gaining weight!

I'm so frustrated, I have been dieting and excersising for 2 weeks and I have gained 3 lbs. I am not a little woman I have about 100lbs to loose and I can't seem to even get the start I am looking for. Any advice? anything would be greatly appreciated.


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I posted this in another thread yesterday, but I think it applies here as well.

    I can't see your food diary to comment but, a few questions for you to answer just to yourself:

    1. Are you being consistent? Are you logging your food everyday?
    2. Are you being accurate? Are you weighing/measuring your food?
    3. Are you logging ALL foods and drinks?
    4. Are staying within your calorie goal at least 90% of the time?

    If the answer to any of these questions is "no," then you need to take a few weeks and be more accurate and accountable for your foods. THEN, see what the scale says.

    If you answered "yes" to all of the questions, then maybe you should open up you food diary so others can see it to offer advice. It's possible that you have too large of a calorie deficit, or too small of one. Without knowing things like your height, weight, and calorie goal, it's hard to know what advice to give.
  • Ok sorry, I'm new to this and I think I just unlocked my diary so you can see it. I have been very consistant with the diaries, putting in every oz. of everything I eat and drink. I'm just so frustrated and this is what always happens to me when I start a diet, i get frustrated and give up, hence the reason I'm 100lbs over weight now, and have decided to stick with it for real this time, just discouraged at the moment.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Well, I think that you are not eating enough, actually. 1200 calories is pretty low, so you definitely need to eat back any calories burned from exercise, which you aren't. MFP is set up so that you will lose weight without exercise. You need to eat those calories back to you don't get too large of a calorie deficit and deprive your body of essential nutrients.

    Also, I noticed you are burning in the 1000's of calories a day. This doesn't seem right. You want this to be accurate too, since you need to eat back most of those calories.You log walking a lot. Is this walking actually exercise walking, or walking done at your job? If it is normal walking that you do as part of everyday (or nearly everyday) activity, this needs to be factored into your daily activity and not counted as exercise. Another thing to consider is getting a heart rate monitor to see how much you actually burn. MFP is sometimes WAY off.
  • I sit all day at my job so 3 times a day for 15 mins I speed walk, and then 7 days a week I do Taebo for 30 mins. I also thought it seemed awfully high for caleries burned, but I'm putting what I'm doing. I also understand the eating back caleries thing, but it seems impossible, I'm just not that hungry LOL...I've been averaging 1450 caleries a day