Only 2 days in and back to square one today



  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I loved it. makes me feel like I'm not being cheated lol
  • I agree these are very good!
  • steve915
    steve915 Posts: 21 Member
    try special k meal bars or crisps..very tasty , and helpful with getting the edge off
  • narrington77
    narrington77 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm starting over again today!! I find the Nature Valley granola thins are a nice snack for a sweet tooth, they're 90 calories (not sure of the other nutritional values off my head). They come with peanut butter or dark chocolate. YUMMY.

    dark chocolate ones are amazing
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    Are you exercising at all? I love to workout extra hard at the gym so that I can have that cookie later in the evening! ;)

    Also, I love the skinny cow and the weight watchers ice creams. They taste delightful yet are surprisingly not that bad for you!!
  • FatBrianB
    FatBrianB Posts: 3 Member
    Keep logging your food even if you fall off the wagon. I find the only thing that keeps me honest with myself is logging what I eat.
  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    if you can limit yourself to three hershey kisses or something like this, it tastes wonderful and it low enough in calories for you to manage. i also love sugar free jello
  • I made a snack and I call it a "pudding pop". Use instant sugar free/fat free pudding, and instead of letting it set up in the refrigerator, freeze it and mak popsicles. 110 cals each and one after dinner is enough to make me feel like I had a great dessert! And keep tracking-some days are just plain depressing (we all have those) but you just have to vow to do better the next time and make it happen! I've only been at this 2 weeks and I don't think I've had many days when I was under my calorie goal but I am definately more concious of what I eat and that is slowly helping me choose better. You will get there sister!!
  • mudar146
    mudar146 Posts: 146 Member
    My evening survival trick is a hot cup of flavoured (unsweetned) tea! I find it fills me up and curbs the sweet tooth before bed!
    And I agree don't be to hard on yourself :) Just learn and move on!
  • All very good suggestions....I like weight watchers ice cream or Special K Bars...rasberry cheescake are my current favorites...there are also lots of low calorie no fat, low sugar candies in most grocery stores......check out the health food or organic aisles
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Fiber One Brownies are only 90 calories each.

    I love these. They are very satisfying and you feel like you really had a sweet treat
  • narrington77
    narrington77 Posts: 98 Member
    i agree with all the posts... and i would say yeah don't look at this as starting over... acknowledge your calories and keep it moving... yesterday i had all intentions of eating a nice lo cal turkey samich, however it turned into drinks and not very lo cal sandwiches at a party, and i still lost.. didn't regret it either.. they were DUHlicious... ur allowed to have for the most part what u want in moderation... if u know something may come up that could cause u to go over ur cals plan ahead... i want chocolate after dinner bc i have some yummy dark chocolate covered apples in my fridge? i forfeit a snack earlier in the day or eat a little less of something for dinner.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I wouldn't think of it as going back to square one. As much as we'd like it to be, weight loss is not a linear journey. There are ups and downs all the time, and it's normal, because we're not robots that can be programmed to stay within the calorie limit all the time.
    Just remember that even if you're only able to do well at breakfast, that is a great improvement compared to before!
    Keep up the good work you're already doing!
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself! You're only 2 days in and 1 of them was Valentine's day! I don't blame the hubby for bringing home the chocolates, but make sure he is on board with your weightloss. Also, don't deny yourself things, just enjoy in moderation and decide if you REALLY want to eat ______. So rather than eating 4 or 5 chocolates, just have 1. For the sweet tooth, try a couple chocolate chips, or a piece of fruit. OR add a crystal light packet to some water if you need to get your water in. Add me if you want!
  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    You know what I do in the evenings? After dinner I usually will hop on the elliptical, and that seems to get rid of the cravings I have, it feels so good to do something good for yourself. If you have to have something sweet, have a small piece of candy. It works wonders!
  • Stavakoli
    Stavakoli Posts: 86 Member
    Fill your house with lower calorie treats. It really does make a world of difference when those tempting snacks are out of sight. I usually try to get things that are portioned so that I don't go overboard otherwise I'll find myself eating way more than the serving size without even realizing it. Some suggestions: Skinny cow ice cream (SO good!) and sugar free chocolate pudding. Those snacks are perfect when you want something sweet and they're consistent with your diet! The first few days are the toughest but just keep going. You can do this, promise!!
  • I also found this web address here yesterday in another forum:
  • amy0716
    amy0716 Posts: 50 Member
    I have one Mochi (almost) every night found at Trader Joe's. They are only 100 calories each. Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Green Tea, Mango-great flavors!! Satisfies the ice cream craving!!

    Looking for friends, please add me.
  • sailinjen
    sailinjen Posts: 103 Member
    I have been loving smashbars....90 cals....yum....dont beat yourself up...just carry on, its a long go girl!
  • How about sugar free/fat free pudding? Or a yogurt with granola?:flowerforyou: I have been messing up lately myself. Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move ahead!!! You can do it. Your baby is just precious!!!