how to keep healthy at THAT time of month...any tips?

Such a girlie subject, so not expecting any guys to answer haha!
i always struggle around THAT time of the month with my food. i eat so so well nearly every day, but as soon as it comes around, all i feel like is terrible food. and cravings so bad that its all i can think about and of course, I cave. I'll try to cover it by doing exercise but it bugs me!
Does anyone have any tips or tricks for stopping 'those' cravings...
Have a great day everyone!


  • mrsbrightside4
    A LOT of water. And I don't know about curbing the cravings, but if I'm just craving something and not all that hungry, I'll brush my teeth.
  • friendlyvirgo
    friendlyvirgo Posts: 16 Member
    I have no business giving advice on this subject because I have the same issue. But what I can suggest is try to eat small pieces of whatever you take in. I try to nibble and pick at sweats and salty items
  • muchadoaboutme2000
    UGH! I feel your pain. I usually gain 4lbs of bloat for "that" week so I don't even bother weighing in. I fight my cravings by distracting myself with things like working out, cleaning, giving myself a pedi, basically anything that doesn't involve sitting still long enough to eat. If you absolutely HAVE to have your brownies and french fries, try finding the organic version of it. It'll be more expensive, but won't do as much damage as the Dorito's. LOL
  • elchar27
    Honestly I find that if I am craving for sweets it is because I need to release energy. Excercise more or enjoy an imtimate evening with a friend. I also avoid the cravings when I am engaged in a project. Takes my mind off the desire. Juicing helps fill you up faster too. Jog and get in the sauna. The issue is extra energy needs to be transferred to some other activity.
  • Aleyonce
    Aleyonce Posts: 43 Member
    This happen to me this week and i was very weak but i somewhat fought it. I had the biggest craving for magherita pizza but i settle for a little piece of chocolate. :)
  • finleyc
    awesome! Thanks everyone! definitely agree with the transferring the craving INTO something, like exercise or project...i have the problem of having a job where i sit at a desk most of the day, so it definitely seeps into my brain of all the things i could be eating!
    i must be strong...i WILL be strong haha.
    I get out and do a job/walk when I get home from the guilt but it always swings around the next month!
    Thats for your lovely words of inspiration and support MFP'ers!
  • mjmlodge
    i have a desk job too. drink green tea, like green tea with mint in it. for some reason, i almost forget to eat lunch or my timed snack when i'm sipping on it all day. i think it's the minty flavor and the calming aroma. i have pcos so giving into my sweet cravings or junk foods actually makes me feel 10x worse the next day. i agree with the exercise thing too. what i have to remember is that a 15 minute walk is better than nothing. i tend to go all or nothing- like if it's not a workout that i didn't burn 1 billion calories than why do it? but then i never do the 1 billion calorie workout either so... :P but like tonight proved, i went on a walk up and down my block which lead to a 30 minute interval run/walk. i got home and STILL wanted to order chinese take out... but then realized a 300 calorie burn doesn't warrant a 1300 calorie general tso. so i made a healthful pasta dinner, loaded with veggies and meatless meatballs for 400 calories. hurray! now for the days that i wasn't "teacher's pet" and i give in and order a whole pizza? welp, i get waves of guilt heheh and then say my next meal i can do better. plus, i've noticed my tastes are changing so where i used to be able to eat 1/2 a large pizza, i can now roll around on the ground with 3 pieces. progress, kind of...
  • finleyc
    thats true actually! I usually do have a green tea every day, once a day at lunch time, and makes me feel much more full and satisfied, but have stopped that recently because i keep forgetting to bring them to work! It will definitely do the trick....thanks for the mint tip too....sounds tasty!
    excellent - thanks :D
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    Look into wild yam. I was looking at supplements to help me keep my top portion while losing weight, and discovered it. It is supposed to be highly helpful with female health in general, but mainly with menstration, menopause, pms etc. There is a capsule form and a creme. Apparently you rub the cream on your stomach area. I have been on it for about a week and am in my normal "pms" time frame and have not bloated, craved, or felt the emotional swings hardly at all yet. I will know more once it actually starts, really hoping it helps with the cramps. Also read that fenugreek and saw palmetto can be beneficial for the same things. I have fenugreek seed tea but can not stand the taste of it so no idea if it works!