who's tryed jillian michaels30 day shred?? if so....



  • I just started today. I was surprised that I was able to make it though the whole workout, it was tough. I'm sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. This was the first time I've done a real workout....so far all I've been doing is walking (2 miles/day). My legs aren't sore, but I can tell that I probably won't be able to move my arms when I wake up in the morning.

    I used 3lb weights and will probably continue with them until level 2.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I finished it today, lost 10 pounds and 7.5" total off my hips, waist, thighs and chest

    Well worth doing :)

    I completely agree that you should take before pics and measurements too
  • crawford4398
    crawford4398 Posts: 441 Member
    I know with this work out she wants you to follow her diet plan, But i was wondering i am only eating 1200 calories a day. Has anyone tried it and had good results with out her eating plan??
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Forgot to say I used 3 pound and 5 pound dumbbells depending on the exercise, and I didnt follow her diet plan, I just counted my cals on MFP
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Tomorrow is my last day of level 1i use 3lb weights. Intense workout.
  • laurajplus4
    laurajplus4 Posts: 25 Member
    I finished a few weeks ago, and saw some results, however, I eat low calories as well as add an hour of cardio (running/elliptical). So, the results are not only 30DS results. I do love it, but was glad t be done and move on to another JM video.
  • im doing it right now im 15 days in and have lost 8lbs and 2 inches off my bust, 2 off my waist, and 2 off of each thigh. im super happy with the results and would do it again in a heart beat! best $15 ive ever spent! (including $5 for the weights) haha
  • It will give you stamina and prepare you for more intense routines.

    I hope this is the case for me! I plan on starting P90X again after I get done.
  • I did it last month in January for 24 days (8 days each level) with no additional exercise, just the shred each day using 5 lb weights and a diet of 1300-1400 cals. I lost 9 lbs in those 24 days as well as inches and gained muscle definition :) it's an amazing workout! Just be sure to stick with it even when you want to give up (especially during level 2 which I found to be the hardest of all 3).. it's so worth it in the end! Good luck! :)
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    I did it last month in January for 24 days (8 days each level) with no additional exercise, just the shred each day using 5 lb weights and a diet of 1300-1400 cals. I lost 9 lbs in those 24 days as well as inches and gained muscle definition :) it's an amazing workout! Just be sure to stick with it even when you want to give up (especially during level 2 which I found to be the hardest of all 3).. it's so worth it in the end! Good luck! :)

    Glad im not the only one who thinks level 2 is hardest
  • LorahJo
    LorahJo Posts: 151 Member
    Hey I don't wanna spam your topic but urgeeee you all to carry on and finish the shred it really made me fee great and here are my before and afters

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/483520-jillians-30ds-before-and-afters :)
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I did it last year and really enjoyed. Some of it is tough but the workout is short so you can get through it. i really liked the fact it was a shirt workout but i still got a high heart rate and achy muscles, i felt like i was doing something! I didn't do it in 30 days, i had a coupel days off occasionally and did walking or swimming when my muscles were achy. I lost weight maybe slightly faster but nothing too noticable but my sister was impressed as she thought my legs were much more toned (and i have thunder thighs!) and i felt stronger and had more definition. I've lost the dvd (boo!) but am thinking about buying it again when i have some spare cash as i think it is a good workout for those with little time.

    Hope that helped!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Also, i had no weight so i used food tins and still got pretty good results!
  • bjsquires
    bjsquires Posts: 72 Member
    I just ordered the DVD myself and am aiming to start it mid-March or the 1st of April. Feel free to add me and we can do it together~
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    I have never done it for 30 days in a row but always do it 4 or 5 times a week, sometimes just level one if im having a lazy day and dont want to workout.

    I think if you have the drive to stick to it for 30 days and follow a healthy diet you are definately going to see results. It wont dissapoint you. Ripped in 30 and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism are also great Jillian workouts!

    Good Luck :)
  • cssm
    cssm Posts: 25
    i am doing the shred at the moment im up to day 20. i have had great results unfortunately i didnt measure myself on day 1 im dissappointed i didnt. I have combined the shred with 1 hr cardio 4 days a week and have done it most days in a row. good luck stick at it . i use 5lb weights and believe me they feel like half a tonne after a while. feel free to add me if you like.
  • thanks for the replys it helps alot =)
  • i just finished the shred yesterday, doing 30 days straight. i did a couple days with leslie sansone, but not many, but in the 30 days i lost 7 pounds and 15" inches from all over. (I measured bust, under bust, waist, hips, butt, and both thighs and arms). I had to modify some of the moves too, but i'm really happy with the results combined with my eating habits! I hope you like it too!
  • I know with this work out she wants you to follow her diet plan, But i was wondering i am only eating 1200 calories a day. Has anyone tried it and had good results with out her eating plan??

    I didn't even look at her eating plan and stuck with level 1 for 4 weeks before moving to level 2. I logged everything I ate on MFP, limited to 1200 calories a day like you, and had great results. Bonus? My butt has NEVER looked as good as it did when I was doing this workout!
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    Today was Day 1 of Level 3. I'm pretty sure at this point that Jillian hates me.

    I LOVED Level 2!!

    Level 3 is going to be the death of me. I swear. My knees and ankles cannot take the impact of all the jumping exercises. And for the life of me, I am just not coordinated enough to do the "Rock Star" jump. :(

    I'm not giving up -- I've come too far, but there has to be some kind of comparable exercise I can substitute for all the jumping. Right? Please? any suggestions?

    Tomorrow is another day and I will again attempt to jump along with her supermodel assistants, but I'm really feeling bummed after today's workout. :(

    P.S. I've lost 2 inches off my waist, 1.5 off my hips, and 1.5 off my lower belly (below the belly button).