Irrational Fears???



  • AngelEyes127
    Absolutely terrified of clowns!!!!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Wow lots of people fear chickens! I am not making fun, because I GET irrational fears and not being able to do anything about it... I'm just in awe, never really thought of them as scary before :blushing: but most don't find frogs as scary as I do either. :tongue:
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Sharks...thank you, Discovery Channel :angry:

    Oh & spiders...heebie jeebie factor 10 right there...:frown:
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Sharks...I am so scared of them that I HAVE to watch them on tv just to freak myself out. I am so afraid of them that I'm scared to swim in a swimming pool alone, especially in the dark. That's right - I'm scared a shark will eat me in a swimming pool! Until the age of 30, if I was bathing and couldn't see the bottom of the tub (b/c of bubble bath), or if I moved my legs in the tub, and the water swirled, I was sure a shark was under there....:noway:
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    The expressway. I know, I catch alot of crap for it. But I can't drive on it. I will take an hour out of my way to drive all the back roads to get where I am going to avoid it. And really I stay off of it for everyone else, because I could hurt someone. I tried to drive on it one time and became parylyzed with fear and literally stopped in the middle of the darn thing. Thankfully noone was hurt. I just can't breathe on it. So thankfully I live in a small town but the big town next to us you can take the expressway and get there in 15 minutes or take my way and get there in 30 minutes. Not too much difference. Wierd thing is, I can be a passenger on it with my husband driving. I can't look, but I can take it.
  • snaus70
    The expressway. I know, I catch alot of crap for it. But I can't drive on it. I will take an hour out of my way to drive all the back roads to get where I am going to avoid it. And really I stay off of it for everyone else, because I could hurt someone. I tried to drive on it one time and became parylyzed with fear and literally stopped in the middle of the darn thing. Thankfully noone was hurt. I just can't breathe on it. So thankfully I live in a small town but the big town next to us you can take the expressway and get there in 15 minutes or take my way and get there in 30 minutes. Not too much difference. Wierd thing is, I can be a passenger on it with my husband driving. I can't look, but I can take it.

    OMG this is ME!!! I can't drive on any road where there are no shoulders or turnoffs, it is the claustrophobic trapped "no immediate escape" feeling but on top of that panic trying to keep control of a moving vehicle. And of course I get so terrified my vision starts blacking around the edges and I feel I am having a heart attack and people who try to be helpful say "whats the worst that could happen?" Blacking out and losing control of a vehicle going 60mph? Yeah not helpful at all!! And even worse than expressways... PLANES... terrifying (shudder). I think biologically my body has a reaction to traveling at speeds over 40mph! :frown:
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    OMG this is ME!!! I can't drive on any road where there are no shoulders or turnoffs, it is the claustrophobic trapped "no immediate escape" feeling but on top of that panic trying to keep control of a moving vehicle. And of course I get so terrified my vision starts blacking around the edges and I feel I am having a heart attack and people who try to be helpful say "whats the worst that could happen?" Blacking out and losing control of a vehicle going 60mph? Yeah not helpful at all!! And even worse than expressways... PLANES... terrifying (shudder). I think biologically my body has a reaction to traveling at speeds over 40mph!

    I hear ya!!!!!!! Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the same feelings, how wierd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • angelgutierrez
    Scared to death of spiders, i have nightmares! But i loooooooove snakes...
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    Dragonflies and clowns.
  • FindingTotalHealth
    Moths and butterflies. I hide under blankets and run out of rooms and won't go near the exhibits at zoos.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Squirrels! ...cute and cuddly my *kitten*.

    More irrational though....Being choked to death, or drowning. I won't even go in deep water.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    I know it's obvious etc, but spiders. Not just your average everyday phobia no.. the type where I am paralysed with fear. I wish I wasn't like this... my fiance gets really frustrated when I lose my mind over a spider, the drama is unreal. All my friends at one stage in their lives have gone travelling, Australia etc, the reason I haven't is because the spiders are bigger there...

