Frequent (daily) weigh-ins: what have you learned?

For those of us who weigh-in daily or frequently, what lessons have you learned from it?

I learned that eating a large bowl of split pea soup immediately before a weigh-in resulted in a pound of weight gain. I was thinking that it would be like drinking water, my kidneys would get rid of any excess immediately, and that sure didn't happen, even after I peed! Of course the next day the extra weight was gone.

So, what have you learned from your scale?


  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I learned from not eating gluten for a month that my weight doesn't fluxuate from, I presume, water retention. Since I have gone back to eating gluten, though not very much, my weight fluxuates again.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    That it sucks LOL. Im up and down and up and down most days.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I liked weighing daily because I got to know my body well and most importantly, the daily fluctuations didn't freak me out. I always weighed first thing in the morning (after peeing) and learned:

    Eating restaurant food or anything loaded with sodium would make me "gain" anywhere from 1-3 pounds for about 2-3 days

    After a night of drinking, dehydration will make me "lose" 1-2 pounds for a day.

    Right before I get my period, the minor bloating sets in and I "gain" 2 pounds.

    I also learned my weight is pretty consistent from day to day if I lay off the sodium and alcohol!
  • kgchisholm
    kgchisholm Posts: 134 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night.

    I've learned that if I only gain a pound or so throughout the day, I can expect a loss in the morning. If I gain MORE than around 2 pounds during the day, I can expect to maintain or gain a bit.

    So far, this has been true EVERY time.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night.

    I've learned that if I only gain a pound or so throughout the day, I can expect a loss in the morning. If I gain MORE than around 2 pounds during the day, I can expect to maintain or gain a bit.

    So far, this has been true EVERY time.

    That the scale does not reflect my size or health.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Tried not to as week 2 told me 5 days in id lost 3.5lbs 100% all week on weigh in it was 1.5ls taught me that we can have a different result every day :sad:
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    I liked weighing daily because I got to know my body well and most importantly, the daily fluctuations didn't freak me out. I always weighed first thing in the morning (after peeing) and learned:

    Eating restaurant food or anything loaded with sodium would make me "gain" anywhere from 1-3 pounds for about 2-3 days

    After a night of drinking, dehydration will make me "lose" 1-2 pounds for a day.

    Right before I get my period, the minor bloating sets in and I "gain" 2 pounds.

    I also learned my weight is pretty consistent from day to day if I lay off the sodium and alcohol!

    Pretty much what I learned too I also learned that pop is evil for me I gain a pound or two for a day or two if I drink it - even if I have had at least 8 glasses of water that day. I have alos learned that a huge portion of pasta and rice will do the same thing, however a rgular sized portion will not. Wednesdays and Sundays tend to be kinder to me on the scale for some reason! lol
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I do not weigh in daily any more. It was becoming an obsession. I had to educate myself (thank you Google) on weight fluctuations and what causes them. Weighing daily is simply not accurate. I weigh in 2 x's a week, always in the morning and mostly in the same type of clothes (pj's or skivies).

    Now that my weight loss has stalled, I have wanted to move to measuring inch loss instead. I have yet to perfect this, as I seem to never measure in the exact same spot ?!?! Until I get the measuring bit correct, I go by how my clothes fit / feel / look on me as well as what the scale says.
  • kgchisholm
    kgchisholm Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with that.

    I lose inches and gain cardio endurance consistently, even in times when the scale won't budge. It's nice to remember we're more than a number!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I have learned:

    * Weight fluctuates day to day
    * My weight goes up after a hard workout
    * My weight goes down after a HIIT run
    * My weight goes up a for a couple of days once a month. (TOM)
    * My weight goes up after a day of crappy eating
    * My weight goes down if I keep hydrated
    * I just found this one last month. My weight goes up if I injure myself. (This only happened once, so it could have been coincidence, but I don't think so)
    * A litre of water is very heavy. Don't weigh after you drink water.
    * Weigh first thing in the morning after you pee.
    * Bowel movements affect weight loss.
    * My weight can fluctuate up to 3 lbs from day to day.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night.

    I've learned that if I only gain a pound or so throughout the day, I can expect a loss in the morning. If I gain MORE than around 2 pounds during the day, I can expect to maintain or gain a bit.

    So far, this has been true EVERY time.

    This rings very true for me as well! I weigh daily, but only record it once a week.

    I've also learned that a splurge McDonald's dinner will cause a short term colon cleanse effect, but will show on the scale a day later.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Not to weigh in the day after a heavy exercise day, always after a rest day!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    the biggest thing i have learned is that fluctuations are normal, and not to stress about being up1lb, .5lbs, etc. As long as the overall trend (weekly, monthly) is down, thats what matters. For example, last week i was 158.8, 158.6, 158.6, 158.8, 159, 159, 159, 159 and today 157.6 Once i stay steady for several days, then i know it will go down, even though it sometimes goes back up a few tenths of a pound. Who cares? i am still losing overall. I also do not log every time the scale changes, only when i get the same loss 2 days in a row. So if the scale says 157.6 tomorrow, i will weigh in on MFP. Likewise, i dont log the .2lbs gained. If it was a true gain and not fluctuations, i would. (To me a true gain would be if i got off track fora few days or a week and gained a pound or two.)
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Eating restaurant food or anything loaded with sodium would make me "gain" anywhere from 1-3 pounds for about 2-3 days

    After a night of drinking, dehydration will make me "lose" 1-2 pounds for a day.

    I'd never connected restaurant food/ high sodium with the upped weight - good work on linking those!
    Although that may be because I'm more likely to cheat on weekends, which is when I'll go to restaurants.

    And as for the alcohol - lucky you! I put on up to 2kg for the next day or 2 :grumble:
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night.

    I've learned that if I only gain a pound or so throughout the day, I can expect a loss in the morning. If I gain MORE than around 2 pounds during the day, I can expect to maintain or gain a bit.

    So far, this has been true EVERY time.

    That the scale does not reflect my size or health.


    I just follow my plan and weigh in once a week. more than that makes you crazy!
  • dadeys1
    dadeys1 Posts: 40 Member
    Good info. Glad to hear my "discoveries" are normal. Thanks all!
  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night.

    I've learned that if I only gain a pound or so throughout the day, I can expect a loss in the morning. If I gain MORE than around 2 pounds during the day, I can expect to maintain or gain a bit.

    So far, this has been true EVERY time.

    This rings very true for me as well! I weigh daily, but only record it once a week.

    I've also learned that a splurge McDonald's dinner will cause a short term colon cleanse effect, but will show on the scale a day later.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • _Ren
    _Ren Posts: 89 Member
    I learned not to do it.
  • It's very frustrating! I try to be diligent with my diet but if I have one night of cheating it seems that I gain back most of the weight that I've struggled to lose all week. My husband took me out for Valentine's Day and we had Thai food and wine. I gained 3 pounds overnight. Yesterday, however, I watched what I ate, exercised alot and today I found all but 4 ounces of that weight are gone. If I didn't weight myself every day I wouldn't be able to adjust my habits based on weight gain. I found it to be helpful to me in losing weight, even if it's frustrating!
  • Kristiehaines
    Kristiehaines Posts: 11 Member
    I think it keeps you honest and is okay...until you hit a plateau and it is very discouraging.