discouraged with no results

Started doing Zumba and mfp a little over a week ago now. I have been under my calorie goal of 1200 since I started and have been doing the Zumba cardio every day, if not every other day. I feel like I should see some weight loss by now and haven't at all.


  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    It will come! Your body needs to adjust to your new routine. Keep up the hard work and you will be rewarded
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    Make sure you are eating back the calories you burn from Zumba. Also, give it time, it takes more than a week to see results because our bodies naturally fluctuate.
  • Really? Eat them back? I thought the point was to burn the calories you are eating so that you don't have a big calorie count for the day. Maybe I just am not getting this at all!?!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    First off, if you're eating under 1200 and doing zumba - youre not eating enough! No woman should go under 1200 calories a day, and if you're exercising, you should be eating well over that - you are supposed to eat back some exercise calories. You're not fueling your body enough.

    secondly -- did you get to where you are now *unhappy with your weight* in a week? You can't expect results so quickly.

    third - zumba is pretty much all cardio right? You need to strength train too.

    fourth - you can't do the same thing every day - day in and day out. Your muscles become accustomed to things very quickly and therefore have to work less to accomplish the same workout. change it up.

    fifth - when you start exercising, your muscles often retain some fluid/water weight -- which will affect your scale showing a loss in the first few weeks.

    sixth - you need to be sure to take rest days. it's not good for you to work out hard every day -- recovery (and sleep) is just as important for your body when you're losing weight as eating right and working out are!

    Good luck!! :)
  • TobyTimmyNala
    TobyTimmyNala Posts: 40 Member
    One week is not enough time to see big results. When I too first started I felt like results were not coming fast enough, but I just came to the realization that if I change my eating habits and start to exercise the pounds will come off. Also, by losing pounds gradually I think it will be easier to keep them off as you will have time to get used to the "change in lifestyle", not just dieting.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    HI Lisa!

    Please don’t get discouraged! One week is not enough time for your body to adjust, I'm sure that’s it! Give it one more week! Are there any foods or drinks you think may be sabotaging you? Sometimes (even when I stay under my calories) I can gain weight (yikes!) usually it’s a day when I have not had enough water, or ate something really processed (like Doritos, ha-ha) ... I guess what I am trying to say very ineffectually, is that sometimes my body does not process certain things well (under calories or not), don’t give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Really? Eat them back? I thought the point was to burn the calories you are eating so that you don't have a big calorie count for the day. Maybe I just am not getting this at all!?!

    if you're eating 1200 calories. and you burn say 400 calories in an hour of zumba -- that means you've only fed your body 800 calories for the day. the 1200 calorie goal already has you at a deficit. if you don't fuel your body right, your metabolism will not burn off calories, it will slow down and store energy since you're not feeding it enough.
  • Wow, I was thinking all wrong then. Thanks for the information. I just assumed that you had to keep it under the 1200 and then anything else burnt off from cardio was good. But I didn't know about eating back calories. I feel like that's all I do all day now is eat.
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    May I ask why you would be eating under the 1200? You shouldn't eat below your BMR (you can figure that on here under tools). MFP already sets a deficit for you when you fill out your goal. By eating under that you are not eating enough to fuel your body. Then you add in Zumba (a big calorie burner) and you are way below what you need to eat for fuel. You probably need to eat more. I know that doesn't seem to make sense but try for a little while and see if that doesn't help you.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Wow, I was thinking all wrong then. Thanks for the information. I just assumed that you had to keep it under the 1200 and then anything else burnt off from cardio was good. But I didn't know about eating back calories. I feel like that's all I do all day now is eat.

    I have lost over 100lbs in the past almost 14 months -- I've plateaued a few times - and what has broken my plateaus ?? upping my calorie intake. I steady eat 1600-2000 calories a day now.

    sw, 303.4
    cw 200.2
    lost: 103.2lbs.
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    Here's what the Biggest Loser contestants follow for eating vs. burning...

  • Just used the tool mfp provides for the bmr and it says, Your estimated BMR is: 1,477 calories/day*. So I should be eating this calorie count and not the 1200?
  • Wow, good for you, that's great!! I guess that I'll stick with it and eat more food then : )
  • I echo some of the earlier statements. Keep at it.

