Water Water Everywhere ...



  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    I am more concerned about the looks I get when I use the restroom just about every hour!

    me 2:embarassed:
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    Same here!!!! Also I use alternate coolers!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    ...ya, I get more looks about running to and from the washroom all the time...hahahahaha
    No one says anything about the water cooler...heck, I don't even think anyone notices.
  • imfittted
    imfittted Posts: 73 Member
    I do this and there are only 5 people in my office. I go to the bathroom every hour!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I am more concerned about the looks I get when I use the restroom just about every hour!

    :laugh: Me too!!!
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    Same here... I feel up my 32oz bottle and am in and out of the bathroom all day.... but I feel like it flushes my system out and gives me more energy.... So really I'm not thirstyfor it.. I just havea goal to get my water in for the day.. so sometimes if I am about to go to lunch or leave for the day I make myself finsh whatever is left before I go... I usally get way more than 8 cups a day.. usually somewhere around 12 to 14 cups a day.
  • imfittted
    imfittted Posts: 73 Member
    Honestly, I have so much trouble getting my water in for the day, I wish I was taking all the trips to get more water. Are you actually thirsty for it? I feel like whenever I have it I have to force myself to drink!!! So hard!!!

    Good job on your water! Just ignore all the looks!:laugh:

    I like to put tons of lemon in my water. It tastes sooo much better that way!
  • fit921
    fit921 Posts: 92 Member
    I feel like I live in the bathroom for all the water I drink.
  • I drink about 4-5 liters of water daily .. they saw your body adjusts to how much you're drinking but I'm callling BS. I am ALWAYS running to the bathroom. I think my coworkers are just used to it now. Best way to fit it in is to either chug a liter when you wake up or on your commute to work. I often have to force myself to drink it, I'm not always thirsty but I know the benefits so I do it!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    The guys make fun of me when I bring my 64oz mug in with water lol
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    yup, someone said to me yesterday " how do you drink so much water?!?" And a few months back i might have agreed with them. Now my thought was "how can you NOT?"
    my body craves it. And yes, they think i am nuts because i guzzle it down all day :)
  • I was taking pee breaks so much that I now have to drink so much at a time to keep my bathroom breaks down to four times a day at work. LOL! My Kidneys should have that "just washed the car" look about it!
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink. XD
    I work in a kitchen but I get called out for avoiding work if I go out front to often. so I keep a large waterbottle in the back with me...
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    My boss thinks I'm pregnant cause I have to pee so much. Hahaha. Hopefully my body gets used to the water intake soon cause he is stressing me out.
  • I blogged about this just this morning. I actually had 11 cups yesterday. I am already up to my eighth cup today. I haven't made as many trips to the bathroom today as I did yesterday so that is a plus. I have an overactive bladder so I always feel like I need to go. I just wait until I really feel it before I head over there.

    Here's question: do you use the same stall every time? Why?

    I do. I had to think about it but I use that particular stall for 2 reasons. The door swings out and the toilet paper rolls don't have that little portion control gizmo. I hate having to maneuver around the toilet to get out the door when it swings in and I hate having to fight to get the paper off the roll.
  • i usually force myself to drink my water also but i do seem to feel better after i drank it! so whatever it takes to get it down.....im gonna go drink a bottle now. :)
  • denisejs871
    denisejs871 Posts: 8 Member
    When I'm at the office drinking out of a cup, it has to be filled with ice. But if its a 20 oz of Deer Park I can drink it room temperature. Weird but it works for me. And I do not like drinking water, but if I don't I will revert back to my 3 bottle a day Pepsi habit. . .
    I get the looks going back and forth to the cooler, but I just think its because people are nosy and want to see who is at the cooler now. I also get the looks running to the bathroom all day long. But if that's what has to happen for me to shed this weight then let them look and let me pee :-).
  • alicialiken
    alicialiken Posts: 39 Member
    This is sort of unrelated but I add liquid water enhancer (MiO) to my H2O & it helps me drink a TON more!

    But yes agreed, more water cooler runs, more bathroom breaks = I feel like an old lady with a bladder problem. At least I know I'm doing my body good.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    I love water :)