I'm glad I got fat-temporarily



  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Nice post.

    Also, I'm glad your boyfriend is ok.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Nicely written. I've struggled with my weight my whole adult life. While I'm not yet at goal, gaining the weight really put things in perspective for me. Because I've been at my current weight before, and back then, I couldn't see beautiful. I saw fat. I saw ugly. I saw blob.

    I can see sexy now. I can see beautiful.

    You ARE beautiful!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I love this post... It's nice to see someone who's seen both sides. And it makes me feel so good. Gaining weight has made me take a good hard look at myself. At my lowest weight, I was out of shape but SO MUCH BETTER than what I percieved myself as. All because of the "skinny" people who thought it was okay to enforce the unspoken "fat people are evil" rule an anyone above average weight. I look at photos of myself back then, and wish I could go back and love myself. Since losing a lot of weight, people HAVE been nicer. It's extremely depressing to compare peoples reactions to your own body... It's not fair that people poke and prod at a person that way. And I vow to never do the same.
  • tboothgenthe
    Great post. Kids act different as well - it's not just adults. I have 3 thin and 1 thick child. The older ones are already trying to watch the intake of my youngest who LOVES food and is a bit heavy but not overweight. We as parents are watching her now and starting to work on her choices but I never want her to feel bad about who she is because of her pant size (really she's 4 in a size 5 we're not taking crazy obese here). She's only 4! My oldest (twins) are just thin rails by nature and I have warned them that if they say anything to her they'll have me to answer to (this was after one used the word fat).

    Anyway - I guess my point is that it starts younger then I ever thought it would.

    Good luck on your journey regardless of your weight.
  • USCEE77
    I don't envy skinny men or women, because many of them are not healthy. It amazes me how many girls smoke cigarettes to curtail their appetite. One of these days I'm going to walk up to a girl and tell her how much weight she can expect to lose when she's going through chemotherapy. Teach your daughter what a healthy diet looks like, keep her away from McDonalds, exercise together, and get her into sports. She will grow up healthy and fit, and she will be the envy at her high school prom ;-) Oh yeah, she will also thank you later in life!