FitBit users, can somebody help me?

I am trying to set up my fitbit on my computer... I am getting an error when the computer is trying to locate the FitBit...

I emailed customer service but I noticed something that I think is weird... When I "open" up my fitbit to look at the spot where it connects to the base... I only see 3 gold connection spots on one side, but the base has 5 gold connection spots on each side.

Do you think I have a defective FitBit? Would it be possible for you to look at yours really quick and see how many connection spots you have on your FitBit?



  • LathansMommy
    I have 3 too.. Did you download the software from
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    Yep... I also registered on the site... but when I get to the "FitBit Tracker Setup" It's telling me that my Tracker is not responding to requests! I really don't want to wait 3 days for customer service to get back to me (I did email them). This is very disheartneing! :brokenheart:
  • angraham2
    I had the same problem. Load the software, restart your computer then try to link your fitbit. It took me a couple tries, but it finally worked. Also there is a tiny reset button on the bottom of your charging stand. put the fitbit on the stand and use a toothpick to push the reset button. This also is supposed to help.
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    Thanks for the advice... but still no luck! This is really upsetting!!!