How do moms fit in the exercise?



  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    It's possible, but hard. I am lucky because I am a stay at home mom and my son is in 1st grade this year. This is the first time he has had an all day school schedule, so I am able to go to the gym in the day.

    On days like today though, when they're hectic, I have to carve time out. I am heading to my basement for a few DVDs at 10 tonight. 10 sucks, but I have to do it.

    Edit - It cut me off, sorry. Try to involve them if you can't do it during nap time. Stroller, have them do it with you, put the attached one in a pack and play near you....
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    My kids are almost 6 and almost 8 months. I've learned to fit things in whenever I can. I walk outside pushing the baby in the stroller around the courtyard outside our apartment while my oldest plays, instead of just sitting and watching him play like I used to. I take advantage of naps and do a work out video. I even get my oldest doing the work out videos with me. You just have to find time whenever you can, or use the kids to your advantage as pieces of
  • Jb8885
    Jb8885 Posts: 126
    I'm a single mom of one daughter whos 6 and let me tell you the kids room at my gym has been a lifesaver! I used to always make excuses about going to the gym or working out bc theres no time..and I NEVER got any working out at home accomplished. So I pay the extra fee and there is no reason why I cant get to the gym now...she gets to run around and play with kids and have fun and I get a good solid workout in. At my gym you can bring babies as young as 6 might be something to look into! Also, I live in chicago, so the weather is crappy a lot, but walking outside with kids is always an extra burn some cals and wear them out!
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I did it after bed for a while, until I realized that that gave me absolutely zero time with my husband... then I switched to mornings. My kiddos are now 8 and 10. My youngest seemed to have "mom radar" like your little one, though, so I understand the frustration there. Maybe pick up a belly carrier for the baby and a pack carrier for the 3-yr-old (you should be able to get them cheap used) and use them as weights... Take a walk at YOUR speed with both of them on you... they'll help make your workouts more effective. I used to do that when mine were little... I needed both hands free to push my husband's wheelchair. (I'm just glad he worked his way out of that thing... that was hard on the whole family!)

    Best of luck! I know you'll be able to find a way!
  • laurapgmartinez
    laurapgmartinez Posts: 46 Member
    I have a 3, 2, and 1 (well she'll be one in a week *cry*) year old, and manage to work out everyday. I have got the 1 and 2 year old on a routine to take their afternoon naps at the same time. My 3 year old no longer naps, so I let him play on the computer during my work out time and he loves it. For my workouts I bought a treadmill off of Craigslist, and do that 4 times a week. The other days I do a Jillian Michael's video. If things come up or my nappers do not cooperate I will work out after I put them to bed at 8.

    I will day that my kids never were really on a good napping schedule until around 6-7 months. Try to be as consistent as possible so your youngest will get on a good schedule so you can fit in your workout. Hope things get easier for you!!! And like a previous comment said, you deserve a little bit of time for YOU during the day!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have six children; the youngest two are 11 months and 3 years. It really is hard to exercise with children under foot. For years, I didn't do it because it was just too hard to fit it all in.
    After baby #6 was born, I was determined to get my mojo back. I started working out as soon as my midwife OK'd it, and I have been going ever since! I just committed myself to get up and do something every morning before getting into the shower. Whether I can get through a full workout, or whether I can only get through 10 minutes, my mantra is "Just do SOMETHING."

    I have a strength training routine I do 3x/week with an inexpensive set of dumbbells, and that only takes me about 30 minutes to get through. Most days, the kids can behave for 30 minutes (this is a good time for Backyardigans.) Some days, it gets cut short and I can only do 2 sets. Some days, I'm so exhausted, I can barely make it through one set. But I'm going to pick up the weights and do what I can do anyway. Most often, I let the baby crawl around me on the floor. But there have been times when the baby has been fussy, and I've just picked her up and held her while I do lunges and squats, or picked her up over my head to do presses with her. That never fails to put her in a good mood!
    In addition to strength training, I do another 2-3 days of cardio. My workout of choice is martial arts, and I can go through my katas outside in the fenced-in area while the kids play. Hubby also recently helped me clean out the shed and hang up a punching bag. I keep the floor clean so the baby crawl around, and I can see the 3yo playing in the fence through the door and window.
    But if I can't do this, I turn on music and we dance, jumping jacks, jog in place, or whatever for 20-30 minutes.
    And again, if my workout gets cut short, something is better than nothing! It's this attitude that has really helped me to stick with it and has brought good results.
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    When my daughter was little, say 6 months old I used to put her in her walker while I did a quick workout DVD like the 30 day shred. Now I reserve her tv time to keep her preoccupied while I work maybe a combo of the two?
  • Jackdog89
    Jackdog89 Posts: 57 Member
    Drugs... Funnel in benadryl....


