GAINED 7 pounds in ONE week. *throws fit*



  • lrbohn
    lrbohn Posts: 11
    Shall I make my explanations or simply thump myself on the back of the head?

    Last week was TOM. So, I typically skip working out 3 or 4 days. I also wasn't as religious about counting calories as I have been, but I can tell you I never went over 2,000 calories a day.

    Then on Friday, I went to the doctor to have a cyst on my neck looked at, which wound up requiring out-patient surgery/stitches. I was told to "cool it" on anything strenuous lest I pop my sutures, so that has meant no exercise since LAST Monday.

    I'm feeling incredibly guilty about not keeping up with my routine, even though I KNOW it's 'Doctor's Orders'. That said, I stepped on the scale this morning just to "see" how bad things were, and I was UP -- SEVEN POUNDS.

    Can I really have gained 7 pounds?!? I had FINALLY hit one "mini" goal of -50 pounds, and all of a sudden I'm up 7 and freaking out that I am headed for disaster.

    I'm just pissed off, frustrated, mad at myself, ready to scream and cry and pitch an unholy fit over this.

    Any advice for someone who is DESPERATE to get under 200 pounds by May 10, and had ONLY 35 pounds to go as of Jan 31, and now have 42 pounds to go, and half the month of Feb is gone???!!!

    Ugh, I just wanna start cutting the fat off with a machete.

    Swelling is a factor for any patient after surgery. Trauma is the main cause, but intravenous fluids, pooled blood, plasma, and dead fat cells are also factors. These all contribute to swelling or edema -- visible swelling and puffiness from fluid accumulation in and around your body tissues. The end result for you is added pain and discomfort.

    While there are many medical causes for edema ranging from heart disease to high sodium levels, you can expect it to be present at and around a surgery site due to the trauma involved. In this case, the edema needs to be absorbed and eliminated by your body before the uncomfortable effects subside.

    To help your body eliminate this build up, we recommended patients use our recipe for "Lemon Tea." Besides reducing edema, Lemon Tea also helps patients flush out the woozy effects of anesthesia and pain medications. Over time your body should naturally carry these excess fluids and chemicals away, but you can assist in the elimination of them yourself by using Lemon Tea, thus decreasing your pain and discomfort as well as helping you to feel better overall.

    More on this website . . .

    Could possibly be your answer.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Your situation with the doctor visit definitely threw a wrench in things, but I am also curious as to why you don't work out when you have your period. Unless you have such horrible cramps you can't get out of bed or a tampon/pad combo isn't enough to plug up the faucet, you can absolutely still exercise.

  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Unless you've figured out how to change the laws of physics, you would have had to have eaten an additional 3500 calories per *day* for a week to gain an extra 7 lbs.

  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    It's most likely a lot of water weight. Unless you ate a HUGE amount of cals in one week you wouldn't have gained 7 pounds of fat. Hop back on the wagon today and make sure to drink a lot of water to flush out your body. :flowerforyou:

    Totally agree with this... During TOM I spike up 5lbs in a day..
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    Haven't seen this yet - but were you prescribed meds for pain? NSAIDs and painkillers can cause water retention and bloating. I definitely agree with all the posters re: water weight. Plus with your minor surgery, your body is probably holding on to stuff until you're healed. As soon as you're green lit and stop taking meds, the weight should go away.

    And please - drink lots and lots of water - it will help with all of it.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Did you take pain killers for your procedure? That can cause you to hold water
    The inflamation from the procedure can cause you to hold water

    Give yourself a little time to get back on your feet and you will be fine.
  • cepark137
    Yes, I was given paid meds -- I didn't know that it could cause water retention!

    I stopped taking them the night before last, so hopefully the side effects are gone by tomorrow!

    I'm gonna get back on the horse, and I promise to post again at the end of the month (my next doctor visit); hopefully, the scale will have moved down again by then!!

    Thanks a lot everyone!!! I was close to the ledge all morning! :)