Water aversion

So.. im coming out of the weight closet... i think I am a water-anorexic (yes I just made that up). Because I watch the scale constantly before and after meals and in the morning after waking up and before going to bed (it calms me down knowing what I weigh) I know exactly how much weight I gain from eating certain foods and from drinking certain amounts of liquids. As such, I have been restricting how much I drink for months. I may only get 1-3 glasses of water a day (not including water from foods). I have tried to increase my water intake to 10 glasses a day but I always get freaked out by the sudden weight gain that does NOT go away (4 days in, 6 lbs gained and I start to freak out). I know that I need to drink water, and that eventually my body will start to let the water go once it realizes it has enough, but it is scary to see the numbers on the scale climb and climb. But I am finally going to ignore the scale. My goal is going to be to drink at least 9 cups of water and 1 cup of tea per day for the next month and see what happens. If I end up failing miserably (which means if I end up retaining all the water) I can always readjust my diet/exercise plan and try again. Wish me luck. (Anyone else have major problems shedding water weight?)


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    You know exactly what the issue is and what to do - now go for it!

    I would also suggest that you throw away the scale - being so reliant on a lump of plastic for your daily wellbeing is a pretty scary state to be in.
  • Its not that I HAVE to weigh myself (I made a goal last fall to go a month without weighing myself and I did it) its just that I feel calmer when I do. I am a person who likes knowing everything, not knowing just bugs me. So by knowing that at bed time I weigh 68.5kg I don't end up freaking out and worried that I actually weigh 71kg or something.