    I wait until after bedtime.

    Omg, that's hilarious. I make the same suggestion to my wife all of the time. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "we can't drug the kids." ;)

    I have a busy schedule too and still make it work. I'm up at 4am everyday to work full time and go to school. I'm home in the afternoon in time to pick up my girls from school and daycare. I'm still able to take care of them, squeeze in a workout, and fix dinner for them before my wife gets home.

    The only way I managed to maintain my workout was to build a small home gym. Of course, you may not be able to go this route. But, you can still do exercises at home that do not require the same investment of a home gym.

    DVD's, a jogging stroller, and some of the gaming consoles have great workout routines. You just have to find the time. ;)

    Feel free to add me as a friend,.. and I hope this helps. =)
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I have a 4yo and a 2yo. I built up a little home gym. I already had a bike, but I spent less than $150 on a treadmill (craigslist), mini stepper and free weights combined. My kids don't nap. When I'm downstairs on the bike or treadmill, they play in their playroom which is steps away from me. I usually do free weights, yoga, aerobics in the evenings.

    My sister-in-law has always used the nursery at her gym.

    You said your husband isn't really up and going until about 3pm. Can he get the kids their baths and help with homework for even thirty minutes so that you could do some cardio and strength training?
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    I do childcare in my home in addition to caring for my 4 yr old and 7 yr old (when not in school). Ages can range anywhere from 1yr old to 7 and I can have as many as 5/6 at a time from 7:30-5:30 m-f. I like what others have said I CLAIM selfishly for the benefit of ALL (when mommy is happy the effects trickle down and everyone at my house from daddy to the kids including daycare kids and families are reaping the benefits!:) I staked out nap time for a long time, ( I got all the kids on the same schedule it was work but it worked well) even if it was just an hr and sometimes that meant I didnt get other stuff done (it was still there when I came back to it:) or a shower till my husband came home or the kids went to bed but it was worth it and it was MY time, ya know? Like previous posters have said you do and do and do all day when youre a stay at home parent and its not usually for you so a small time of the day, just for you? Its very important and youll feel better right away for doing it!:) I have also put in a movie, pbs kids computer games, etc and I still do because that is MY time and I prioritize accordingly so i can get my workout in at least 6 days a week. Now I dont just do it during nap sometimes I have 1 napping, 1 in the highchair and 1 on the computer (pbs kids is wonderful!) but for 1 hr? Sometimes 1.5 hrs? Its all good! Occasionally I have to stop for help on the computer or adding food to the tray but its worth it!:)
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    I do different times. I think flexibility is KEY!
    In my perfect world I workout at 8, right after I drop off my two oldest at school and then take my little one to hourly care. BUT obviously weekends and the like that isn't the case. I am married but my husband is a soldier, between deployments and field time I could find every excuse in the book of why I don't have time. Creativity is essential.
    I do a combination of multiple things since as you know kids get bored easily. Here's my go to list:
    We do have an elliptical so I jump on that thing whenever possible, sometimes when dinner is in the oven and kids are content. Even if it's for 5 minutes I just make the most of it.
    I bought a Jillian Michaels DVD, ripped in 30. It's only 24 minutes and it covers the major muscles. Sometimes the kids do it with me, sometimes right when they go to bed. Other times I do it while they play around me. Yes, there are many times I must pause and be mom but that's the beauty of a DVD.
    They are playing basketball right now so we go and shoot hoops and play at the gym.
    We walk to a park that's a bit further, older kids ride scooters and I push youngest in stroller. Sometimes I'll run, others I'll walk.

    And on top of all that hubby and I are both in fitness mode, and we have been for over a year. It's kind of understood that it is important for us. I'd talk with your hubby, and explain that maybe not every day but like twice a week you really need to get away from the house and go for a walk, or run or go to the gym. I like to do Sunday mornings (he's usually home then) I get up with kids and then when he gets up I head out for about an hour.

    I wouldn't rely on just one form of getting your exercise in. Find multiple things that you can fit in here and there. Since we've been doing this so long I now try to find ways to fit exercise into my day when I have the kids by myself. Versus in the beginning I'd let the fact that I had children with me all day be my reason not to fit it in.

