I need help with toning!

Okay everyone, I am almost to my goal weight. I have about 9 pounds to go and I got some kettlebells so that I can start to tone. I don't want to get bulky. I would just like to tone the loose skin and the parts that are still a little more fatty than I would like them to be and build some lean muscle. My biggest problem area is my tummy. I have lost 11 inches from my stomach and still have some to go. I had a c-section in July 2010 so it has been kind of difficult finding something that really works for that area. Also, I would like to tone my thighs and arms. Any advice would help. Kettlebell related or not, I just need to get on the ball since summer is coming. Thank you so much!!!


  • JennyLJones
    JennyLJones Posts: 20 Member
    I did 2 rounds of P90X and really toned up. I used lighter weights and did more reps the way they suggested and really got nice and tone! You have to really eat a lot of calories to bulk up so any weight training program you do will work to get you nice tone lean muscles as long as you keep eating the way you are eating. Just eat a lot of lean protein.
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    i've had amazing result in toning with Hiit workouts!!! bodyrock.tv, fit chicks, get fit naturally, they all post them
  • Coleyrole
    slim in 6 or hip hp abs are great for toning, or pilates, or even just using a yoga ball or resistance bands will help :)
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    you wont get bulky lifting weights. its not easy to bulk especially being female.

    hell i can barely bulk up and im a dude with lots more testosterone and stuff lol

    hit the weights and keep at it :D!
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    hey!! I do insanity and its awesome! Otherwise check out toneitup.com I love their site! free videos on youtube, great recipes and super motivational!
  • ineedthis4me
    I am right there with you. Down to my last 10 pounds. I have had 4 children - 3 of them c-section. I need to do a lot of toning. I am in week 3 of P90X and I really like it. I am coming to realize that it isn't going to happen over night or even in the first 90 days. It is going to take time. I agree that if you do multiple reps you are not going to bulk up. Good luck and Congratulations on your success so far!
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Bump, I am in the same boat, happy with the weight I am at now but want to firm up all the things that still jiggle like my arms and abs.
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I have found that doing planks, mountain climbers and spiders have really helped improve my core. Once you get better at them you can incorporate a stability ball and use it for the mountain climbers and do pikes. If you have no idea what I'm talking about check out these youtube videos!

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Kettlebells are great for toning everything. Think Lauren Brooks & Sarah Lurie (not Jillian... her form is atrocious).

    Pilates is great for the core. Ana Caban videos are wonderful.

    For all around toning I like Ellen Barret videos. She does a kind of fusion thing with pilates, dance and yoga.
  • Makethefatcry12
    Makethefatcry12 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will definitely give some of your ideas a try!