are you looking at your scale too much?



  • ajd241
    ajd241 Posts: 76
    I totally agree. I hopped on the scales this morning and had a gain (not much but still its not the direction i want my scales to go) even though I have been eating in my calorie range and exercising 5-6 times a week. I am absolutely in for forgetting about the scales and feeling happy that my clothes are getting baggier!
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    Once a week is enough for me. I'd rather focus on the inches/dress sizes I'm dropping and the engery level that is rising.
  • I used to look at the scale once/week on Tuesday weigh-in day. Then I started sneaking a peek every morning. And then every morning and afternoon. And then every morning, afternoon and evening. I asked my wife to hide it but I would find it anyway. I finally threw it in the trash. I know I am on the right track, I feel GREAT and don't need a scale to prove the progress. I'll check my weight on my birthday at the end of March, until then, just keep on keeping on with the good work.
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    Yes. I definitely look at it too often. Minimum 2x per day.
    I need to get rid of it, but it is like an addiction!!
  • nirarealtor
    nirarealtor Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely do not own a scale:ohwell:
  • aimeeang
    aimeeang Posts: 8 Member
    i'm obsessed with the weighing scale, i must admit. i do it every morning. will taper myself to doing it every 2 days then gradually to twice a week.
  • spookystitches
    spookystitches Posts: 37 Member
    I look often, but I don't fret over it and only count it on weigh in day. :) If I feel like I'm getting attached to the numbers, I just won't weigh myself all week. Even then, if I didn't make my ideal loss over the week, I think about all the other ways things are progressing and remind myself that the work will pay off and doing something is better than doing nothing.
  • I do weigh myself too much and I need to stop.

    My body is so funny as I weigh more in the mornings than what I weigh in the evenings after I've drank a lot of water and had lunch etc. it's just weird. I really should just go by how my clothes look at feel. I wake up some mornings and I feel heavy and then some days in the afternoons I feel lighter. I guess it's water.. I watch my calories and try and work out 3 days a week so I know there is no way that I've gained 3 pounds in one day, but I will say it can get you a bit down when you are working hard and doing everything right and the scale isn't moving. I should take my measurements too just to also give me a morale boost and not worry so much about the scale. I have 29 pounds to lose and I know I will reach my goal.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I check every single morning... I wet my feet and stand on that scale in hopes of a new low... HOWEVER.

    I write my weight on a calendar I've set just for my progress. When it goes up, I usually can identify why... am I really sore? Did I eat too much sodium yesterday... and it helps because I know.

    The reason I write it on the calendar, is to check and see if today's weight is lower than last weeks numbers. Even if it goes up, its usually less than it had been before. I do measurements every week, which is what helps me stay sane no matter what happens to the scale. Something always goes down in my measurements!

    Using a scale every day is not the issue, its relying on it for all of your motivation and letting everything rest on it.
  • I check every morning aswell. Even when its my lady time and get really disheartened when i have ate well and it goes up. Need to do it once a week
  • I weight myself once a week usually, but if one week I have gained a bit I don't let it get to me. I just know that my body is a work in progress and I just have to keep trying.
  • I don't own any scales I weigh myself about once a month or if Im anywhere that has scales.
    You can tell if you've lost weight or toned up a bit just by how your clothes feel and how you feel
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    THIS is my problem. I'm literally obsessed with checking my weight each morning. I've tried hiding the scale so I wouldn't check my weight every morning, but I can't seem to stop!
    give the scale to someone else to hide for a month! some one who can't be intimidated into giving it back!
  • Here is my question: Why are some of you looking everyday if it doesn't matter what it says, or it only counts on one day out of the week? That doesn't make sense to me. Seems like a waste of energy to me to have to look everyday to not have it "matter" what it reads. Just a thought.
  • this is exactly what i needed to remind myself today. the scale can be frustrating (so many variables! - water retention, sodium intake, muscle gain, etc etc etc)