    You can do it. Promise.
  • lucythinmint
    12, 9,8 and a 3 year old.

    I am home schooling the oldest three until next school year. My husband works 9-12 hour days and is gone from 9 to 7 or 8 most days.
    When they were in school I got up a few hours earlier than everyone else to squeeze it in. Now that we are all home I put the 3yo down for a nap and give the older kids an hour for lunch/free time and I work out.
    I have a treadmill and free weights at home so that I don't have to leave the house.

    I'm sorry I do not have a bunch of kind words for you. I provide my children's education and I maintain a home, and manage 4 kids while my husband works all day. I workout everyday but Sunday.

    If you want it bad enough, you will make time. That's all there is.
  • CaptainSwab
    I have a 4 year old and 11 month old.

    I used to run Marathons before kids but I find it tough to find time to run this much right now. What I am able to fit it are the 30 minute Jillian michaels videos. I get home from work around 3:30, chill and play for a little while then 30 minute workout. I've downloaded a few of them onto my iPad so I can do the workout wherever. If the weather is nice we go outside and they play and I workout. Sometimes they pull out a bunch of toys and play while I do it. Yes sometimes the 11 month old tries to crawl on me while doing sit ups or the 4 year old tries to sit on me while doing planks but I'll take what I can. On the weekends are when I've been fitting in the running when my husband can watch them. I really am loving JM right now for her short but tough workouts.

    I also have a single jogging stroller so sometimes if my husband is home I run with one while he watches the other. Or I'll throw the baby on my back in the baby carrier and push the 4 year old for a walk. Adding all the kid weight adds to the work out. :-)
  • mrsstafford618
    mrsstafford618 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a three year old and a one year old. I get up before the kids wake up (around 5am) to exercise. Sometimes I walk on my lunch break. When I get home, I have to cook, do homework and get the kids ready for bed, so I am usually too tired to exercise after work.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    The YMCA I go to has child watch. Also, walks are good. Load them up in a doubler stroller and walk them. Maybe at nap time? My son used to fall asleep in the stroller during walks all the time. You could incorporate play with your 3 year old and exercise. Do a dance party. I have a bunch of kid friendly techno songs on my youtube playlist that they like to dance to and I don't mind. Also, 80s music works well for that.
    Get creative. Use the 6 month old as a weight. Dance while you do housework. Steal some jumping jacks or lunges here and there throughout the day. It will all add up.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    The best advice I can give is to take an hour or so during that 4 hour window you have. (husband gets up at 2 and doesn't leave until 6)

    I do some yoga stretches, jumping jacks, push ups against the kitchen counter sometimes while dinner is cooking and I have a few minutes. Really it's about finding a few minutes here and there and taking advantage of any time you have available.

    I know how time consuming babies can be but there's stuff you can fit in. If you have stairs, run up and down them for a few minutes (5 mins) at a time a few times a day. Just be creative. Good luck!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    Maybe during the day when your baby is napping you could give your 3 year old a project to do. I'll give my daughter playdoh, painting supplies or crayons to do at the table while I'm right there doing my video. Otherwise, like some others have mentioned...finding a gym with a nursery. That;ll give you some much needed mommy time!!!

    Good luck to you!!!
  • slayerdan
    Incorporate the child into workouts and make hubby more part of the process
    and the reverse works for dads too.
  • imperfectbird
    I KNOW how hard it is! I can't afford a gym right now and I'm home alone for 14 hours everyday with my 5 yr old and 2 yr old! What I do is the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. The workout is only 20 min. long, which is perfect for during naptime, or I give them a snack and put a tv show on for them while I go workout.
    If the weather is good I'll take them out to a park nearby that has tennis courts...I let them ride around on their bikes on the tennis court (fences them in!) while I run around the tennis court and do lunges/etc.

    Good luck with this..sometimes you just have to get creative!
  • cjaharmon
    cjaharmon Posts: 46 Member
    Well my kids are older but it still takes careful planning and serious drive! I have a 15 yo and a 13 yo, work 45+ hours a week (really 50+ hours with commute...not counting the endless paperwork I do after everyone goes to bed!). But I have started putting it in my schedule as an appointment. When I can I tie in my work out around kids events....example today: left house at 7:45 to commute to work, got done at 5:30, quick stop at the gym for a circuit training session, then to parent meeting and practice for oldest child percussion group, finally home around 8:15, ate dinner, and started back in on paperwork. Yes it's hard but the feeling I had tonight coming out of the gym with some muscle burning and energy flowing was great!