motivation is!!

    Bless your heart! You are one tough momma! In my house the saying is "When mom diets- we all diet" It's actually a lifestyle change now and the whole family has adapted to eating healthier. We don't have junk food in the house and I let the kids pick an individual treat when we are at the store and then I'm not tempted by it and they aren't feeling deprived. I don't know how you do it.:smile:
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Jenn, I feel for you. I usually end up doing the same thing with losing during the week and then put it all back on over the weekend, then the first part of the next week is just taking off the weekend weight *ugh* it is such an exhausting and disappointing cycle.

    I've come to realize one of my biggest weekend downfalls is eating out, we tend to go out to eat 2 or 3 times over the weekend. So I am going to try to limit our dining out.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    rkwestfall, I have the same issue with wanting to weigh everyday. I am still trying to overcome that :laugh:
    I am loving JUNE STARTERS, too. I think we have some amazing women!!

    I actually read an article the other day (on MSN I think) that said people who weigh theirself daily are more apt to lose weight. Not nessicarily because you're stressing over it, but because it helps you to realize that your body DOES fluctuate which is completely normal. I'm a daily weigher too, and I don't think it's a bad thing.
    I weigh myself everyday too. It keeps me motivated and focused. My scale broke and it took me two months to replace it and when I finally weighed myself I had gained 10 pounds-for me it's the accountability. I also realize that it will fluctuate and I take that into consideration too.
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Can I join??? Please please please!:happy: lol..What do i post in this group and what kind of challenges do yall have??

    Of course! Everyone is welcome to join. I am keeping track of Monday weigh ins on an Excel chart that I will post soon (it's not working today! :grumble: ) so on Mondays just make sure and remember to weigh in. Other than that, I think challenges would be a great idea!! Anyone have any suggestions as to what to start with?
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Other than that, I think challenges would be a great idea!! Anyone have any suggestions as to what to start with?

    I think that we should go join the AB Challenge already in progress- it's new so we won't be too far behind. It's a workout alright! Whew!

    We could do a Step Goal, or heck, even just the goal to eat all your cals! :flowerforyou:
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    Other than that, I think challenges would be a great idea!! Anyone have any suggestions as to what to start with?

    I also think they'd be a great idea! We should definitely start one for July.. I've got a 1.5 week vacation and a conference to go to that month so I'll definitely need something to keep me on my best behaviour away from home! :laugh: With so many amazing people I'm sure we'll be able to come up with a super creative and fun challenge! :bigsmile:
  • deltadiva06
    I'd like to join the group...I started in June too :happy:
    I'd like to join the group as well.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Today was good...ran a mile for the first time in 5 years! wahoooooo I have found that while doing this I have so much more self control when it comes to food as well. Where I used to give in to everything, I can now pass it up or indulge to a lesser degree. I even had pizza last night and stayed within my calorie goals because I didn't eat 109093 slices, I just had 2. Feels good.

    And....tomorrow (6/25) is my birthday!! I'm excited to be 23 :) My friends have already told me they're making me peanut butter blondies and chocolate cake....I figure one day won't kill me. I'll just try to have a smaller slice than I normally would. I'm going out to eat with friends then we're going to an outdoor bar....should be fun! I'm also getting a haircut tm and we all know that is awesome :happy:

    Good luck the rest of this week ladies...keep up the hard work and we will achieve our goals! YAY for June starters!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My scale broke this last weekend and I finally bought a new one today. I have no idea if I've actually lost any weight, but it would be nice if so.
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    I've got a confession to make.. after buying my new running shoes (the new model of my old asics is so ugly :grumble: ) I walked by the Dairy Queen/Orange Julius place and gave into the temptation of a small cone :embarassed: I at least resisted the brownie blizzard and the yummy chocolate dip on the cone.. small success right? :laugh:

    I guess I'll be doing some extra exercising tonight, and maybe even start that AB challenge! And of course, be on better behaviour tomorrow :ohwell:
  • HEK81
    HEK81 Posts: 50 Member
    I can not have a scale in my home because I'll frustrate myself by weighing in everyday. I actually go to my dad's house to weight in. It gives me a chance to see the fam and catch up once a week as well. It's also great to report the good news to others who care.
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Hello ladies! Check this out!!
    Enjoy!! :)
  • aliciaroberts12
    i want to join june starters because well....i started in june. :flowerforyou:. i also wanted to say this site is inspiring:happy:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hello ladies! Check this out!!
    Enjoy!! :)

    You did an awesome job!!!!!
    I think we should post this link ....