Fitbit or Polar? Pls help



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    ty for your replies ...hmm yeah if fitbit is a monthly fee thing they can forget it leaning towards Polar thus next question is the Polar I wanted was on amazon BUT sold by some ricks u think its best just to buy from Polar site?..I wanted a colorful one
  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    I have had my Fitbit for almost a week. I LOVE it! I love how small it is and how I just clip it to my bra and don't even think about it. At night the wrist band for it is very comfortable. I love how MFP pulls all of the data over and so far it has been very accurate. When I jog it seems to log it quite well.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    They are two completely different things.

    The polar HRM is meant for use only during exercise. Its calorie calculations are not accurate for all day wear, but only during times of cardio exercise.

    The fitbit is a modified pedometer which includes an accelerometer and in the Ultra an altimeter. That allows it to not only measure steps, how vigorously you are moving and how many stairs, hills you have climbed. That gives it a somewhat more accurate picture of your daily calorie burn. It is meant for all day wear.

    Ideally, both would be the best. The fitbit for daily activity, and the HRM for times of exercise since on the fitbit site you can enter those times of exercise as well.

    As to the question of which to purchase, just realize they are both estimates of calories burned. They can be fairly accurate, but can also be over or under estimating calorie burn by a fairly large factor (I have heard up to 30%).

    Just so you know. I have a HRM which I have had for almost 2 years, and I am considering getting a fitbit now as well.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    Which polar HRM do you recommend?

    I have the Polar FT4 and love it.............
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    The Polar will only give you fairly accurate caloric burns during aerobic activity (cardio), whereas I beleive the fitbit will give you daily caloric burns based on various factors
    Yes ^^^

    It really depends on what you're primarily after, cuz they're built for different purposes. I use my FT4 for cardio tracking WHEN I'm doing true steady state cardio only. The fitbit would be useful for getting a more accurate count of your typical daily expenditure, but not as accurate as the HRM during intense cardio.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    i also say polar (LOVE IT!) fitbit is basically a glamorized pedometer. i like to see my cals burned base on my HR not steps taken (i went through this same problem about a month ago and i dont regret my choice at all. the polar keeps me motivated seeing my cals burned i know the Fitbit wouldnt so much since its not based on anything but my steps so it doesnt know how hard i am working or not working
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    After all my reading, and all the reviews I've seen. I'm going to be getting both! Fitbit first, then the Polar.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Fitbit does not have a monthly fee like the bodybugg, so that is a plus.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    OP: have you considered looking into the Bodybugg, that tracks cals all day and night as well, but I beleive is more accurate then a fitbit, based on the way it estimates burns.
    Looking at the site now
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I did a lot of research between the two when I bought my heart rate monitor.

    I ended up going with the Polar FT4, because I didn't want to be wearing the Ftibit 24/7. Plus I heard that the software for it doesn't properly work in my country and that there was a monthly fee?

    I love my Polar, it's super accurate, plus it links to all the exercise equipment at my gym so that I don't have to hold their sensors when choosing a work out program :)

    This I have a Polar FT7. No regrets.
  • I like the Polar. I feel it gives me accurate results of heart rate and calorie burn during my workouts.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    ty for your replies ...hmm yeah if fitbit is a monthly fee thing they can forget it leaning towards Polar thus next question is the Polar I wanted was on amazon BUT sold by some ricks u think its best just to buy from Polar site?..I wanted a colorful one

    Fitbit has no monthly fee unless you want the premium service. Have a look at their site to see the comparison.
  • rxwoman
    rxwoman Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for this post as I was trying to make the same decision. Ultimately, I think that any heart rate monitor is going to be the way to go since it uses your actual heart rate. Now to decide on which heart rate monitor to get. I've used polar in the past (and liked it) but haven't researched recently.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Drum far I think for what Im seeking I need both..I have a tendency to micromanage myself ...(lol)...So I think I will order the Fitbit and search around for the Polar I want (praying) the color is on Amazon and then buy it....
  • I like my Timex HRM's. I have a GPS Trainer and Road Trainer.
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    I LOVE my polar. I have the FT4 and it works WONDERS. the HRM is pretty much dead on. I often will pause and manually check my heart rate and it is EXACTLY what the HRM is reading. it beeps at you to keep you in your ideal range too which is something I am working at. trying to improve heart health!
  • I have a job that keeps me moving all day, I own a restaurant. My FitBit keeps track of my activity level and translates it here, on MFP, to calories spent above and beyond my activity level. I have that set here to lightly active, so if I'm busier, the Fitbit will include those additional calories burned during that time into my overall burn for the day.

    I also have a Sigma HRM that I bought off Ebay (I'm a huge advocate of buying things there that others have grown tired of, or are selling because they don't think they're working properly / don't know how to use). I use my HRM for all fitness center activity, to include strength training, because it gives an accurate count of calories burned and synchs with all the machines they have there. I don't wear my HRM all day, those additional calories are accounted for with my Fitbit.

    So, to answer you question, you could / should benefit from using both the Fitbit and a HRM, depending on what you do during the time you're not actively working out!
  • I looked into the fitbit and I read some unearving reviews. I did read on MFP that someone checked and it is not sweat proof and can be unreliable. I have researched polar and my hubby bought me a FT4 last night for valentines day. So far super happy. Good luck
  • czechmate823
    czechmate823 Posts: 89 Member
    I just got my FitBit over the weekend, and I LOVE it! I love seeing my activity level on their site, how many steps I've taken, how active I am, and how my sleep is tracking. Yes, it's inconvenient at first to wear it all the time, but when you get used to it, it's like checking Facebook all the time for status. I'm constantly synching it because I want to see it charted out on my dashboard. The charge seems to last for a long time, too. And if it's underestimating my caloric burn and isn't as accurate as an HRM for that, then, that's a good thing in my book since I'm burning more than I anticipated - I'm ok with that! Their site also syncs nicely with MFP, so I just have to enter any sleep start/stop times or correct activity duration if necessary, the rest transfers from site to site without a lot of double entry. Love it!!!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I TOOK THE PLUNGE...GOT A POLAR F7 DELIVERY TOMORROW ..WOOHOOOO!.....AND THE COLOR I WANTED .....ok now the excitement is over I decided to wait and save three weeks then get the fitbit with the scale ...i need a new scale anyway .....ty everyone for all of your help