Tough weigh in;-(

Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Last weigh in was 2 weeks ago, today I only dropped 1lb:-(.
Thought it would be more, I've stuck to calories, drank ton's of water (Just started that this past two weeks) and worked out.
Inches havent changed much either but I feel more toned, expected good results so dissapointed:-(.x


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    How are your clothes fitting?

    Is there another benchmark you could use besides weight/inches? Have you noticed yourself getting stronger in the gym, or being able to exercise longer?

    It could just be a baby plateau, maybe mix stuff up a bit?
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    That is a tough weigh in, I feel for you!:grumble:

    I dont know what to say except that it's probably just your body making adjustment before you drop again! I often don't lose if it is that TOM. :tongue:

    All I can say is think how good you are feeling and keep working, it will happen!:flowerforyou:
  • juliep63
    juliep63 Posts: 84
    keep at it - it'll pick up again :)
  • Neemo1
    Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone, the clothes are fitting better so who knows!. It's the TOM so maybe that has something to do with it, I'll weigh in next week instead of the usual fortnight and see if it makes a difference:-).x
  • mabala
    mabala Posts: 6
    First "way to go" congrats on lossing that pound! No one can predicts what a persons body
    week do , If you changed your routine it may say "whoa this is hard save some energy. Often
    that will happen. You willl have burnt fat and built mussle mass too.

    Some times when people work out they forget to fule up as well. for exsample / you set your diet
    with the amount of caliores you fell you need. now on avarage most people cut thier intake by 1/3rd
    to 1/2 of what they ate before. Now even with just that the body says ........whats up and starts to store more fat because it thinks it is starving. But now to this you are exercising hard.That will also send you body into shock. Again it will want to store fat.

    Think of your body like a wood burning stove. no fule no fire , no fire no heat, if you want heat you
    need fule if you add the fule the "heat" will be a warm fire " your motabalisim will pick up" But
    remember its a stove if you put brush and junk in the pot it will be all smokey and plug up the vents.
    What you need is a clean burn.

    what I do is have a banana just before i work out for fule it lets the body know were still friends lol.
    then right after I will have a low fat low sugar high protine granola bar. the reason for that is when you work out you cause tiny micro tears in your muscles and the protine will help speed up the repair
    cycle or "the rest period inbetwenn work outs" so you may want to give that a try for a week or two and see if it helps

    Now back to "only a pound " lol your kidding right thats amazing congrats!!! dont belive it? ok go to the
    fridge and grab a pound of butter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,got it ? ok now put it on the table and look at it ..go ahead i'll wait. ........Ok see it ? Now where on your body would you like to wear that weight ? legs, butt ,
    or tummy? no where right isnt that cool ? woo hoo awesome job!!!!!

    hugs Daniel
  • Neemo1
    Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
    Awww, ty , that cheered me up:-).x
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    Now back to "only a pound " lol your kidding right thats amazing congrats!!! dont belive it? ok go to the
    fridge and grab a pound of butter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,got it ? ok now put it on the table and look at it ..go ahead i'll wait. ........Ok see it ? Now where on your body would you like to wear that weight ? legs, butt ,
    or tummy? no where right isnt that cool ? woo hoo awesome job!!!!!

    hugs Daniel

    Daniel- that was awesome! I'm going to put that in my Keeper File. "where would you like to wear that' :laugh: Perfect!

  • Neemo1
    Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
    I got the butter, well low fat spread! and I'd like that 1lb on my boobs please!!!:laugh:
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