Is MFP a hindrance or a help?



  • I've tried dieting before and, so far, this time I'm doing really well, right out of the gate. The only difference between this time and all the other times is MFP. Don't ask me why and I've only been on the site for a month and a half, but it is such a great tool. Counting calories is good. Logging everything down to the creamer in my coffee that I used to not count has helped. I also love the report tools. I go back through the week and look for days I could have done better to educate myself.

    I'm a blind eater. I don't pay attention and that's how I got this way. Using MFP and being completely honest on here has made all the difference.

    I've also found great recipes and ideas and inspiration. It isn't just a calorie counter... for me.
  • For me right now (25 day member) It's a learning tool. when I've been using MFP for a year I'll let you know. It's taught me a lot though and I may be addicted but better this than sweet,soda, or chips!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    To me it's definitely a help, although I did lose some weight before I found this site, and the myriad of diets I have tried previously have given me a basic grounding in nutrition and the way I need to eat to lose weight, I find that planning out my day keeps me on track, and on days like today when I have eaten some stuff that I know that I shouldn't have, it helps to know that I'm not that far over, so if I stop now it's not a problem, whereas before I might have thought 'well I've blown it anyway' and then gone on to eat a load more.

    And that was a mammoth sentence, but I can't be bothered to go and punctuate it properly! :laugh:
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    Personally it helps me, but it can be a hinderance when I get unfocused at work at spend too much time on here ; )
    It's made me realize the foods I eat, how many calories they are and the nutritional value of them.
    I can search for certain foods and get an idea of how many calories before I buy it and eat it. I do that alot for lunches on the rare occasion I don't bring my own.
    It has in no way made me perfect in my eating habits, but it made me much better at making sensible choices more often.
    It's a lifestyle change not a diet, and that's the most important part to remember.
  • I find it to be a benefit. I log everything on my Blackberry when I am away from the computer. In the end, I can see where my deficiencies and strengths are. But logging calories is only part of the tracking. I have to pay attention to the whole day's worth of events as they make a huge difference on what I will need to do with my food intake. Yes, you may be able to log everything successfully outside of MFP. But there is an added support system through MFP that mere tracking cannot provide.

    ^^This, this, this...^^^ I LOVE MFP! Yes, it takes time to log, but I often log before I eat, and then I feel accountable to eat what I actually logged. Also, the fact that others will be looking at my food diary and critiquing it is a great motivator for me. I don't know that I ever want to move away from using MFP. I really LOVE it! ; )
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    It's an education tool as long as you are paying close attention - when you measure 1/2 cup of something do you pay attention as to what 1/2 really looks like? or do you just measure and log?.... if you are just measuring and logging without paying attention then you are not getting educated and you wouldn't be able to do it on your own.

    Just my thought of course.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    The first few days, MFP made me soooooooooo hungry.... full of postings about

    " what food couldn't you give up? "

    " if you could eat yourself to death on one thing, what would it be? "

    " what food did you HAVE to give up?? "

    That, combined with a feeling of deprivation from having to watch my calories, made me miserable...

    But I'm a month in now, and I think MFP is kind of like crack without any of the nasty bits. i get support, i give support, I log my calories & fat and I'm definitely making better choices. I'm making it a lifestyle, and I need the sort of help that MFP, the forums, and my friends are giving me.

    And my butt is 11 lbs lighter.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    MFP kept me from overeating my favourite food (pizza) last night.

    It was a so-called 'cheat' night, a date night with my bebeh, but I still managed to barely go over my calories because of what I ate earlier in the day, planning for it.

    Totally empowering. I actually laughed triumphantly at the pizza.

    .... in my head, of course. Don't tell anyone.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    Its a help to me...I don't care if I am addicted or not. My friends keep me in check and I have direction when I am here. I love to log food and have been for 7 years now. (previously with WW). If it works what's the issue?
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm still not sure of the answer but I've decided to stop worrying about the calories so much, but still log. I've found that by listening to my body rather than shooting for a specific number I don't eat the same number of calories per day. Some days I'm as low as 1010, others I eat over 2000.
    Does this correlate to your activity level?
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    After logging consistently for several months, eating right became intuitive.
    MFP made it automatic... gave me a "feel" for food.

    I came back just for a tune-up and to start really working on building muscle.

    I guess one could say my running shoes are a crutch because they hold my feet in the right position, and my car is a crutch because I was much better at biking when I had to bike to work, and my friends are a crutch because I am used to having their encouragement and sweet selves in my life. =)
    Having tools to help cope with various aspects of life is just a part of life. I'm not superwoman, and I'm grateful for all my crutches. =P
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    MFP is my reality check. It's helped a lot with proportions. I haven't reaped the full benefit of the program though, because there's also the factor of will power and me asking myself do I need particular food now? I'm choosier about what I eat and, consequently, more satisfied by what I eat. I also log after I eat most of the time, so I've made a lot of mistakes, but learned from them along the way.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Today, it's a hindrance. my productivity, as all I've been doing is surfing the forums.

    ^this. good for fitness and health. bad for general productivity as a human being. i exaggerate for dramatic effect, but still. it can suck me in, truly.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I have to say, I've been a member for a while.....And when I log in and fill out my diary, I lose weight. When I forget to log in, I gain.

    i couldn't agree more!!!!!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I think it should be a means to an end. After logging for so long hopefully you're learning how to judge the caloric content (& other things) about the foods you're eating. And hopefully you're learning what healthy things you like & how to prepare them & the benefits of planning ahead, & about what exercise suits you best, etc.

    I certainly don't plan on using MFP forever, at least not the logging part.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    I dont know a right answer to that but I guess it's not a bad thing to keep a food journal?

    I thought I was obsessed as I have logged in for 280 days in a row or so :D But then again, not keeping a food journal and not paying attention to my nutrition has brought me here in the first place, so I guess it's a good thing to watch calories/sodium/sugar/cholesterol levels. I don't log everything tho, like veggies or some fruits when I know that at the end of the day I have calories left and it won't matter.
  • I've tried so many diets, and I actually find using mfp to be more effective than the other diets I've tried, while maintaining a great level of for me it's a huge help. Also, everyone knows it is a lot easier to diet with friends than it is to diet alone, and mfp is like a great group of friends all going through the same struggle, and it helps to read about people's successes as well as have people comment on your own. I love it. It keeps me going when things get harder.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    I believe the tool can be both. Being fat is hard. Losing weight is hard. You have to choose your hard...and MFP is a tool to help you choose the path or more resistance; losing weight.

    I think what makes MFP more luring to me, other than Weight Watchers E-tools, becuase of the simplicity of it. If a food isn't listed in the database, you can log ONE simple number in (your calories from the package or whatever) rather than have to calculate the points using a formula, like WW. Plus it's FREE. And it's almost like a social network. Meet people who have the same goals as you and interact.

    The hinderance? I can see this becoming addicting :glasses: :glasses:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My vote is total help! When I stop logging I consistantly eat too much.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I think it helps cause it keeps me true and accountable by seeing exactly what I'm eating and how much I'm really exercising, not to mention the folks here are a great support system encouraging me, especially on days I feel blah and would rather skip the workout and I've found great healthy recipes to try out.

    Through the day, on average it takes maybe 20 minutes out of my time to log things, read a few posts, post a few posts and maybe once a week I get a chance to spend an hour to really browse through the community boards for new ideas and inspirations.