    If you do intense cardio, you want to ensure that you keep a balanced diet. If you're not eating enough and you're working out all the time, your body will go into panic mode and hold on to every bit of fat because it's not receiving the nutrients it needs to effectively burn the fat away. As Mary mentioned, it will store that fat for energy since it's not receiving the energy it needs from somewhere else.

    I don't think you have to worry about changing things up at this point, especially if you've only been doing it for a week. It's good to vary your workouts to avoid plateaus (the moment your body is so used to a workout that it stops responding, in essence your body becomes conditioned for that workout and expects it, therefore it doesnt burn as much). Only you'll know when zumba becomes too easy for you to do.

    I would also recommend adding some resistance training in there. While cardio helps burn a lot of calories right away, resistance training helps burn calories throughout the day. For example, most of the calorie burn with cardio happens instantaneously. With resistance training, you burn some calories while you're working out but then even after you stop working out that resistance training continues to burn calories off, as you're muscles continue to feel the burn hours after the workout ends.

    Hope this helps! And remember, healthy weight loss is not instantaneous. Keep yourself motivated!
  • knrob
    knrob Posts: 65
    take your measurements!!!! sometimes its a non scale victory! harder to see on a weekly basis, but over time, you will be glad you track both!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Since we have no information to go on except you have been below your 1200 calories and doing Zumba for a week, it is rather difficult to give any advise at all. Seeing your food diary would help a great deal. Sometimes people are slow to start losing weight. One week is not that long, and results could show up in another week or two. Second, if you have not done so yet, measure yourself (chest, waist, hips) as a decrease in measurements is much more important than a change in the scale because scales just measure weight, and weight can have fluctuations of several pounds throughout the day. You could have lost fat, but be retaining water because you started a new exercise program (see here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/200544-why-do-you-sometimes-gain-weight-when-starting-a-new-exercis ) and because your weight loss should be no more than 2 pounds for the week, you won't even see the loss. Measurements will help to see that (although a week is probably not enough for a noticeable change). Then there is not measuring food carefully enough (use measuring spoons, cups and a kitchen scale) or entries in the food database that are incorrect. Yes some of them are not accurate. Basically if it has a * beside it, that means it was entered by another member here and should be double checked to make sure they are right.

    Remember also, the calorie amount given it a goal to reach. You do not, I repeat, do not want to be too far below it. Within 50 above or below is good, and that would include the calories you burn exercising on top of what you are allowed. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/225765-how-mfp-works?hl=how+MFP+works&page=1#posts-2976434

    Finally, remember the key to weight loss is a moderate deficit. For most people the best setting is 1 pound per week, not two. If you are obese, 2 pounds per week should work well and you shouldn't lose too much muscle while losing the fat.

    I hope this helps.
  • May I ask why you would be eating under the 1200? You shouldn't eat below your BMR (you can figure that on here under tools). MFP already sets a deficit for you when you fill out your goal. By eating under that you are not eating enough to fuel your body. Then you add in Zumba (a big calorie burner) and you are way below what you need to eat for fuel. You probably need to eat more. I know that doesn't seem to make sense but try for a little while and see if that doesn't help you.

    I didn't know you shouldn't eat under your BMR. Thinking about it makes sense, but then I'm wondering why MFP calculated my calorie goal at 1560 if my BMR is 1789....
  • same here, that is what i am confused about too. mpf calculated my calorie intake at 1200 and my bmr is 1477
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    might i add the you need AT LEAST 1200 cals a day (under isnt good for anyone according to my dr) also do you eat back your workout cals? i dont lose weight it i severely restrict my cals (i tried the beginning of this year and it didnt work ive gone back to my old ways and have started losing again) I lost 26 lbs last year i restarted my counter about a week into this year and the few lbs lost so far is once i went back to my old way
  • Thanks for all the information and motivation. This helps and explains a lot. I am 5'6" and currently weigh 160lbs. I would like to get back down to around 130/135. I would eat nothing all day besides coffee and just eat dinner with my family in the evenings. And that probably slowed my metabolism way down. But since I started this and have been eating breakfast, lunch, and snacks I feel way better, have more energy and no heartburn. I am going to open myself to the public so people can see what I am eating everyday and maybe that will help explain some things too. Thanks again.