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Has anyone upped their calories from 1200 cals?



  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    I upped mine and lo and behold ive started to lose weight, ive also stopped exercising at the present time as my body seems to be happy with just an active life style, once ive lost a bit more then i will tone up and exercise but i genuinely believe it was hindering me.

    I hope you find something that works for you
  • Problem #1--considering MFP the gospel. If you didnt see minimal results after 2 weeks, you should have adjusted.

    I have lost over 100 lbs doing 800-1200 cals a day. I hit a wall and actually took a few days off then came back and upped my calories and lost 7 pounds in a week.

    Play with your numbers...go up 200 a day to see if that helps. Everyone has a different starvation mode set on their body, you just need to find yours.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I upped my calories from 1200-1600 after 2 days.
    That was last May.

    I'm 5'5" I work out 3 days a week and eat 2k calories 4 days a week and 2800 calories 3 days a week.
    I lose 1lb of fat a week and maintain all my lean mass because I pick heavy things up and put them down for 20-45 mins a session.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i'm 5.2 and was put on 1200 a day with mfp too. I was loosing 2 lbs a month, i have lost 6-7 lbs so far. Some days i have a very hard time not going over 1200 as i'm hungry. on exercise days i'm good as i get extra calories to eat :) As of 2 weeks ago i upped mine to 1310, as i changed my setting from 1 lbs to 1/2 a lb b/c all i was loosing was 1/2 a lb anyway, so i thought the extra calories might help. so far no change, as i also have been stuck for 1 month at 133.2 / 133.4, can't get under it, if i do it's 132.8 and it's for a day then right back up! i always eat my exercise calories and maybe that's my problem, maybe i should go to eating only half of them back? my bmr is 1252, so as long as i get 1250 a day i'm happy and net 1200 if i exercise... we will see what happens in the next week or two, my goal deadline was march 20th for all 15 lbs but i don't think that is going to happen.... ( i have been trying to loose since Oct 22nd.)
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    I was never as low as 1200 calories because I was already too hungry on 1300 plus most of my exercise calories. As I'm so close to my goal (5-10 lbs) and weight loss was going to slow down anyway, I decided to up my calories to 1500 (plus some exercise calories if necessary). It was the best thing I did. It took my body about a week to adjust (I gained 1lb), but I've been slowly but I had been slowing losing since. I think making the switch is a great idea - give your body time to adjust even if the scale goes up a little bit at first.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    A friend of mine is a biochemist.. she is a book of knowledge and I pick her brain all the time. I was on 1200 cals for a long time and lost nothing. She recommended a good rule of thumb.. eat your weight + 0 (so for me, I'm in the 160's weight wise, so I eat 160+0 = 1,600 calories a day. So if you're 170... 1,700 calories would be good, and yes, this is to LOSE weight. Also, she recommended eating 60-80% calories if you do strenous workouts like lifting weights, running, Spin class, etc... in turn, don't document every little thing you do throughout the day like cleaning the kitchen, making dinner, grocery shopping LOL (lots of people log this as exercise but it's just daily living activities).. only gym time should be factored into those calories you "eat back"

    Since I've made this switch I've lost almost 10 pounds since 1/1/12.
  • I suggest having your BMR done and eating enough calories. 1200 is not enough unless you are super small and since you are exercising, you need to eat more. I aim for about 1500 and I am 5'4" and weigh 147 but I also eat more if I have a good exercise day.

    I am eating 1200 calories and getting no where. I had not thought about at least eating your BMR calories. That makes a lot of sense! Thanks!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I upped mine to 1300. I work out around 6 days a week, so I usually eat more than that (since I've earned extra) but on days that I don't work out, I'm good between 1200-1300 calories. My weight loss goal is set at 1lb a week, but as I lose and get closer to my goal weight, I'll probably change that to .5 lb a week just to kinda keep myself balanced. 1200 is good if you're not exercising at all and you have a considerable amount of weight to lose (like more than 50 lbs).
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    If you start working out more and eating back your exercise calories you will start losing weight again I'm 5'2", 58 years old and have lost 19lbs. CW 115.....I work out 5 days a week, eat my exercise calories. I think that you have to get moving a little more. At least go for a walk if you can't make it to the gym and log all your exercise calories.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I recently changed my cals from 1200 to 1540. I find this is better and I'm not starving. I generally don't eat back all my exercise cals.

    I eat most of my food in the early afternoon-late evening as I workout at say 8pm-9.30pm.

    I was hungry on 1200 a day. It is so easy to go over. SOme days still, I would only eat 1200 but at least I have the option of going to 1540 if I need it.

    When i exercise alot, a few days later I will be starving. I just eat more dense/slow release foods but would defo go up to 1540.
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    My limit is higher, but for the longest time I was averaging around 1100-1200 a day. The scale got stuck and it only moved again when I ate more for a few days. I feel like I am stuck on a plateau again, so I'm going to go over my calories and see if that helps. I think that was is important when you do this is that you are going over with healthy food and not crap. I've read (and said myself here) how much "zig-zagging" (over one day, under the next) helps, and I really think it does.
  • forty3fab
    forty3fab Posts: 148 Member
    I just recently upped my calories to 1560 so that I will consume a little above my BMR. This is fairly new so I will see how it goes. My weight and height mirrors yours, so feel free to add me and we can do this together!
  • I haven't upped my calories. I make sure I at least eat my calories back. On most days I don't even meet my calorie goal. If you haven't seen a change in your weight do not stress over it. Sometimes the change comes in losing inches and our clothes fiting better. Also make sure you are varying your workouts. You can hit a plateau if you continue to do the same workouts every day day in and day out. Your body becomes used it and doesn't burn as many calories. Trying to change up your routine at least every week, if not every day. Keep up the hard work.
  • you have to do whats best for you. I TRY to keep as close to my 1200 as possible, however, I do up them from time to time. It jumps your metabolism. I was a Curves trainer and their diet went from 1200 cals for a week to 1500 for 2 weeks to 1800 for a week, then restarted the circle. You can't stay at 1200 for ever, you will plateau. also muscle weighs more than fat so don't be alarmed if you gain a little. I say if weight watchers was working for you stick with it, it seems to be one of the more proven ways of life. ( I never say diet), but try to track your cals just to see what you are doing. It just amazes me the fat, cals, and other goodies we have in our daily foods. Its a definite eye opener!!!!!! Good luck
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I would go ahead and slowly increase and you will see results soon. To start I would try adding a home made shake to breakfast. 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1 container 100 cal yogurt and 1 cup skim milk will easily tack on 280 calories without overwhelming your stomach. You have done great to stick with your plan so far, just need to tweak it and you should see some weight loss! Good luck!
  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    I agree with the other posts, eating below 1200 calories is too low. I workout at least 5 times a week and eat back most of my exercise calories. Once or twice a week I have spike days which for me means that I eat at or above my BMR (whether I exercised or not), just making sure not to go over my maintenance calories. So far, following this plan has allowed me to consistently lose 2 pounds a week and I do not feel deprived at all.

    I would recommend that you eat something 45 mins to an hour before working out, I try to do this when I workout in the evenings and it definitely helps with my energy level.

    Once you find the mix that works for you, you will see results. Since you have increased your calories, try it out a little while and see if it works for you, identifying that something isn’t working is the key, you are well on your way to reaching your goals!
  • I started my diet in January and I've been sticking to the 1200 calorie intake with hardly any exercise and I've lost 9lb!
    Doesn't seem to have any side affects with me but I suppose that it deppends on how your own body works and how you feel comfortable with it. :)
  • Hi I have been on MFP since the beginning of January and have lost only 1lb in weight! Prior to that I had been on Weight Watchers for 3 months and lost 16lbs!!

    I left WW because I wanted to know how many calories I was eating rather than following their mysterious points system.

    MFP put me on 1200 cals - I am 172lbs currently and want to get down to 133lbs. I am 5feet 2inches tall, age 46, and mainly sedentary. I am a vegetarian on a strict plant based diet. I never struggled 1200 cals anda lot of the time did not use all that allowance. I have also now started going to the gym a couple of times a week and do not always eat back my exercise calories.

    Anyway for the longest time, I have been on this plateau of not losing weight, which was bad enough. But now I find I have hardly any energy, I have dark circles round my eyes, and basically feel really lethargic and de-motivated. So I have upped my intake to 1500 cals starting today.

    I was just wondering whether anyone else has had similar experiences on 1200 cals, what did you do and what results have you had? Did it get you off your plateau?

    If I was you I would consult a doctor. I'm not a doctor, but your symptoms that you describe, lack of energy, dark circle around your eyes sounds a lot like you my have Iron Deficiency Anemia, which is common for people following a stricted Vegetarian Diet. Iron Deficiency Anemia can also sabotage your weight progress, until you get it under control. Please consult a doctor immediately, and not rely on what other people have to say.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Yep, I upped from 1200.

    I was very bummed to see that my BMR is only 1290 or so though and my maintenance around only 1600.

    I generally eat around 1370 (my MFP number for 0.5lb loss) plus almost but not quite all of my exercise calories (calculated using an HRM, some margin left to account for doing nothing burn). I'm still not losing and I'm getting very tired of it. I'm on the last 10lbs though so I am trying to focus on the fact that I am getting fitter (and not fatter) even though i'm not losing.
  • msjta
    msjta Posts: 51
    I have not had to increase my intake because I eat better foods with less calories. Actually, after each meal I am full. As a result, i may reduce my intake because i consume alot of fruits and veggies daily: a least 2 whole pink grapefruits (luv them), salad leafs and chicken (jerked), fish and turkey. i am not real fond of starches but try to consume some daily: peanut butter crackers (4 pk). I have numerous food allergies which limit my variety but I have just explored more and create numerous meals.