    I know they can't hurt me (no poisonous spiders in Ireland) I don't KNOW why I am so scared..

    I am also really afraid of butterflies. Not as bad as spiders though lol xx

    ME TOO! Rediculously afraid of them. I immediately start to sob when I see one, even if it is fake or on tv. It is so bad that one day there was a tiny one in the car that I saw (of course it looks like the size of a monster to me), but I freaked out, jumped across the seat into my husbands lap, sobbing. Now this wouldn't be so bad, but I was still buckled up, and he was driving 75 miles and hour down the highway. He had to pull the car over, I scrambled out the drivers side, and wouldn't get back in until he found it, killed it, and proved that he actually killed it. Crazy stupid fear. I think that I like cats so much because they eat spiders. I actually had a cat that would come running when I started to cry because he thought there was a spider to eat. Of course, then I wouldn't touch him for a few days in fear that it would crawl out of his stomach and get me.
    I swear, they are just trying to take over the world. Ugh, now I have the creepy crawlies.
  • LauraCR1990
    LauraCR1990 Posts: 21 Member
    moths!! and flying!
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    The dentist, i cant go without my mum or my boyfriend to hold my hand, just waiting in the waiting room is horrible, i sit there almost in tears waiting. I have no reason for this, no major dentist work has ever been done to me and only had 1 filling in my life (when i was 21), so to me this is a irrational fear!
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Bees!! Once I saw one about to fly into my car when I was stopped at a red light.. I immediately curled up into the fetal position (which means my foot came off the brake) and I rolled into the intersection. Didn't realize it until a few seconds after my best friend screamed repeatedly! (Or so I am told). Luckily, there was no on coming traffic, and I just went through the red light (seeing I pretty much already made it to the other side haha)

    I'm not so bad anymore. I used to work for an environmental company, and had to go out in fields/wetlands all the time. Talk about exposure therapy!! I still dislike them IMMENSELY, but I no longer black out when they fly near me!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have iatrophobia - fear of the doctor.

    What makes it really weird is I don't have fear of illness, death or bad diagnosis... it's literally just doctors, examinations and clinical environments.

    What makes it crappier is it's just about the only phobia that can actually kill you in the long run... because sufferers just avoid going to the doctor. My wife has to drag me there for my annual checkups.
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    1. I'm afraid of corn fields. Nothing good happens in corn fields.

    2. I'm afraid of ALL insects those that fly and those that don't.

    3. I'm afraid of mice and rats. They carry diseases and the Plague all started from those filthy creatures.

    4. I'm afraid of sunflowers. Something about that big dark center is unsettling to me.

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  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I have iatrophobia - fear of the doctor.

    What makes it really weird is I don't have fear of illness, death or bad diagnosis... it's literally just doctors, examinations and clinical environments.

    What makes it crappier is it's just about the only phobia that can actually kill you in the long run... because sufferers just avoid going to the doctor. My wife has to drag me there for my annual checkups.

  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Squirrels! ...cute and cuddly my *kitten*.

    More irrational though....Being choked to death, or drowning. I won't even go in deep water.

    We live in the country and had squirrels in our attic once... nope not cute and cuddly, not at all!
  • DeenieWeenie
    DeenieWeenie Posts: 149 Member
    Climbing down ladders. I can climb up, sure, fine, no problem, but down? Nope. Not a chance.

    Oh, and house centipedes. Creepy little guys, they are. Nice as peaches (and eat all the spiders) but all those legs!!

    I thought I was the only one who had that issue with ladders! LOL :laugh: That's me and Spiders.. BLAH! I live in Michigan and I've never seen a black widow here and my 18 yr old daughter caught a live HUGE black widow spider at a local salon here. I took her and the spider to the health department, they sent it in and it was a black widow that did not belong here. That was creepy!!!! If I knew how to post pictures, I'd show you the nasty thing!:noway: